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Question - Cleric Type 5 Aug (Heroic) (1 Viewer)

Sep 21, 2021
Last expansion I went with Heroic Wisdom for my Cleric as a knee-jerk without much thought. My Cleric has a massive mana pool and rarely has problems with mana in fights. I'm thinking of changing.

hSta - Huge HP pool. Most likely cause of death is running out of HP.
hAgi - Best defense - not get hit. Maybe get a spell off when getting smacked?

Maybe one of the others is better? What are you smart people doing? Any anecdotal evidence to support your strategy?

Thanks RG!
I don't have a cleric but roll with a shaman. The bonus from H-wis makes sense to max DoT Shielding and Spell Shielding. If my shaman is getting beat on then my tank is down and res isn't coming. Go to the kitchen and grab a snack and wait for res sickness to pass :words:
Personally, I use AGI for my cleric. If you cant hit me, I can heal myself, heal you, and offtank a mob in a group setting. For raids, sta or wis.
This is what I was thinking. Anyone know of a way to do a good comparison? Better yet, has anyone parsed the difference already? Sta v Agi?

For the record - I agree that for SHM it's hSta - hands down, no contest. Same with hDex on smackers.
I do…
hSta: shaman, cleric, and enchanter
hInt: mage, wiz
hDex: literally everything else

I don’t have a necro or Druid, so ymmv on those.
FWIW from someone who really only knows how to play a mnk/sk. I have a 115 cleric in my box group that I PL'd up to 110 during TBL, I stopped playing and just started back up beginning of this month? I just realized he has ZERO type 5's, which I am about to rectify but it made me think about this post. He has never ran out of mana clearing a camp or killing a named in t1 ToL but he has gotten popped and killed. So I am going to go with Stam, he will vicariously get some wis anyway, which he obviously doesn't need. That was with TBL gear as well, not even ToL t1 gear.
Question - Cleric Type 5 Aug (Heroic)

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