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AH Fever!!! (1 Viewer)


New member
Apr 27, 2005
You have it... I have it.... John Travolta had it in that one bad 70's movie. What is it? AH FEVER of course!!! I found myself playing the AH at an earliy level for hours... only coming to see how much time I had wasted not leveling. BUt anyway... being the addict that I am i was wondering is there a way to check your servers AH prices from work? Like an Auctioneer for when your not playing WOW? That would be AWESOME!!! (By the way I cant get auctioneer to work at all on my PC.. I can get any other mod to work but not AUCTIONEER!!! Can anyone help me with baby step by steps n00b directions?) Anyone know of a site like that?
willy it is really easy to install auctioneer....go to curse-gaming.com; search for auctioneer and download it...unzip to your addons directory (you may have to cut the info from an "interface or addons folder into your actual folder...i.e. it my unzip as /interface/addons/mod instead of just /mod)....simple as that...(by the way...the download comes with Auctioneer and Advance tooltip...you MUST use both)
Skeptic said:
You can't be serious Willy?
Skep... you're breaking my balls man...breaking my balls
Creed.... I HAVE TRIED THIS AND IT STILL DOESNT WORK!!! It says its out of date just like my enchantrix (which still works) but i tried doing /auctioneer and scanning the AH but it says i need to check my commands list i.e. its not working so i must be doing something wrong. I installed all my other mods easily ASIDE FROM THIS ONE!!! Is there a more up to date version?? Is there a different version.. do you know who the one you use is by ar if u need another mod to use in conjunction with it??
you used the scan button on the AH window to scan???....

if so, i will zip up my working file at home and send to you to see if that will work...

(i will make a detailed instructions of how to do it when i get home (i can't from work cuz i can't really access the download sites))
Nah creed i tried /auctioneer scan... there wasnt a scan button in thr AH window... id there was I would assume that the mod had worked.... :( <--- (note: only in extreem ocasions do i use emotes) I would appreciate if you did send that to me Creed thanks!
I cant get any addons to work for @#$%, tried gather, auctioneer, defend your self and at the command prompt in WoW all I get is /help for a list of commands, no addon button on main page, matter of fact there was no WoW/Interface/Addon folder in directory so i created my own, (maybe this is were I went wrong, there are two Interface sub directories)...in the game at least, I went "wrong" so long ago I can't remember in real life.

I am going to spend my WoW time this weekend trying to get Addons, MODS, UIs and Macros working. I am seriously considering paying a computer geek real money to come and get my #$%^ right. Anyone need a side job?

I am neither an idiot nor mentally challenged but I just can't get this stuff to work, to top it off my computer science wife won't help, something about computers are tools and not toys... I don't know, she needs to be ganked...

here is my auctioneer...just unzip both of the files in the zip file to the worldofwarcraft/interface/AddOns directory
need to know how you use this place...can someone send me a link or something...

i need to find out how to make huge gold with a lvl 43 warrior
maybe your addons aren't working because you didn't make your size for script memory high enough. I think that for auctioneer is 40MB, in case you don't know, the size is located in the addons page of your character select screen.
that could be the problem..but all it does is just cause the game to close after loading if the memory setting isn't high enough...(is this what was happening??)
WTB a WoW Computer Tech to come to my house and get my AddOns, UI and Macros working. Will pay in green or gold!

Dunhard 45 Warrior Annapolis, MD

Seriously PM me, I figure I can make alot more real money for my time than I can make fake money.
I got Gatherer to work!!!!! script memory was set at default value of 48mb. Does this need to be increased to run multiple addons at same time? gatherer was only addon that showed up on AddOn page off of Character selection screen, even though Creed's Auctioneer.zip file was correctly placed and explod/installed. Havnt given up yet...
ok john...since gatherer was the only addon that showed up i have a question for you...are all your other addons in the same folder that the gatherer folder is in??? cuz if they aren't...they should be...if they are...could you please give me the exact location

i.e. mine is C:/program files/worldofwarcraft/interface/AddOns/"alladdonsshouldbehere inthe AddOns folder"
C:/MyComputer/Programfiles/Worldof Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/Gatherer

C:My Computer/ProgramFiles/Worldof Warcraft/Interface/AddOns/Auctioneer-3.0.10/Auctioneer


No figured it all out...stupid mistake on my part... thanks alot guys
WOW we got off topic... again.
Back on Topic AH FEVER:

I am lovin Auctioneer and the AH (REDGUIDES tip). Since Sunday my AH Mule Ebekeneezer (as in Scrooge) has turned 53g (my kids robbed me of at least 30g Friday while I was at work) into 94g as of this morning and probably 50g of inventory! Thats at least 45g a day playing the AH Sunday morning, afternoon and again at night. On Monday before work and again once at night. And Tuesday morning before shut down. Thats six AH sessions for about 90g net profit (15g/session). That doesn't count a set of blue Beastslayer's Armsplints (60g buyout, 45g minimum bid) that I picked up for 25g42s on SHORT time before the shutdown this morning (another REDGUIDES tip), should be in mailbox when I get home!

Here is my stratagy so far:

Log on mule in AM, collect mail from night before, scan AH,

/auctioneer broker for deals (picked up 9 Azerothian Diamonds for 2g77s/each on buyout sold 4 sunday night for 4g25s, sold 4 Monday night for 3g40s0 = 5.6g profit with one still in bank),

run /auctioneer bidbroker to look for short and medium buys (great for picking up trade mats and the occaisional Blue) been dealing in wool, metal bars and enchant mats but now and then you hit a home run: Lord Alexander's Battle Axe got for 22g48s Sunday and sold for 44g on Monday.

The program also helps alot in pricing my AH stuff from main (300skin/248mining) and Alts (225alch/144herb) , (165eng). It seems I get a better return for my items and fewer Auction Expired returns. When placing mats I undersell competition by 5% (the default setting).

When placing Green Items I look up other items in same classification(ie:Armor/leather/head/lvl38-40) and price mine as if I were the consumer comparing cost and stats of what is available.

I watch the chat channels no matter where I am for deals, (mostly impatient 60's looking to unload without waiting for the AH), picked up two Travelers Backpacks for 25g (probably from Faire) and resold for 15g45s/each.

The program also helps when out questing/grinding with my main: Was in Arathi, just finished Stormguard Keep, our group disbanded and I was unloading at Refuge Point when I got a whisper from the 35 Warrior in our group, he wanted my help in killing some undead guys who wander the road (5 35 level somethings). We grouped, we killed em and one dropped a blue Sword of Vengence (I think) Auctioneer said 30g min and 35 buyout, I got the sword, he begged for it (he did not have a 1h and sheild) and after watching my prodigious display of Tanking Abilities (THANKS BIGGI FOR THE TIPS) decided that Defensive Stance was not worthless after all. I traded the sword for 10g and three green and all the mageweave he picked up while grouped, now he still came out ahead but I am a nice guy after all..., but without Auctioneer I never would have known the value of what I had in my bag.

On that note I am no longer selling things to vendors just cause I dont know what they are for or their value to others (ie: raptor eggs and hides, stacks get a few silver at vendor but 45s at AH)

Lastly but not least: Gadgetstan AH

I am grinding/questing in Tanaris now (another REDGUIDES tip) which allows me to have an Inn, Mailbox, Bank and AH handy, (those pirates south of Steamwheedle are good exp (500 rested), money (1-4s each) and some green drops, and plenty of Rum to boot and spaced well enough that at most I end up with 2-3 MOBS in a fight gone bad), plenty critters to skin, no real mining though...sry off thread...

Back on Gadgetstan AH: I search the whole thing (only 3-4 pages on our server) and have picked up a few schematics, pets, materials and lots of Fish that sell for more in IF. I mail all these to my AH mule in IF. I am going to have an Alt pick up some cats in Godshire and see if these sell in Gadgetstan (another REDGUIDES tip)

All in all, REDGUIDES has been very, very good to me worth every penny of $25/year...

Dunhard 45 Warrior <Family Honor> on Hellscream

"A Family That Kills Together Stays Together"
woot woot woot john....i learn something new everyday...i have only been using auctioneer to tell me the recommended prices for things...this /command sounds good...

what exactly does the /broker do?
/broker gives you a list of items that show the current bid and/or buyout bid is considerably below the historical High Selling Price. It shows you HSP, Current Bid, Buyout and Profit. You do have to think about why the current bid is low: Are there just a few Items on market and someone priced one way high to either skew the averages or transfer money (if Gadget AH), was the market dry or artificially high and now flooded? (like heavy stone and leather prior to the Faire) Or is someone dumping their bank or ginding resources (like my diamond deal which has proven to be very profitable) if so buy the whole stack and resell a few at a time.

The best so far has been /auctioneer bidbroker, the Beastslayer's Bindings I bought this morning before shutdown, I resold in 5 minutes after restart for 39g85s = profit of 14g+for 15 minuets of game time. /auctioneer bidbroker shows same as broker except it sorts item by time remaining on auction and then by profit. It is a great way to get mats for alts cheap by biding on needed items (linen,wool,copper, herbs) when the price is below normal and the time is short thereby maximizing profit on crafted items (my Alt alchemists swiftness, lesser invisibility and defense potions)

All in all I think my AH time is about equal to my griding/quest time, I have to get a routine down and balance out. But the revenue streams are way up I'm sure...

Dunhard 45 Warrior <Family Honor> on Hellscream
AH Fever!!!

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