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Updated Alcohol Tolerance mac

Utility Updated Alcohol Tolerance mac 1.1

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Other Authors
Maskoi, Bror
Server Type
🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test
I got frustrated with the slot restriction for the booze, so I changed it to use /useitem. It will find the designated booze anywhere in your inventory, including inside bags. I also added closing the merchant window. It has been tested and is working.

Rich (BB code):
| alctol.mac
| Takes you to 200 Alcohol Tolerance
| Version 1.1
| Date: 11-02-2010
| By Bror
| Updated by Maskoi
| Removal of slot restriction for Booze and add Merchant window close by Randyleo
| MerchantName is the name of the merchant that sells your booze
| MaxWanted is where you want to stop: Default is 450
| Booze is the alcohol you want to buy: Default is ALE
| Requirements:
| Must be standing next to the merchant you buying alcohol from.

#event Explode "#*#If you consumed any more drink you would explode#*#"
#event Explode "#*#You could not possibly drink any more, you would explode#*#"
#event TooDrunk "#*#You could not possibly consume more alcohol or become more intoxicated#*#"
#event SkillUp  "#*#You have become better at Alcohol Tolerance#*#"

Sub Main
    /declare OldSkill int outer ${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]}
    /declare MaxWanted int outer
    /declare MerchantName string outer i
    /declare Booze string outer
    /declare Amount        int     outer
    /declare DrinkCounter int outer
    /declare MaxTime int outer

| ***********************************************
| *   Change these settings if you want.        *
| ***********************************************

        /varset MerchantName Dray Cuves
        /varset Booze Ale
        /varset MaxWanted 450

/echo Alcohol Tolerance is at ${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]}
        /call BuyBooze
        /call Drink
        /call MaxSkill
    /goto :Start

| ***********************************************
| Buy Booze                                     *
| ***********************************************
sub BuyBooze
    /if (${FindItemCount[${Booze}]} > 0) /return
    /echo Time to buy more booze
    /target ${MerchantName}
    /delay 1s
    /click right target
    /delay 1s
    /call Buy "${Booze}" 20
    /keypress esc
    /delay 1s   

| ***********************************************
| Sub Drink                                      *
| ***********************************************
sub Drink

    /for DrinkCounter 1 to 20
    /useitem "${Booze}"
        /delay 1s
    /next DrinkCounter


| ***********************************************
| sUB event too much drink                      *
| ***********************************************

Sub Event_Explode
    /echo Too full, Waiting 30 seconds.
        /delay ${WaitSober}
    /varcalc DrinkCounter ${DrinkCounter}-1

| ***********************************************
| SUB event too drunk                           *
| ***********************************************

Sub Event_TooDrunk
    /declare WaitSober string local ${Math.Calc[45+${Math.Rand[70]}]}s
    /echo Too Drunk, Waiting ${WaitSober} seconds.
    /delay ${WaitSober}
    /varcalc DrinkCounter ${DrinkCounter}-1


| ***********************************************
| SUB event skillup                             *
| ***********************************************

Sub Event_SkillUp
    /varcalc MaxTime ${MaxWanted}-${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]}
    /echo Alcohol Tolerance increased >> ${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]} <<
    /delay 5

| ***********************************************
| SUB Max skill check                            *
| ***********************************************

sub MaxSkill
    /if (${Me.Skill[Alcohol Tolerance]}>=${MaxWanted}) {
        /echo Alcohol Tolerance is at or greater than ${MaxWanted}. Quiting!

| ***********************************************
| Sub Buy                                        *
| ***********************************************

Sub Buy(string ItemToBuy, int amount)
    /declare i int local
    /echo Buying ${ItemToBuy}!
    /declare QTY int local
    /declare ListItem int local
    /varset QTY ${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}]}
    /delay 1s
    /if (${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}>= ${amount}) {
        /echo Done!
    /varset ListItem ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].List[=${ItemToBuy},2]}
    /if (!${ListItem}) {
        /echo couldn't find ${ItemToBuy}
    } else {
        /notify MerchantWnd ItemList listselect ${ListItem}
        /delay 1s      
    /echo Buying ${ItemToBuy} Till I get ${amount}
    /if (${QTY}>1) {
        /if (${QTY}>19) {
            /Shiftkey /notify merchantwnd MW_buy_Button leftmouseup
            /delay 30s ${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}>=${amount}
            /echo ${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]} ${ItemToBuy} in inventory
            /varset QTY ${Math.Calc[${amount}-${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}]}
            /delay 3
            /if (${QTY}<=0) /return
            /goto :Loop
        /if (${QTY}>0 && ${QTY}<20) {
        /for i 1 to ${QTY}
        /notify merchantwnd MW_buy_Button leftmouseup
        /echo Buying ${ItemToBuy} ${i} of ${QTY}
        /varcalc QTY ${amount}-${FindItemCount[${ItemToBuy}]}
        /echo ${QTY}
        /if (${QTY}<=0) /return
        /next i
        /if (${Merchant.Open}) {
            /notify MerchantWnd MW_Done_Button leftmouseup
            /delay 1s !${Merchant.Open}
First release
Last update
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