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Combat Assist Simple PLing Scripts

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🏘️ Emu
I was looking to PL some characters, and threw together some scripts here to make it pretty easy to run some toons and make sure the character is getting healed and can get buffs easily. P2002 doesn't have extended target window, so unfortunately you're kinda stuck with just getting heals from the PLers on a single toon unless I were to add some lines in the heal section to target xnumber of individual characters, but they'd all have to be defined individually I believe. I usually level characters with some sort of tank in the group, so it isn't a big deal for me. I briefly tested these while making them and they seemed pretty functional. I'll be using them later today and will fix whatever might come up. Hope this helps my fellow dudes on P2002!

Shaman Script
Rich (BB code):
#turbo 40
#event Follow "#1# tells you, 'Follow'"
#event Stay "#1# tells you, 'Stay'"
#event ZoneType "You can only cast this spell in the outdoors."
#event ACbuff "#1# tells you, 'ACBuff'"
#event HPbuff "#1# tells you, 'HPBuff'"
#event Regen "#1# tells you, 'Regen'"
#event SoW "#1# tells you, 'SoW'"
#event Stats "#1# tells you, 'Stats'"
#event Buffs "#1# tells you, 'Buffs'"

Sub Main 

/declare ShmACBuff string outer "Shroud of the Spirits"
/declare ShmHPBuff string outer "Focus of Spirit"
/declare ShmAgi string outer "Talisman of the Cat"
/declare ShmSta string outer "Talisman of the Brute"
/declare ShmRegen string outer "Regrowth"
/declare ShmSoW string outer "Spirit of Bih`Li"
/declare ShmHeal string outer "Kragg`s Mending"
/declare HealManaReq int outer "400"
/declare HealDistance int outer 100
/declare MainAssist string outer ${Target.CleanName}
/declare HealAt int outer 70
/declare ZoneType int outer 0

/memorize ${ShmHeal}|gem1
/delay 50
/memorize ${ShmHPBuff}|gem2
/delay 50
/memorize ${ShmACBuff}|gem3
/delay 50
/memorize ${ShmRegen}|gem4
/delay 50
/memorize ${ShmSoW}|gem5
/delay 50
/memorize ${ShmAgi}|gem6
/delay 50
/memorize ${ShmSta}|gem7
/delay 50
/echo Spells for power leveling are all memorized!

/tgb on
/assist off
/echo Simple Shaman power leveling script activated!
/echo Main Assist is ${MainAssist}

/call SelfHeals
/call CheckHeals
/call ManaCheck
/goto :loop

Sub SelfHeals
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=50) {
	/target ${me}
	/casting ${ShmHeal}|gem1 -maxtries|3

Sub CheckHeals

/target ${MainAssist}
/if (${Target.Distance}>${HealDistance}) /return
/if (${Me.CurrentMana}<${HealManaReq}) {
	/tell ${MainAssist} My mana is low. I am at {Me.PctMana}%.
	/goto :loop
/if (${Target.PctHPs}<=${HealAt}&&${Target.Distance}<=${HealDistance}&&${Me.CurrentMana}>=${HealManaReq}) {
	/casting ${ShmHeal}|gem1 -maxtries|3

Sub ManaCheck

/if (${Me.Standing}&&!${Stick.Active}&&!${Me.Mount.ID}&&${Me.PctMana}<100) { 
      /sit on  

Sub Event_Follow
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell} 
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Following you 

Sub Event_Stay
/stick off 
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Staying here 
/delay 1 
/if (!${Me.Sitting}&&!${Stick.Active}&&!${Me.Moving}&&${Me.PctMana}<100) { 
      /sit on 

Sub Event_ZoneType
/varset ZoneType 1
/echo Adjusting to indoor zone!

Sub Event_ACBuff
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${ShmACBuff} on you!
/casting ${ShmACBuff}|gem8 -maxtries|3
Sub Event_HPBuff
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${ShmHPBuff} on you!
/casting ${ShmHPBuff}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_Regen
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${ShmRegen} on you!
/casting ${ShmRegen}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_SoW
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${ShmSoW} on you!
/casting ${ShmSoW}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_Stats
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${ShmAgi} on you!
/casting ${ShmAgi}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${ShmSta} on you!
/casting ${ShmSta}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_Buffs
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${ShmACBuff} on you!
/casting ${ShmACBuff}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${ShmHPBuff} on you!
/casting ${ShmHPBuff}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 200
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${ShmRegen} on you!
/casting ${ShmRegen}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${ShmSoW} on you!
/casting ${ShmSoW}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${ShmAgi} on you!
/casting ${ShmAgi}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${ShmSta} on you!
/casting ${ShmSta}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100

Druid Script
Rich (BB code):
#turbo 40
#event Follow "#1# tells you, 'Follow'"
#event Stay "#1# tells you, 'Stay'"
#event ZoneType "You can only cast this spell in the outdoors."
#event GrpHpbuff "#1# tells you, 'SkinBuff'"
#event HPbuff "#1# tells you, 'HPBuff'"
#event Regen "#1# tells you, 'Regen'"
#event SoW "#1# tells you, 'SoW'"
#event Stats "#1# tells you, 'Stats'"
#event DS "#1# tells you, 'DS'"
#event Buffs "#1# tells you, 'Buffs'"

Sub Main 

/declare DruGrpHPBuff string outer "Protection of Nature"
/declare DruHPBuff string outer "Natureskin"
/declare DruStr string outer "Girdle of Karana"
/declare DruRegen string outer "Regrowth"
/declare DruSoW string outer "Spirit of Wolf"
/declare DruDS string outer "Shield of Thorns"
/declare DruHeal string outer "Chloroblast"
/declare HealManaReq int outer "175"
/declare HealDistance int outer 100
/declare MainAssist string outer ${Target.CleanName}
/declare HealAt int outer 70
/declare ZoneType int outer 0

/memorize ${DruHeal}|gem1
/delay 50
/memorize ${DruHPBuff}|gem2
/delay 50
/memorize ${DruGrpHPBuff}|gem3
/delay 50
/memorize ${DruRegen}|gem4
/delay 50
/memorize ${DruSoW}|gem5
/delay 50
/memorize ${DruStr}|gem6
/delay 50
/memorize ${DruDS}|gem7
/delay 50
/echo Spells for power leveling are all memorized!

/tgb on
/assist off
/echo Simple Druid power leveling script activated!
/echo Main Assist is ${MainAssist}

/call SelfHeals
/call CheckHeals
/call ManaCheck
/goto :loop

Sub SelfHeals
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=50) {
	/target ${me}
	/casting ${DruHeal}|gem1 -maxtries|3

Sub CheckHeals

/target ${MainAssist}
/if (${Target.Distance}>${HealDistance}) /return
/if (${Me.CurrentMana}<${HealManaReq}) {
	/tell ${MainAssist} My mana is low. I am at {Me.PctMana}%.
	/goto :loop
/if (${Target.PctHPs}<=${HealAt}&&${Target.Distance}<=${HealDistance}&&${Me.CurrentMana}>=${HealManaReq}) {
	/casting ${DruHeal}|gem1 -maxtries|3

Sub ManaCheck

/if (${Me.Standing}&&!${Stick.Active}&&!${Me.Mount.ID}&&${Me.PctMana}<100) { 
      /sit on  

Sub Event_Follow
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell} 
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Following you 

Sub Event_Stay
/stick off 
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Staying here 
/delay 1 
/if (!${Me.Sitting}&&!${Stick.Active}&&!${Me.Moving}&&${Me.PctMana}<100) { 
      /sit on 

Sub Event_ZoneType
/varset ZoneType 1
/echo Adjusting to indoor zone!

Sub Event_GrpHPBuff
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${DruGrpHPBuff} on you!
/casting ${DruGrpHPBuff}|gem8 -maxtries|3
Sub Event_HPBuff
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${DruHPBuff} on you!
/casting ${DruHPBuff}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_Regen
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${DruRegen} on you!
/casting ${DruRegen}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_SoW
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${DruSoW} on you!
/casting ${DruSoW}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_Stats
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${DruStr} on you!
/casting ${DruStr}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_DS
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${DruDS} on you!
/casting ${DruDS}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_Buffs
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${DruGrpHPBuff} on you!
/casting ${DruGrpHPBuff}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${DruHPBuff} on you!
/casting ${DruHPBuff}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${DruRegen} on you!
/casting ${DruRegen}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${DruSoW} on you!
/casting ${DruSoW}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${DruStr} on you!
/casting ${DruStr}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${DruDS} on you!
/casting ${DruDS}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100

Enchanter Script
Rich (BB code):
#turbo 40
#event Follow "#1# tells you, 'Follow'"
#event Stay "#1# tells you, 'Stay'"
#event ZoneType "You can only cast this spell in the outdoors."
#event GroupClarity "#1# tells you, 'GClarity'"
#event Clarity "#1# tells you, 'Clarity'"
#event TankHaste "#1# tells you, 'THaste'"
#event Haste "#1# tells you, 'Haste'"
#event Boon "#1# tells you, 'Boon'"
#event Buffs "#1# tells you, 'Buffs'"
#event ZoneType "You can only cast this spell in the outdoors."

Sub Main 

/declare ZoneType int outer 0
/declare EncGrpClarity string outer "Boon of the Clear Mind"
/declare EncClarity string outer "Clarity II"
/declare EncTankHaste string outer "Augment"
/declare EncDPSHaste string outer "Aanya's Quickening"
/declare EncBoon string outer "Boon of the Garou"
/declare UseMount int outer 1
/declare MountItem string outer "Black Rope Bridle"

/memorize ${EncGrpClarity}|gem1
/delay 50
/memorize ${EncClarity}|gem2
/delay 50
/memorize ${EncTankHaste}|gem3
/delay 50
/memorize ${EncDPSHaste}|gem4
/delay 50
/memorize ${EncBoon}|gem5
/delay 50
/echo Spells all memmed for Enchanter buffing!

/tgb on
/assist off
/echo Simple Enchanter power leveling buff script activated!

/call ManaCheck
/goto :loop

Sub ManaCheck
/if (${UseMount}==1 && ${ZoneType}==0 && !${Me.Mount.ID}) {
	/casting ${MountItem}|item
/if (${Me.Standing}&&!${Stick.Active}&&!${Me.Mount.ID}&&${Me.PctMana}<100) { 
      /sit on  

Sub Event_Follow
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell} 
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Following you 

Sub Event_Stay
/stick off 
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Staying here 
/delay 1 
/if (!${Me.Sitting}&&!${Stick.Active}&&!${Me.Moving}&&${Me.PctMana}<100) { 
      /sit on 

Sub Event_ZoneType
/varset ZoneType 1
/echo Adjusting to indoor zone!

Sub Event_GroupClarity
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${EncGrpClarity} on you!
/casting ${EncGrpClarity}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_Clarity
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${EncClarity} on you!
/casting ${EncClarity}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_TankHaste
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${EncTankHaste} on you!
/casting ${EncTankHaste}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_Haste
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${EncDPSHaste} on you!
/casting ${EncDPSHaste}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_Boon
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${EncBoon} on you!
/casting ${EncBoon}|gem8 -maxtries|3

Sub Event_Buffs
/target ${MacroQuest.LastTell}
/delay 1
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${EncGrpClarity} on you!
/casting ${EncGrpClarity}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${EncClarity} on you!
/casting ${EncClarity}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${EncTankHaste} on you!
/casting ${EncTankHaste}|gem8 -maxtries|3
/delay 100
/tell ${MacroQuest.LastTell} Casting ${EncBoon} on you!
/casting ${EncBoon}|gem8 -maxtries|3
Slade the Magician
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