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Problem - character is out of bounds in the Nexus(under the map) (1 Viewer)

Feb 20, 2024
my character is currently under the map after going through one of the teleporters in the nexus. is there any commands I could use to get him unstuck he's currently below the nexus and out of bounds
my character is currently under the map after going through one of the teleporters in the nexus. is there any commands I could use to get him unstuck he's currently below the nexus and out of bounds
Nothing MQ related that I know of (outside of active hacks, which we don't do here)

Throne of Heroes, Origin, Gate, Teleport clicky, log out and return to home etc
Everyone can use throne of heroes and origin - they are autogranted AA found in general and special tabs
sometimes being stuck the game thinks you're falling, and you can't cast those if the game thinks you're moving

how do i know this?

there's a spot in PoK near the bank that i've gotten stuck on for howevermanyyearssince PoP was released

/rewind works in that spot thankfully
sometimes being stuck the game thinks you're falling, and you can't cast those if the game thinks you're moving

how do i know this?

there's a spot in PoK near the bank that i've gotten stuck on for howevermanyyearssince PoP was released

/rewind works in that spot thankfully
Yeah rewind is good... as long as you've not panicked and ran around before trying it
Problem - character is out of bounds in the Nexus(under the map)

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