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Cramped Forum Space (1 Viewer)


New member
Apr 1, 2007
I'm kind of concerned with the width of the actual text within forum posts. In different skins it's different widths, but in the default settings, text is crammed into 400 pixels. Compared to popular forums such as forums.worldofworcraft.com, which has 540 pixels, or critical-security.net with 745, this is definitely small. The fix? take away the right toolbar, which is 145 pixels in itself, if you also count the necessary border. it's practically useless anyway, because users can simply go up a level in the general forums if they want to see new posts - plus its more detailed in the main forum section. also, some of the borders could definitely be reduced and still keep the style of the site intact. Just some suggestions. Who's the webmaster anyway for notaddicted.com?
I hate that it's cramped too. I suppose I can drop the right column, we'd lose it on the front-page too but oh well.

There is a huge re-design coming up, and I've been told it will be ready by May 1st. We'll be switching the front-page to Drupal, then we can free these forums up of their stupid columns.
Try inserting really large image files in your posts. I hear that forces the window width to be wider & in effect fixes the problem.
I'm kind of concerned with the width of the actual text within forum posts. In different skins it's different widths, but in the default settings, text is crammed into 400 pixels.

That all fits on one line when I'm viewing these forums. It was almost perfectly one line long.

Solution, buy a widescreen monitor, and/or run a higher resolution. 1680x1050 here.
I'm kind of concerned with the width of the actual text within forum posts. In different skins it's different widths, but in the default settings, text is crammed into 400 pixels.

That all fits on one line when I'm viewing these forums. It was almost perfectly one line long.

Solution, buy a widescreen monitor, and/or run a higher resolution. 1680x1050 here.

ok great sounds like a plan. I'll go buy a 1500$ monitor and change my resolution so i can see this site slightly better. i dont mean to sound like i'm QQing, but thats just completely ridiculous.
ok great sounds like a plan. I'll go buy a 1500$ monitor and change my resolution so i can see this site slightly better. i dont mean to sound like i'm QQing, but thats just completely ridiculous.

$1500 monitor? jesus christ, what the fuck are you buyin? some 40" tv and usin it as a computer display? i have a 22" widescreen that i only paid $320 brand new from acer. lol
doesn't look bad to me.

Compared to popular forums such as forums.worldofworcraft.com, which has 540 pixels, or critical-security.net with 745, this is definitely small.

Just because the WoW forums are popular does not mean they should be mimiced. NOONE finds the WoW forums aesthetically significant; at best, you can call them acceptable. They have no control over your avatars, minimal text control, no embedded tags, limited signatures, posting is limited to registered WoW users, and the authentication is HORRIBLE. The reason for their popularity is because people enjoy the predefined method for getting in touch with their realmmates, the established community for WoW-related discussion, and the delusion that they could actually influence in some way the game's development--not because they actually favor the forums themselves.
The WoW forums do indeed suck dick.

I don't feel on an official gaming forum you should have much of a choice for avatars or embedded tags... it would be too much to moderate with a community that large.

But sig length sucks, there are zero optional skins, there is no PM function, mods are practically non-existant, unlimited numbers of alt posters run rampant of the same ONE account, and authentication is down all the time... (actually every time you're billing date comes up for month to month subscribers, even though you're set to auto-resubscribe). And though it's been changed (*I think*), having perfectly good, and often in the class forums, incredibly helpful, posts constantly getting pushed off the end of the server and pruned (deleted/lost) all the time is fucking pathetic. With the income they take in every month, you can't tell me they can't afford data storage for a forum.

I'd much prefer a forum similar to the SWG forums. Several skins, PMs, sigs where you can use some limited HTML to color and change font on your sigs, so you can actually get some quality formatted, fun sigs... Post tracking, so you can personally sticky and unsticky any posts you want (they only show up that way for your account), etc etc etc. And up until the point that they changed software a few months back, I could still search my old username and see EVERY post I ever made, all the way back to 2003. And users did not have the option to delete their own posts. You could edit it out, but people would still know you said something that turned out to be stupid in hindsight. Just another of those things that goes along with accountability among the community, and reputation actually mattering.

Especially PMing and post tracking though. Short sig length was just always an annoyance, and sigs are just a fluff feature really.
PHPBB provides pretty good forums with all those features for the host. They're also relatively secure so larger corporations can use it too. Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, the code is completely modifiable, because you have access to the source.
I don't feel on an official gaming forum you should have much of a choice for avatars or embedded tags... it would be too much to moderate with a community that large.
Valid point.

But also--just because those forum needs to be so heavily moderated does not mean you need to OMIT choice. You could give users their choice of a few different avatars--different views, hair styles, faces, etc.

I hate how my level-70 avatar looks uglier than my level-60 version. :-/
Cramped Forum Space

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