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Problem - BsOD (1 Viewer)


Mar 5, 2024
I keep having bsod issues, sometimes like every 3-5 minutes, sometimes I dont get them for hours. I never had this many issues before I started using mq2. I would get a bsod like maybe once every 6 months. I also keep having the plugins crash on me 4-5 times a day. Its random which one, but I will happen at least 3 times a day everyday. I'm using bst, mag, shm, and sk and they are all updated.
I keep having bsod issues, sometimes like every 3-5 minutes, sometimes I dont get them for hours. I never had this many issues before I started using mq2. I would get a bsod like maybe once every 6 months. I also keep having the plugins crash on me 4-5 times a day. Its random which one, but I will happen at least 3 times a day everyday. I'm using bst, mag, shm, and sk and they are all updated.
You're likely running a lot of other plugins, but I'm not aware of anything that'll cause bsod other than bad memory, you probably have a bad stick of ram that gets pressured when you load a bunch of toons.

If you have crash id, you can post them - as I mentioned I'm not aware of any specifically for the cwtn plugins.

Any bsod is a concern, considering you occasionally got them before mq, I'd point to a hardware issue
blue screen of death is a hardware or operating system level error.

without any information about what the error is, I can only speculate.

99.99% of the time it is failing hardware or bad drivers. You just see it when running certain software because that software will exercise certain parts of your computer that other software may not.
Why is it that it happened a lot more once I started using mq2?
Well, I did mention a possible cause, as did brainiac.

Whatever has the issue - memory, driver, etc probably is getting hammered more with more hammering (load).

So you are probably putting more CPU/memory usage when you have multiple toons fired up
This just happened on the bst and the mag just crashed also but I didnt get a screen of that one


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    Screenshot 2024-03-14 192652.png
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I had to do a factory reset of windows this week due to a BSoD on my new desktop, purchased in November. Some issue with the OS was causing the system to loose connection with the hard drive.

You may need to run security updates and some diagnostics to better understand the issue.
This is a BSOD

The BSOD is usually a result of either hardware communication problems or corrupted files

So if you were having it before MQ2 install and now it is exasperated and more frequent.
You had a issue that prior to the install and now it’s time to figure out what is the underlying issue which is not MQ2

So you need to clean up your pc time to make sure you drivers are up to date etc.

You can also try getting the latest updates with Windows Update, help from other sources, or restoring Windows to an earlier point in time.

If none of those steps help to resolve your Blue Screen error, please try the Blue Screen Troubleshooter in the Get Help app:

  1. In Windows, open Get Help.
  2. In the Get Help app, type Troubleshoot BSOD error.
  3. Follow the guided walkthrough in the Get Help app.

That crash is EQ DirectX crash not anything to do with MQ.

Make sure your graphics driver is up to date.
I would test your memory using Memtest86 and use any utility that your video card maker has to run checks on it.

As others have stated a BSOD is either a hardware failure, Memory failure or a corruption of the software that allows the hardware to interact with the Operating System (aka Drivers).
Problem - BsOD

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