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Question - 3rd team makeup? (1 Viewer)

Jul 11, 2020
So, I currently have the following toons for 2 teams. Thinking about adding a 3rd, but would like some input on what would be best for an additional full F2P team. This is to eventually give ToV raid boxing a shot and go from there.

Team 1: SK, Bst, Mag, Ber, Clr, Brd (Sub'd)
Team 2: War, Clr, Shm, Bst, Mag, Enc (F2P)

I do have CWTN plugins for War, SK, Clr, Shm, Bst, Ber, Mag, and Enc.

Would most efficient route be to just make up DPS based on the CWTN plugins I currently have, so I don't have to buy more?
In my opinion, Caster F2P is where it's at. Melee dps is more highly dependent on Dex augs etc. as where casters can get away with nothing and go.
Would recommend. Pal (since you don't have 1) shm chant mage mage mage or sub the pally for a sk
In my opinion, Caster F2P is where it's at. Melee dps is more highly dependent on Dex augs etc. as where casters can get away with nothing and go.
Would recommend. Pal (since you don't have 1) shm chant mage mage mage or sub the pally for a sk
Thinking about this comp

Pal, Shm, Enc, Mag, Mag, Wiz

What are your thoughts on going Brd instead of Enc? the speed and double-invis would be nice. Figure swapping one Mag for a Wiz would make traveling a bit easier.
more utility from a druid over a wizard if you want to factor in ports etc ... and that new plugin is pretty badass. ive always looked at a 3rd gruop as a support role to fill in missing holes etc
My similarly set up group is - war / clr / brd / mag /mag / nec.

The tank is mostly hot swappable - but they will need gear and probably a krono later to keep up. For pure FTP I prefer clr as they can always heal - no weak levels where they cant solo heal. Brd or enc to me is hot swappable - but I do like the bard to move around once the boots are on the ground. Mag needs like no investment and they just go. I like the extra utility of the nec over the wiz. Ports dont mean as much as they used to - and the necro gives you a second wipe prevention FD, extra rez, and another pet to pile on with the mage lines.
afaik druids are in a good spot but can be mana starved at times and wizards are slowly getting out of the dpg dungeon, but it still might be an expansion or two
Pretty much.. druids can be incredible DPS.. until mana runs out, and thats rather fast for them~. Wizards can go all day in a group, at ok DPS, but nothing to write home about.

In raids, druids can be top 5, wizards top 10..
Thinking about this comp

Pal, Shm, Enc, Mag, Mag, Wiz

What are your thoughts on going Brd instead of Enc? the speed and double-invis would be nice. Figure swapping one Mag for a Wiz would make traveling a bit easier.

You could but if its a 3rd group id stick to chanter. and ditch wizzy for mage. Honestly mages are power houses atm, Chanters help with mana toward mages. and its a solid group if you choose to afk / raid with for perfect range dps and more un noticeable afkness lmao
Question - 3rd team makeup?

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