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Common lands Griffon MM fully automated Macro (1 Viewer)



This shit gonna get nerfed pretty damn quick but while you can...Have fun...

Oh and I'm not exactly sure the invite thing works, I have my friends hardcoded into my personal copy

There is a workaround for warping relative to the targets location.

/Megawarp t e 150 (Warp 150 feet east of Target) can be fixxed and work with Warps that do not include this function into it. Scroll down to about the 6th post for it. I'm not adding it to the Macro because some people's warp use /warp X Y Z and some use /warp Y X Z (Y is switched with X as is the case with /loc) it's an easy fix, just watch your characters once around, if you warp some weird place switch it like I show you in that post and you should be fine.

Edit: Added Succor after killing the guard

Rich (BB code):
|Fully Automated West Commonlands Griffon Task
|This assumes your only one entering zone every 45 minutes, and that you already have 3 characters in group
|Change the INVITE PW by changing what the event INVITE looks for (PASSWORD) to whatever you require your other
|toons or trusted friends to type in.
| Macro by Ccomp5950
| Usage: Start within /say distance of Kathi Norman in West Commonlands and walk away
| Last Updated 20 Oct 2005 0041(CST)
| Oh and steal this macro!~

#Chat say
#Chat Group
#Chat Tell

#Event Invite "#1# tells you, 'Invite me (PASSWORD)'#*#"
#Event WaitTimer "#*#task because you must wait 0d:0h:#1#m before you can#*#"

#turbo 10
#include spellcast.inc
Sub Main()
/Echo =============================
/Echo East Commons Task AFK V1.0
/Echo =============================
/call Setup

/if (${Zone.ID}==22) /goto :Bigloop
/call Reset

/Call Cast
/keypress Left
/tar _01
/megawarp t
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _02
/megawarp t
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _03
/megawarp t
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _04
/megawarp t
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _05
/megawarp t
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _06
/megawarp t
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _07
/megawarp t
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _08
/megawarp t
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _09
/megawarp t
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _10
/megawarp t
/keypress Left
/delay 15s
/tar Guard_Tygus
/megawarp t
/delay 1
/keypress 3
/delay 3s
/call BigAttack ${Target.ID}
/megawarp s
/delay 10m (${Me.PctMana}>95)
/tar Merchant_Wendell
/megawarp t
/keypress Left
/delay 1s
/delay 2s
/megawarp 683 527 -49
/call BigAttack ${Target.ID}
/delay 15s 
/tar Kathi
/megawarp t
/keypress Left
/delay 1s
/say Leave
/delay 30s
/goto :StartOver


Sub Movement(int MoveX,int MoveY)
/if ((${MoveX}==9999) && (${MoveY}==9999)) {
	/varset MoveX ${Target.X}
	/varset MoveY ${Target.Y}
    /declare iCount int local 
    /varset iCount 0 

    /delay 1 
    /face fast nolook loc ${MoveY},${MoveX} 
    /if (${Math.Distance[${MoveY},${MoveX}]}>6) { 
       /keypress forward hold 
    } else { 
       /keypress forward 

    /if (${iCount}>2) { 
        /face fast nolook loc ${MoveY},${MoveX} 
        /varset iCount 0 
    /goto :AnchorMoveLoop

Sub Reset
   /for g 0 to ${Group.Members} {
   /varcalc g2 ${Group.Members}-${g}
   /taskremove ${Group.Member[${g2}]}
   /next g 
   /delay 5s
/call Movement -851 1011
/target "Kathi Norman" npc
/delay 1s
/say happy
/delay 5s
/delay 5s
 /if (${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Open}) {
    /notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectAcceptButton leftmouseup
    /delay 5s
    /goto :Okyourgood
/goto :OMGWAIT
/delay 10s
/target "Kathi Norman" npc
/delay 20s
/say trinket
/delay 30s
/gsay And it begins...
/varset waiter 0

Sub Setup

/declare y int outer 0
/declare g int outer 0
/declare g2 int outer 0
/declare waitforit int outer 0
/declare w int outer 1
/declare waiter int outer 0


      /echo GM has entered the zone!

Sub Event_Invite(Junk,string Nameb)
/invite ${Nameb}
/taskadd ${Nameb}
/pause 1s

Sub BigAttack(int TargID)
/varset w 1
/varset y 1
/delay 2s
/attack off
/delay 2s
/call cast "Snare" activat
/delay 2s
/if (${Target.Distance}>100) /goto :Looperlala
/tar ID ${TargID}
/delay 1s
/if (${Target.Distance}>160) /call Warper
/call cast "Careless Lightning" activate
/delay 2
/delay 7s (!${Me.Casting.Name.Equal["Careless Lightning"]})
/delay 1s
/if (${Target.PctHPs}<40) {
	/call cast "Snare" activate
	/delay 7s (!${Me.Casting.Name.Equal["Snare"]})
/if (${Target.Distance}<20) /call Warper
/delay 1s
/if (!${Target.ID}) /return
/if (${Target.Type.Equal[Corpse]}) /return
/goto :BattleLooper

Sub Warper
/if (!${Target.ID}) /return
/if (${y}==0) {
	/megawarp t e 150
	/varset y 1
	/delay 1s
/if (${y}==1) {
	/megawarp t w 150
	/varset y 0
/delay 1s

Sub Event_WaitTimer(crap,int Waitupyo)
/varcalc Waitupyo ${Waitupyo}+1
/echo Delaying ${Waitupyo} minutes
/for y 0 to ${Waitupyo}
/Echo ${Math.Calc[${Waitupyo}-${y}]} minutes left till get new expedition
/delay 15s
/delay 15s
/delay 15s
/delay 15s
/next y
/target "Kathi Norman" npc
/say happy
Last edited:
im useless at looking at macros , will this remove players from the exped once its completed? Really love the idea of this :)
Id prefer to see this macro with no warp but moveto locs , if that is possible? Mind you getting to the named in time might prove tricky with that
I'm using Cade's compile and I don't have a spellcast.inc. Could someone send that to me over AIM or email it to me in an attachment or something?
It will remove all people from the task that you are GROUPED with.

Using the code:
Rich (BB code):
   /for g 0 to ${Group.Members} {
   /varcalc g2 ${Group.Members}-${g}
   /taskremove ${Group.Member[${g2}]}
   /next g

If your not grouped with them there is no need to remove them as they will not be added automatically to your next task.

Yes it can be done with Moveto, or /call Movement X Y as I was originally intending to do but got fed up with it and simply used warp. (I had 2 hours to make this was running out of time)

Here is SpellCast.inc

Rich (BB code):
| SpellCast.inc 
| Last Modified: 7/29/2005 
| This will cast a spell reliably for you... 
| Usage: 
|       /call Cast "spellname|itemname|AA#|AAskillname" [item|activate|gem#] [nocheck|dismount|nodismount] 
| If no dismount or nodismount is provided it defaults to nodismount. 
| This would essentially: /cast "Death Peace" 
| example: /call Cast "Death Peace" 
| This would essentially: Check for the spell in your spell slots, if not there mem it to spell 
|                         gem slot 7 and then /cast "Death Peace" 
| example: /call Cast "Death Peace" gem7 
| This would essentially: /cast item "White Rope Bridle" 
| example: /call Cast "White Rope Bridle" item 
| This would essentially: /alt activate 169 
| example: /call Cast "169" activate 
|  or... 
| example: /call Cast "Divine Arbitration" activate 
| This would dismount if your target was lost or dies mid-cast, cast Burn and mem it to spell 
| slot 3 if it wasn't already memmed: 
| example: /call Cast "Burn" gem3 dismount 
| This would not dismount but would move you back and forth if your target was lost or dies mid-cast, cast Burn and mem 
| it to spell slot 3 if it wasn't already memmed: 
| example: /call Cast "Burn" gem3 nodismount 
| 'nocheck' is the default for the "loss of target/target dying" value.  If nocheck is specified (Or nothing was specified) 
| no target checking will be performed and spellcast.inc should act like the spellcast.inc of the past. 
| It will return the following values: 
| New Vars Modification 
| Plazmic's no globals needed version 
| Oct 09, 2003 - Updated to work with new vars and $char(casting) -gf 
| Oct 11, 2003 - switched some logic, removed defines -gf 
| Oct 15, 2003 - Item support added by -EqMule 
| XXX xx, xxxx - Modified to add automeming of spells. -Goofmester1 
| Dec 26, 2003 - fd fail 1 added -m0nk 
| Jan 01, 2004 - timeout(5s) added to stop "dead-time" -m0nk 
| Jan 01, 2004 - switchd fdfail to a standing check. -m0nk 
| Jan 01, 2004 - added silence checking as a stun check -m0nk 
| Feb 17, 2004 - added AA activate capabilities -ml2517 
| Apr 11, 2004 - Updated for new Parm system -ml2517 
| Apr 12, 2004 - Will spit out a different message on immune to slows. -ml2517 
| Apr 16, 2004 - Removed /sendkeys and replaced with /keypress. -ml2517 
| Apr 17, 2004 - Various code enhancements. -Wassup 
| Apr 20, 2004 - Updated all of the /if's to have parenthesis. -ml2517 
| Apr 25, 2004 - Updated to new variable system. -ml2517 
| Apr 29, 2004 - Fixed Item problem -ml2517 
| Apr 29, 2004 - Changed the alt ability to use AltAbilityReady instead of an event. -ml2517 
| May 02, 2004 - Added the ability to specify a gem slot to mem spells to. -ml2517 
| May 10, 2004 - Updated for new event system. 
| May 12, 2004 - Added suggestions for loss of target and stun handling change. -ml2517 
| May 13, 2004 - Activate now accepts AA skill by name or number. -ml2517 
| May 14, 2004 - Added the nocheck value, it is the default. This bypasses the target checking code. -ml2517 
| Jul 29, 2005 - Added some delay and hopefully fixed bugged spellbook -fearless

#event Fizzle "#*#Your spell fizzles#*#" 
#event Interrupt "#*#Your casting has been interrupted#*#" 
#event Interrupt "#*#Your spell is interrupted.#*#" 
#event Recover "#*#You haven't recovered yet...#*#" 
#event Recover "#*#Spell recovery time not yet met.#*#" 
#event Resisted "#*#Your target resisted the #*#" 
#event OutOfMana "#*#Insufficient Mana to cast this spell!#*#" 
#event OutOfRange "#*#Your target is out of range, get closer!#*#" 
#event NoLOS "#*#You cannot see your target.#*#" 
#event Stunned "#*#You cannot cast while stunned#*#" 
#event Stunned "#*#You *CANNOT* cast spells, you have been silenced!#*#" 
#event Standing "#*#You must be standing to cast a spell#*#" 
#event Standing "#*#has fallen to the ground.#*#" 
#event Collapse "#*#Your gate is too unstable, and collapses.#*#" 
#event ImmuneSlow "#*#Your target is immune to changes in its attack speed.#*#" 

Sub Cast(SpellName,ItemFlag,DismountFlag) 
   /declare HaveTarget int local 0 
   /declare CastBarTime timer local 
   /declare CastCurrLocY float local 0 
   /declare CastCurrLocX float local 0 
   /varset CastCurrLocY ${Me.Y} 
   /varset CastCurrLocX ${Me.X} 
   /if (${Target.ID}>0) /varset HaveTarget 1 
   /if (!${Defined[CastGiveUpTime]}) /declare CastGiveUpTime timer local 
   /if (!${Defined[ItemFlag]}) /declare ItemFlag string local 
   /if (!${Defined[DismountFlag]}) { 
       /declare DismountFlag string local nocheck 
       /if (${ItemFlag.Find["dismount"]}) /varset DismountFlag ${ItemFlag} 
   /if (!${Me.Standing} && !${Me.Mount.ID}>0) /stand 
   /if (${Me.Moving}) { 
       /keypress forward 
       /keypress back 
       /delay 8 
   } else { 
       /delay 4 
   /if (${ItemFlag.Equal["Item"]} || ${ItemFlag.Equal["Activate"]}) /goto :StartCast 

   /if (!${Me.Gem["${SpellName}"]}) { 
       /if (${ItemFlag.Find[gem]}) { 
           /if (${Int[${ItemFlag.Right[1]}]}>0 && ${Int[${ItemFlag.Right[1]}]}<9) { 
               /memspell ${ItemFlag.Right[1]} "${SpellName}" 
               /delay 5s ${Me.Gem["${SpellName}"]}
               /if ( ${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open} ) /timed 20 /stand
           } else { 
               /goto :GenericMem 
       } else {        
           /memspell 5 "${SpellName}" 
           /delay 5s ${Me.Gem["${SpellName}"]}
           /if ( ${Window[SpellBookWnd].Open} ) /timed 20 /stand

      /varset CastGiveUpTime 15s 
      /if (${ItemFlag.Equal["Item"]}) { 
         /call ClearReturnValue 
         /cast item "${SpellName}" 
      } else /if (${ItemFlag.Equal["Activate"]}) { 
         /call ClearReturnValue 
         /if (!${Me.AltAbilityReady[${SpellName}]}) /return CAST_ABILITYNOTREADY 
         /alt activate ${Me.AltAbility[${SpellName}].ID} 
         /varset CastBarTime ${Me.Casting.CastTime} 
      } else { 
         /if (!${Me.Gem["${SpellName}"]}) /return CAST_UNKNOWNSPELL 
         /call ClearReturnValue 
         /if (!${Me.SpellReady["${SpellName}"]}) { 
            /if (${CastGiveUpTime}==0) /return CAST_TOOK2LONG 
            /delay 1 
            /goto :CastNow 
         /cast "${SpellName}" 
         /varset CastBarTime ${Math.Calc[${Me.Casting.CastTime}*10]} 
      /if (${Me.Casting.ID}) { 
         /if ((!${Target.ID}>0 || ${Target.Type.Equal[CORPSE]}) && !${DismountFlag.Find[nocheck]} && ${HaveTarget}==1) { 
             /if (${Me.Mount.ID}>0) { 
                 /if (${DismountFlag.Equal[dismount]}) { 
                 } else { 
                     /if (!${ItemFlag.Equal["Item"]}) { 
                         /if (${CastBarTime}<7) { 
                             /keypress FORWARD hold 
                             /delay 6 
                             /keypress FORWARD 
                             /keypress BACK hold 
                             /delay 8 
                             /keypress BACK 
                         } else { 
                             /delay 1 
                             /if (${CastBarTime}<7) /goto :Interrupt 
                             /goto :HoldForSpell 
                     } else { 
                         /keypress FORWARD hold 
                         /delay 1 
                         /if (${Math.Distance[${CastCurrLocY},${CastCurrLocX}]}<6) /goto :Forward 
                         /keypress FORWARD 
                         /keypress BACK hold 
                         /delay 1 
                         /if (${Math.Distance[${CastCurrLocY},${CastCurrLocX}]}>4) /goto :Backward 
                         /keypress BACK 
                         /if (!${Me.Casting.ID}>0) /goto :DuckTime 
             /keypress FORWARD 
             /keypress BACK 
             /if (!${Me.Ducking}) /keypress DUCK 
             /delay 1 
             /if (${Me.Ducking}) /keypress DUCK 
             /return CAST_LOSTTARGET 
         /delay 1 
         /goto :WaitCast 
   /delay 1 
   /doevents Fizzle 
   /doevents Interrupt 
   /doevents Interrupt 
   /doevents Recover 
   /doevents Standing 
   /doevents OutOfRange 
   /doevents OutOfMana 
   /doevents NoLOS 
   /doevents Resisted 
   /doevents ImmuneSlow 
   /doevents Stunned 
   /doevents Collapse 
   /if (${Macro.Return.Equal["CAST_RESTART"]}) /goto :StartCast 
   /if (!${Macro.Return.Equal["NULL"]}) /return ${Macro.Return} 

Sub ClearReturnValue 
/return NULL 

Sub Event_Fizzle 

Sub Event_Interrupt 

Sub Event_Recover 
   /delay 5 

Sub Event_Standing 

Sub Event_Collapse 

Sub Event_OutOfMana 

Sub Event_OutOfRange 

Sub Event_NoLOS 

Sub Event_Stunned 
   /delay 2s !${Me.Stunned} 

Sub Event_Resisted 

Sub Event_ImmuneSlow 
Last edited:
inferno said:
so this macro will FULLY solo the mission and i can go to sleep?

It's what I been doing the last couple days.... So it appears so ;)


Also if you want to use /call Movement for this you can target the eggs by having /target _01 or whatever then /call Movement 9999 9999 (will move to target instead)

I've included the Movement Sub in the macro for moving the character away from the Location you zone into when you come from the instance.
Spunge, I made hotkeys for the spells, took out spellcast.inc and any "/call cast", replaced the call casts with /keypress # for the hotkeys. We'll see if it works here in 10 minutes when my lockout ends. =)

Spellcast.inc was posted between my posts. Nevermind! :D And thank you Ccomp for the macro and spellcast!
I've got Rwarp which doesn't have the /warp target e 150 command. Is there a way to make this work with Rwarp?
If your using any warp that doesn't support T W 150 paramaters (Warps you to the West of your target 150 meters) you can macro it in, the same way your warp reads X Y Z (some read Y X Z like /loc lists)

If this is the case here is the workaround...

/megawarp t w 150 = /rwarp ${MathCalc[${Target.Y}+150]} {Target.X} ${Target.Z}

/megawarp t e 150 = /rwarp ${MathCalc[${Target.Y}-150]} {Target.X} ${Target.Z}

If you warp out into some weird area change it to this...

W 150 = /rwarp {Target.X} ${MathCalc[${Target.Y}+150]} ${Target.Z}

E 150 = /rwarp {Target.X} ${MathCalc[${Target.Y}-150]} ${Target.Z}
Had my first anomally...

Add /megawarp s (or warp to Succor) after the first /call BigAttack

/tar Guard_Tygus
/megawarp t
/delay 1
/keypress 3
/delay 3s
/call BigAttack ${Target.ID}
/megawarp s
/delay 10m (${Me.PctMana}>95)
/tar Merchant_Wendell

For some reason another guard jumped me while killing the other guard, I killed the other guard with ease but then he killed me.

From using this?

or you were loggin in to try it and messed you up?

I been using this macro for past 3 days not had any problems.
Ccomp5950 said:
If your using any warp that doesn't support T W 150 paramaters (Warps you to the West of your target 150 meters) you can macro it in, the same way your warp reads X Y Z (some read Y X Z like /loc lists)

If this is the case here is the workaround...

/megawarp t w 150 = /rwarp ${MathCalc[${Target.Y}+150]} {Target.X} ${Target.Z}

/megawarp t e 150 = /rwarp ${MathCalc[${Target.Y}-150]} {Target.X} ${Target.Z}

If you warp out into some weird area change it to this...

W 150 = /rwarp {Target.X} ${MathCalc[${Target.Y}+150]} ${Target.Z}

E 150 = /rwarp {Target.X} ${MathCalc[${Target.Y}-150]} ${Target.Z}

The syntax for Rwarp is /warp loc and then the math calcs. If I do:

/warp loc ${MathCalc[${Target.Y}+150]} {Target.Y} ${Target.Z}

I wind up a few feet under the world under the Test Imp.

If I do:

/warp loc {Target.X} ${MathCalc[${Target.Y}+150]} ${Target.Z}

I wind up about 100 feet in the air above the test imp and fall to the ground. Both cases warp me far away from my original target.
first off im a guy.( just loved this avatar) second. its because i thought it said my acount said it expired next month not this month so i spent all my money on other fun things and dont get paid for 2 weeks
Changed the commands to work with rwarp for collecting the eggs , Once the guard spawns it targets him and warps to him then the macro pretty much stops working good :) Anyone else got any ideas

Rich (BB code):
|Fully Automated West Commonlands Griffon Task
|This assumes your only one entering zone every 45 minutes, and that you already have 3 characters in group
|Change the INVITE PW by changing what the event INVITE looks for (PASSWORD) to whatever you require your other
|toons or trusted friends to type in.
| Macro by Ccomp5950
| Usage: Start within /say distance of Kathi Norman in West Commonlands and walk away
| Last Updated 20 Oct 2005 0041(CST)
| Oh and steal this macro!~

#Chat say
#Chat Group
#Chat Tell

#Event Invite "#1# tells you, 'Invite me (PASSWORD)'#*#"
#Event WaitTimer "#*#task because you must wait 0d:0h:#1#m before you can#*#"

#turbo 10
#include spellcast.inc
Sub Main()
/Echo =============================
/Echo East Commons Task AFK V1.0
/Echo =============================
/call Setup

/if (${Zone.ID}==22) /goto :Bigloop
/call Reset

/Call Cast
/keypress Left
/tar _01
/Warp Target
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _02
/Warp Target
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _03
/Warp Target
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _04
/Warp Target
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _05
/Warp Target
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _06
/Warp Target
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _07
/Warp Target
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _08
/Warp Target
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _09
/Warp Target
/keypress Left
/delay 10s (!${Target.ID})
/tar _10
/Warp Target
/keypress Left
/delay 15s
/tar Guard_Tygus
/Warp Target
/delay 1
/keypress 3
/delay 3s
/call BigAttack ${Target.ID}
/delay 10m (${Me.PctMana}>95)
/tar Merchant_Wendell
/Warp Target
/keypress Left
/delay 1s
/delay 2s
/warp loc 683 527 -49
/call BigAttack ${Target.ID}
/delay 15s 
/tar Kathi
/Warp Target
/keypress Left
/delay 1s
/say Leave
/delay 30s
/goto :StartOver


Sub Movement(int MoveX,int MoveY)
/if ((${MoveX}==9999) && (${MoveY}==9999)) {
	/varset MoveX ${Target.X}
	/varset MoveY ${Target.Y}
    /declare iCount int local 
    /varset iCount 0 

    /delay 1 
    /face fast nolook loc ${MoveY},${MoveX} 
    /if (${Math.Distance[${MoveY},${MoveX}]}>6) { 
       /keypress forward hold 
    } else { 
       /keypress forward 

    /if (${iCount}>2) { 
        /face fast nolook loc ${MoveY},${MoveX} 
        /varset iCount 0 
    /goto :AnchorMoveLoop

Sub Reset
   /for g 0 to ${Group.Members} {
   /varcalc g2 ${Group.Members}-${g}
   /taskremove ${Group.Member[${g2}]}
   /next g 
   /delay 5s
/call Movement -851 1011
/target "Kathi Norman" npc
/delay 1s
/say happy
/delay 5s
/delay 5s
 /if (${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Open}) {
    /notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectAcceptButton leftmouseup
    /delay 5s
    /goto :Okyourgood
/goto :OMGWAIT
/delay 10s
/target "Kathi Norman" npc
/delay 20s
/say trinket
/delay 30s
/gsay And it begins...
/varset waiter 0

Sub Setup

/declare y int outer 0
/declare g int outer 0
/declare g2 int outer 0
/declare waitforit int outer 0
/declare w int outer 1
/declare waiter int outer 0


      /echo GM has entered the zone!

Sub Event_Invite(Junk,string Nameb)
/invite ${Nameb}
/taskadd ${Nameb}
/pause 1s

Sub BigAttack(int TargID)
/varset w 1
/varset y 1
/delay 2s
/attack off
/delay 2s
/call cast "Snare" activat
/delay 2s
/if (${Target.Distance}>100) /goto :Looperlala
/tar ID ${TargID}
/delay 1s
/if (${Target.Distance}>160) /call Warper
/call cast "Careless Lightning" activate
/delay 2
/delay 7s (!${Me.Casting.Name.Equal["Careless Lightning"]})
/delay 1s
/if (${Target.PctHPs}<40) {
	/call cast "Snare" activate
	/delay 7s (!${Me.Casting.Name.Equal["Snare"]})
/if (${Target.Distance}<20) /call Warper
/delay 1s
/if (!${Target.ID}) /return
/if (${Target.Type.Equal[Corpse]}) /return
/goto :BattleLooper

Sub Warper
/if (!${Target.ID}) /return
/if (${y}==0) {
	/megawarp t e 150
	/varset y 1
	/delay 1s
/if (${y}==1) {
	/megawarp t w 150
	/varset y 0
/delay 1s

Sub Event_WaitTimer(crap,int Waitupyo)
/varcalc Waitupyo ${Waitupyo}+1
/echo Delaying ${Waitupyo} minutes
/for y 0 to ${Waitupyo}
/Echo ${Math.Calc[${Waitupyo}-${y}]} minutes left till get new expedition
/delay 15s
/delay 15s
/delay 15s
/delay 15s
/next y
/target "Kathi Norman" npc
/say happy
Being a newb macro writer I hope this fixes it:
/warp loc ${Math.Calc[${Target.Y}+150]} ${Target.X} ${Target.Z}

Testing it now....well when lock out is over.
haha I got it to work for one task then on the next task it seems they nerfed the ground spawns to pop randomly or soemthing...

edit: totaly nerfed. They are now spawning with several mobs around them, and it appears u have to kill them to get credit for the egg. ;/ sucky sucky
Guess I'll be the voice of reason.

Those of you using this, I would rethink.

You KNOW the GM's are watching this like a hawk. I mean, why else would they put it back in with no difficulty changes.

They are TRYING to catch macroing AFK'ers, and without using the advpath to make it look realistic...instead using warp?

I don't want to sound like a dick, but IMHO that's very stupid.

If you don't care about your accounts anymore, then by all means, go for it.
If you do however care...well.
ddd000 said:
haha I got it to work for one task then on the next task it seems they nerfed the ground spawns to pop randomly or soemthing...

edit: totaly nerfed. They are now spawning with several mobs around them, and it appears u have to kill them to get credit for the egg. ;/ sucky sucky

No you don't. Nothing even aggros you in the zone except the Newb camp. LOL

They do spawn randomly however through a set list of maybe 20 possible spawn locations.
Yea, it's nerfed now. I tried to run a mission this morning and they only spawn like 2-3 eggs at a time and there are mobs around the eggs now.
Nerfed all to hell.

I'm playing with it now to see if there is anyway for it to be salvaged but doesn't look like it.
Every time I do the mission, once the eggs are gotten we get swarmed by "pc's" attacking us, no matter where we are in teh zone. You can watch them from the other side of the zone run at you... and eventually they just start spawn camping the zone in... its frustrating.
Common lands Griffon MM fully automated Macro

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