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Request - 6 box mage question (1 Viewer)


Dec 22, 2021
has anyone tried 6 box mage, im kind of injured person at the moment waiting for my neurology appointment. so im ache so cant think too much or press or know 6 different things. so i was wondering if 6 mage box is viable for all group content like hunting named later on and stuff. like last year i had sk zerker monk bard rouge and shaman so should i do that again that team kinda kicked ass but i dont know how to make the bard follow me around which is what i plan on doing running around killing stuff not pulling to my group. thanks in advance.
Greetings, In My Opinion, A mage would be strong enough but lacks self heals. A close match would be the Beast Lord, I assume you will be using the tools of this site so make all 6 Bst lords heal each other as well as pets and you can keep them and all up. I understand you lose pet gear at hand but you get Bst Buffs to make up for it. Call of the hero gone but , you are using the tools of this site so follow is NP . You lose Damage shield but gain Slow . So if it were Me I would swap mage for BST lord and roll like that. Having a pocket Mage to fill a player house with pet gear solves some of the loss.
I have run 5 mages and a healer - very easy to do just have to be careful pulling

running 6 mages is possible with pet heals but the following will be a pain in the ass-
mob placement
healing yourself from mob AEs - named AEs tend to hurt
dealing with adds on bad pulls

if you want to try it i would run 3 air and 3 water pets or 6 air pets and watch the mobs get stunned to death

I use cwtn mage plugin now for my mages makes it pretty easy to do
Yeah I'd run 4 mages and a bard I think if you feel you're up for it. If you can handle one more, I'd do druid (although I could easily be convinced to do shaman instead with all those pets), but if not, a cleric merc should be ok too.

The reason I would add a bard is to do all the little things- double invis, selo's, spell damage aura, pulling, and especially mezzing since I'm not sure the state of automated offtanking with mage pets.
thanks for supportive answers (T.T) haha i envy you guys who have good health i have bodily and spine injury it's pretty horribel from accident.

okay so i was able to find an old note with the login infos of the Sk rouge zerker bard monk and shaman, but i cant find the log on for the shaman so all i have to do is level up 1 shaman to catch up to others of level 115.

just 1 more question please just to level shaman to 115 is 3 box 3 mercs will do the job? or is better and faster with 4 box 2 mercs?
Closest I have is 3 mages and a SK , druid and Zerker ( this is my B Team)

I still prefer a Melee team over any caster team, I hate mana med downtime
now i figure i can just use the level 100 boost in shop for the shaman and level him myself with the other 5 level 115 waiting for him

just 1 more question please how do you use the new auto login thing when i right click the MQ icon i dont see profile -> create new

instead i see something at the server select screen for auto loging in it says my autologin is inactive

nevermind now the profile option is showing on right click on MQ icon so sorrys im so bad at this
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On the Task Bar , on the bottom of the right side You may see the Blue MQ square or a ^ to click then see the MQ Square . Goto profiles to start

link should help
i did same koto but now i that i use it it's very nice you can assign key each character to pull up that character window/screen with single button. dont have to alt tab or mouseover to check another character
If you really like mages! I would never do 6 box mage team.

Do 4 Mages a Bard and Shaman.

Bard will enhance the DPS of the mages drastically as well as giving you crowd control and be the puller when needed, Plus the ever so loved Bard Run speed is always nice. Shaman will Be main Healer his buffs and group heal overtime and slows. You are pretty much invincible with this group lineup

A bard is an absolute MUST in any 6 man group combination, without the Bard , you cut your groups damage potential in HALF , No matter what you say !!!
not everyone plays to maximize downtime :P If fact, max/min is why I didn't play at all for a stretch of 5 years. It was super annoying to me to play that way. I get that I'm a minority in the forums for that way of thinking though, and I'm ok with that.
I have done the 5 Mage and a Druid/SHM for healer.

DRU lacks during named with High DMG aka AEs

SHM is your best route. However,

MAG, MAG, MAG, MAG, BST, DRU was found to be interesting and produced about the same or better results as the 5 MAG & SHM combo.

I believe this was to buffs and synergy from the BST/DRU items. Healing was also not a problem

Best Results for MAG tanking with this many pets, was to have 3x mag pets bounce agro off one another. The rest just DPS. This Also helped with healing and i believe caused lag/no hit items for the 3x mag pets at times.
Was contemplating rolling a new grp . makeup all between lvl 105-85
War,Shaman, Bard,Mag,Mag, Mag-- Would beat out my main group in killing speed .

my main is fairly similar War, Cler, Enc, Beast, Necro, and Mag. (nec really shines on names all are 115
I really think a 6 box mage combo is not a good idea. UNLESS ! you are just playing for casual and not worried so much about quests , named mobs. Then again, you can always split the mages up in certain scenarios where you can have 4 mages and 2 healer mercs and 2 mages and 2 healer mercs to get through sticky situations
It really depends on your ai for your 6 boxes. Theoretically, it is possible as a 6 mage. But practically, it is not because you kinda need to be very agile when there are adds or your script is so good that you can chain cast pet to always have a pet that will aggro the mobs. Regardless of your choice, for a 6 mage box, you will have to designate a pet that will always be a sacrificial tank, and then the rest of your ai needs to move AWAY from the mob so that your 6 mage are not targetted by mobs even if your pet is able to maintain aggro.

Agreed with what the others have recommended, if you are very much into mages (i did the same thing), here is what i would recommend:
4 mages (send pet to gain aggro, recommend two pet tank , and two dps pet depending on what you hunt)
1 Shaman (best buffs for pets, slow mobs and heals you and pet in a pinch, dot heal, nuke/dot during emergency or named npc with big health)
1 enchanter(best haste for pets, for the mind buffs on 4 mages, nuke to finish faster if mana allows, tash to help shaman slow faster if needed)/
-Bard is my second choice because you kinda need to do a lot during crowd control and you still cannot heal very well. Your mage can heal your own pet.

Now... having said that, you can still do the 6x mages if you have a high level shaman not in your group because your shaman will never be dealing enough damage. Same with the high level chanter.

I personally will have two other casters like a wizard or bst to round it up and best caster synergies. (BST crack plus enchanter crack) :)

However,.. if you are gonna have THAT many buffs, you might as well just have two mages with pets as tank to draw aggro and 4 wizards to pew pew kill stuff quickly; plus the high level shaman + chanter +beastlord outside the group helping(buffing, slowing, crowd control, healing)..... That would be a white glove service... Haha, sorry, i went crazy....
i suppose the question would also be how far do you plan to go with the all mage team? just toy around with old content or get max level and explore current options?

If your looking to just have fun and mess around go for it. I once saw someone running around with what looked to be 20+ mages (With some bards and heals). He just randomly walked his swarm around in zones and left corpses behind him. Had inspired me to do something similar, though I never got around to it.
Have you considered if you are doing group content you might want a Pally or SK for their better DPS as opposed to a warrior. I do know at 120 my best group was Pally, Shaman, Necro,, Beastlord, Enchanter, Mage.
hahaha I have to admit, that sounds like a lot of fun. Not sure I'm dedicated enough to set that up, but sure sounds fun to see.

oh i bet it is... I still want to try it.. doesn't all have to be pages.. just all pet classes. So a maybe like 5 groups of 1 heal (mostly shaman, 1 cleric), 1 bard, 4x Mage, Necro, Beastlord, enchanters , I don't think i'll count the druid bear though! And a SK for the tank. (not that the pets couldn't handle it... Figure 30 characters, and 25pets.
I main a mage, and I have a mage army to add to groups as well. Personally, I don't like to use more than 2 mages, but 3 is viable.
I like a real tank and have demonstrated many times over that mage pet is not a replacement for my SK who is in raid gear from NOS.
No merc healer can replace my NOS raid geared shaman.
Bard has to have a spot.
That leaves 3 - and i have done 3 mages and its strong, but I don't think its stronger on group content than other configurations which bring more utility.
I normally run 1 mage who top end raid geared (BIS) and currently favor ranger and wizard (both FTP with max AA) for last 2 slots.
i suppose the question would also be how far do you plan to go with the all mage team? just toy around with old content or get max level and explore current options?

If your looking to just have fun and mess around go for it. I once saw someone running around with what looked to be 20+ mages (With some bards and heals). He just randomly walked his swarm around in zones and left corpses behind him. Had inspired me to do something similar, though I never got around to it.
well...you don't need 6 mages to acomplish that...try sk/bard/enc/cleric, rogue rogue...and watch entire zones melt in seconds...lol

awkward oh no GIF by RiffTrax

Like this...with sk mount just chilling waiting for you to return
I think the mage army is less about "need" and more about "humor".

The automation tools open up so many avenues to explore non conventional mayhem. :dance:
well...you don't need 6 mages to acomplish that...try sk/bard/enc/cleric, rogue rogue...and watch entire zones melt in seconds...lol

awkward oh no GIF by RiffTrax

Like this...with sk mount just chilling waiting for you to return

Oh yes, the SK/CLR/Brd/Rog/Rog/Anything group is always fun... and I'm in the works to make one similar now actually. I'm just not sure on the 6th slot. Beast for the buffs/off heals? Berserk for the dps? Monk for the flops? Either way, at the end of the day.. it'll be efficient.
I think the mage army is less about "need" and more about "humor".

The automation tools open up so many avenues to explore non conventional mayhem. :dance:
Many years ago, top mages on mage serverwide chat would get together on Test server and do all mage raids just because it was silly and fun.

Eventually mechanics and AE's got to the point that mages could no longer keep themselves alive and killed this rather fun pastime.

Unconventional is fun - All Paladins was my favorite silly, but very fun group I did a few years back. You almost couldn't die, but until 100+ you basically just bored every mob to death.
Oh yes, the SK/CLR/Brd/Rog/Rog/Anything group is always fun... and I'm in the works to make one similar now actually. I'm just not sure on the 6th slot. Beast for the buffs/off heals? Berserk for the dps? Monk for the flops? Either way, at the end of the day.. it'll be efficient.
I raise you SHD/SHM/BRD/BST/BER/ROG at 115 and 120. At 125, I heard monks have made a comeback. So drop the BER for a MNK? Taking a guess.
I raise you SHD/SHM/BRD/BST/BER/ROG at 115 and 120. At 125, I heard monks have made a comeback. So drop the BER for a MNK? Taking a guess.
Funny you mention that... i actually have a SHD/CLR/BRD/BST/BER/ROG, I know higher up the Shaman can handle everything no problem, I'm just old school with my clerics i guess... always like them. And i figured the BST would fill in for the SHM buffs... somewhat.

And I did think about dropping the BER for MNK .. my BER took forever until i felt it was carrying it's weight.. but that's because early on the rogue is just so strong when you keep the potions up.

I'm thinking SHD/CLR/BRD/BST/MNK/ROG, which should provide me with 0 downtime almost. (Having an enchanter parked in POK helps too)
Funny you mention that... i actually have a SHD/CLR/BRD/BST/BER/ROG, I know higher up the Shaman can handle everything no problem, I'm just old school with my clerics i guess... always like them. And i figured the BST would fill in for the SHM buffs... somewhat.

And I did think about dropping the BER for MNK .. my BER took forever until i felt it was carrying it's weight.. but that's because early on the rogue is just so strong when you keep the potions up.

I'm thinking SHD/CLR/BRD/BST/MNK/ROG, which should provide me with 0 downtime almost. (Having an enchanter parked in POK helps too)
Great group. I believe in synergy which is why the SHM is in there. It is tough to beat paired with the other toons.
Great group. I believe in synergy which is why the SHM is in there. It is tough to beat paired with the other toons.
I did a war/shm/bst/rog/mnk/ber group for all the melee auras. I'd sub the bst for a brd but the plugin that shall not be named hasn't come out yet.
I did a war/shm/bst/rog/mnk/ber group for all the melee auras. I'd sub the bst for a brd but the plugin that shall not be named hasn't come out yet.
Honestly, if you set up a good few macro's for twists and the bard is fine. And I love me some of that sweet sweet Selo's ... But yea, I would love to see the plugin that shall not be named myself as it's super easy mode.

Great group. I believe in synergy which is why the SHM is in there. It is tough to beat paired with the other toons.
Yea, i totally get the Synergy aspect. And right now i'm goofing off with a War/SHM/MAG/MAG/MAG/Enc group just to level some toons up to be able to swap around with. And my biggest gripe is the slow/snare that comes with some of the shaman heals but as I get higher it's not that big of a deal.
I am currently doing a 4 mage 1 enc 1 shammy group and here is my main complaint about it.... MEZ!!! lol. The mages won't break the mez using the plugin that I can find. But other than that I am loving it!
Request - 6 box mage question

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