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Utility Port.mac 0.3

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🏢 Live TLP
Simple macro for folks running multiple groups and porters! (or just really lazy haha!)

This is the first version of this so I'm doing 0.3 cause I likely have a typo in there somewhere, just DM me with any issues.

|Portal mac
|Usage: /mac port zoneshortname
|Use on port char ie. wiz or dru (recommend to make a porter channel so you can /dgt porter or /bct porter)
|Does a range check for everyone in group and warns if someone is out of range of the port
|Verifies char is in the correct zone after porting, will retry if they are not or if they stop casting (interrupted)
|Built in logic to go to closest zone if zones aren't the same (ie /mac port lavastorm will port wizard groups to nektulos)
|Includes all portal zones
First release
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