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Utility lazyrez.mac

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Included in Very Vanilla
Very Vanilla Included! No need to download.
Server Type
🏢 Live Test
updated to use mq2nav

| LazyRez.mac
| Adapted from LazyLobbyRez.mac by TreeHuginDruid


Sub Main

/declare SoulStoneMerchant string outer "A Disciple of Luclin"
/declare CorpseSummoner string outer "A Priest of Luclin"
/declare RangeDist int outer 8
/declare SoulStoneName string outer
/declare bag string outer
/declare slot string outer
/declare ItemToGet string outer
/declare MercClass string outer
/declare i int outer

/squelch /target clear
/delay 10

/call PluginCheck
/call CheckSoulstone
/call BuySoulstone
/call GiveSoulstone
/call PcRez

|SUB: CheckSoulstone
Sub CheckSoulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=115) /varset SoulStoneName Velium Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=110) /varset SoulStoneName Draconic Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=105) /varset SoulStoneName Torrential Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=100) /varset SoulStoneName Coalescent Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=95) /varset SoulStoneName Luminous Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=90) /varset SoulStoneName Phantasmal Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=85) /varset SoulStoneName Iridescent Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=80) /varset SoulStoneName Prismatic Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=75) /varset SoulStoneName Glowing Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=70) /varset SoulStoneName Pristine Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=55) /varset SoulStoneName Faceted Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=50) /varset SoulStoneName Greater Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=40) /varset SoulStoneName Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=30) /varset SoulStoneName Lesser Soulstone
/if (${Me.Level}<=20) /varset SoulStoneName Minor Soulstone

/delay 10

/echo Soulstone for my level (${Me.Level}) is (${SoulStoneName}).


|SUB: BuySoulstone
Sub BuySoulstone

/if (${FindItem[${SoulStoneName}].ID}) {
/echo I already have a (${SoulStoneName}).
} else {
/echo I have to buy a (${SoulStoneName}).

/target ${SoulStoneMerchant}
/delay 10

/if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.CleanName.Equal[${SoulStoneMerchant}]}) {
/echo Moving to (${SoulStoneMerchant}).
/nav id ${Target.ID} mdist ${RangeDist}
/delay 2s ${Me.Moving}

/if (${Me.Moving}) {
/delay 2
/if (${Me.Moving}) /goto :NoMovement1

/nomodkey /click right target
/delay 5s ${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}
/if (!${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}) /goto :OpenGiveWindowA

/if (${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}) {
/delay 5s
/varset ItemToGet ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[ItemList].List[=${SoulStoneName},2]}
/delay 1s

/if (!${ItemToGet}) {
/echo I couldn't find (${SoulStoneName}) to purchase!
} else {
/echo Found (${SoulStoneName}) to purchase!
/notify MerchantWnd ItemList listselect ${ItemToGet}
/delay 10
/notify MerchantWnd ItemList LeftMouseUp ${ItemToGet}
/delay 10
/nomodkey /notify MerchantWnd MW_Buy_Button LeftMouseUp
/delay 10

/if (${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}) {
/nomodkey /notify MerchantWnd MW_Done_Button LeftMouseUp
/delay 10
/if (${Window[MerchantWnd].Open}) /goto :CloseMerchantWnd1


|SUB: GiveSoulstone
Sub GiveSoulstone

/target ${CorpseSummoner}
/delay 10

/if (${Target.ID} && ${Target.CleanName.Equal[${CorpseSummoner}]}) {
/echo Moving to (${CorpseSummoner}).
/nav id ${Target.ID} mdist ${RangeDist}
/delay 2s ${Me.Moving}

/if (${Me.Moving}) {
/delay 2
/if (${Me.Moving}) /goto :NoMovement2

/if (${Target.Distance}<=${RangeDist}) /call GrabSoulstone

/if (${Cursor.ID} && ${Cursor.Name.Equal[${SoulStoneName}]}) {
/echo I have (${SoulStoneName}) on my cursor.
/echo Giving (${Cursor.Name}) to (${Target.CleanName}).

/nomodkey /click left target
/delay 5s ${Window[GiveWnd].Open}
/if (!${Window[GiveWnd].Open}) /goto :OpenGiveWindowB

/if (${Window[GiveWnd].Open}) {
/notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
/delay 3s
/if (${Window[GiveWnd].Open}) /goto :GiveSoulStone

/if (${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) {
/nomodkey /notify InventoryWindow IW_DoneButton LeftMouseUp
/delay 5
/if (${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) /goto :CloseInvWnd
} else {
/echo I couldn't find (${SoulStoneName}) on my cursor!

/if (${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) /nomodkey /notify InventoryWindow IW_DoneButton LeftMouseUp
/delay 5

/squelch /target clear
/delay 10


|SUB: GrabSoulstone
Sub GrabSoulstone

/echo Attempting to grab (${SoulStoneName}).

/if (!${Window[InventoryWindow].Open}) /keypress Inventory
/delay 5

/itemnotify "${SoulStoneName}" leftmouseup
/delay 5


|SUB: Revive Merc
Sub ReviveMerc

/if (!${Mercenary.State.Equal[ACTIVE]}) {
/echo Attempting to revive my mercenary.
/nomodkey /notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_SuspendButton LeftMouseUp
/delay 3s
/if (!${Mercenary.State.Equal[ACTIVE]}) {
/echo Waiting until mercenary can be revivied.
/goto :MercReviveLoop
} else {
/varset MercClass ${Mercenary.Class}
/echo My mercenary's calss is (${MercClass}).

|---------------- Check to make sure merc is a healer!
/if (${MercClass.NotEqual[Cleric]}) {
/for i 1 to 8
/echo Looking at merc slot (${i}), (${Window[MMGW_ManageWnd].Child[MMGW_OwnedListBox].List[${i},2]}).
|/notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_OwnedListBox listselect ${i}
/if (${Window[MMGW_ManageWnd].Child[MMGW_OwnedListBox].List[${i},2].Find[Healer]}) {
/echo FOUND A HEALER! - (${Window[MMGW_ManageWnd].Child[MMGW_OwnedListBox].List[${i},2]})
/echo Switching mercenary to:(${Window[MMGW_ManageWnd].Child[MMGW_OwnedListBox].List[${i},2]}).
/notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_OwnedListBox listselect ${i}
/notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_SwitchButton leftmouseup
/delay 10
/delay 10
/next i

|---------------- Check to make sure merc stance is not passive!
/if (${Mercenary.Stance.Equal[Passive]}) /stance Balanced


|SUB: TakeRez
Sub TakeRez

|---------------- Check to make sure merc stance is not passive!
/if (${Mercenary.Stance.Equal[Passive]}) /stance Balanced

/echo Accepting rez if available.
/delay 6s

/if (${Window[ConfirmationDialogBox].Open} && (${Spawn[${Me.ID}].Type.Equal[Corpse]})) {
/echo I have a rez box, accepting now.
/nomodkey /notify ConfirmationDialogBox Yes_Button leftmouseup
/delay 2s
/multiline ; /echo Respawning ; /notify RespawnWnd RW_OptionsList listselect 2 ; /notify RespawnWnd RW_SelectButton leftmouseup
/delay 10
} else {
/echo Waiting 6 seconds for a rez.
/delay 6s

/if (${Spawn[${Me.ID}].Type.Equal[Corpse]}) /goto :RezWait


|SUB: Suspend Merc
Sub SuspendMerc

/if (${Mercenary.State.Equal[ACTIVE]}) {
/echo Suspending Mercenary.
/nomodkey /notify MMGW_ManageWnd MMGW_SuspendButton LeftMouseUp
/delay 3s
/if (${Mercenary.State.Equal[ACTIVE]}) /goto :MercSuspendLoop


|SUB: PluginCheck
Sub PluginCheck

/echo Checking for required plugins . . .

/if (!${Plugin[MQ2Nav].Name.Equal[MQ2Nav]}) {
/echo Loading MQ2Nav plugin, because this macro requires it !
/squelch /plugin MQ2Nav load
/delay 1s
/if (!${Plugin[MQ2Nav].Name.Equal[MQ2Nav]}) {
/echo Unable to load MQ2Nav plugin, quiting.
} else {
/echo MQ2Nav plugin is loaded.

/echo Plugin check complete . . .


|SUB: LogMeOut
Sub LogMeOut

/echo Time to camp out!
/keypress forward
/if (!${Me.Sitting} && !${Me.Mount.ID}) /sit
/delay 45s
/camp desktop

|SUB: PcRez
Sub PcRez

/echo Checking if I'm a healer
/if (${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Cleric]} || ${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Shaman]} || ${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Druid]}) {
/echo I, ${Me.Name}, am a ${Me.Class.Name} so waiting a few extra seconds ...
/if (!${Me.Sitting} && !${Me.Mount.ID}) /sit
/delay 5s
/declare gn int local 0
/for gn 1 to 5
/target ${Spawn[corpse ${Group.Member[${gn}].Name}]}

/echo ${Group.Member[${gn}].Name} ${Target} Type: ${Target.Type} ${Target.Type.Equal[corpse]}
/if (${Target.Type.Equal[corpse]} ) {
/echo detected corpse
/call DoRez
} else {
/echo no corpse detected for ${Group.Member[${gn}].Name}
/delay 1s

/keypress ESC
/next gn

/target ${Spawn[corpse ${Me.Name}]}
/call DoRez
/echo done
} else {
/echo Not a healer so just gonna chill and wait for rez

/if (!${Me.Sitting} && !${Me.Mount.ID}) /sit

|SUB: DoRez
Sub DoRez
/echo DoRez on ${Target.Name}
/if (${Me.Class.Name.Equal[Cleric]}) {
/while (!${Me.AltAbilityReady[Blessing of Resurrection]}) {
/if (!${Me.Sitting} && !${Me.Mount.ID}) /sit
/delay 1s
/aa act Blessing of Resurrection
} else {
/while (!${Me.AltAbilityReady[Rejuvenation of Spirit]}) {
/if (!${Me.Sitting} && !${Me.Mount.ID}) /sit
/delay 1s
/aa act Rejuvenation of Spirit
/delay 3s
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