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Question - Auto Equip? (1 Viewer)

Feb 15, 2015
I've been messing around a little again after a long break and was looking for a way to tell my boxes to automatically equip an item. Is there an existing script or command that does this? Seems like a standard thing people would want to do without having to flip over to characters and do it manually. Something like an /equip "Name of item" command.
I've been messing around a little again after a long break and was looking for a way to tell my boxes to automatically equip an item. Is there an existing script or command that does this? Seems like a standard thing people would want to do without having to flip over to characters and do it manually. Something like an /equip "Name of item" command.
ingame has bandoliers, so people use scripts, or LEMs, or hotkeys to swap those. what item are you swapping and why? if weapons just utilize the bandolier
Not swapping. I'm boxing a group and just looted an item, let's say I give the item to my cleric and now I want the cleric to equip the item without me having to manually flip over over to the Cleric and equip it manually. Some way to tell /dgt Cleric /equip "Item Name" or /dgt Cleric /equip "Item Name" "Item Slot" for ear and rings.
I figured that was the use case, however i read your post twice and didnt say that, just said equip 🧌 ok, done teasing.. The PS swapper somebody made like 3 years ago, might work, again not home, so the framework is around? :raise:
Question - Auto Equip?

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