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Quest / Event Hatchery.mac 2023-04-03

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So i was levelling a friend of mines toons and cracked out my Old hatchery and even the one here and i noticed some things could afford tightening and the exit location was Busted I have fixed Both and am Pushing up the edit for all to use! -

Posted by: morisato
Okay - rather than adding a delay, I actually added a check/loop in the Kicktask subroutine, so that the macro will continue the kicktask action until the tank doesn't have the task anymore. Through 5 clears of the instance, it has worked without stopping. Attached the macro with my changes, if anyone is curious.

Okay I believe I've solved the "running around PoK" issue.

I basically changed the "DanZoneIn" subroutine to check the zone of every group member and if one or more group members are still in PoK, cycle through the /tar Destrea, /nav Destrea, /say ready commands. This continues until all members are in the instance. Unrelated, I also removed the "leadzonein" section of the subroutine because it seemed unnecessary, and it caused the group leader's Lesson of the Devoted/Experience Potion to run out disproportionately fast compared to the rest of the group.

I tested the new version of the mac and found that, when I forced a character (including the tank) not to zone into the instance, the whole group repeated the /tar Destrea, /nav Destrea, /say ready commands, as expected. When the character that hadn't zoned in yet was NOT the tank, the tank waited to leave the group and start gathering mobs until every group member had zoned in. I then left it running for 10 clearings of the Hatchery. Went off without a hitch.

I found that when the PLee group reached around level 60, the mobs would start hitting the tank more while standing up, due to the mobs being able to hit the tank more easily than prior levels. As such, they incurred much more DS damage, and most of them would die even before the AE nuke had a chance to move in. (Might not be a problem for a max AA tank with full top-level raid gear, but alas, that is not what my tank is.)

I also often had an issue with the AE nuke drawing aggro from the tank, often leading to the caster's death.

I was able to kill two birds with one stone in this update. I added logic to remove all self DSes before entering the instance, and then recast them just before the AE nuke is sent in. This prevented the mobs from dying to the tank's DS before the AE nuke had a chance to get credit for the kills. This also gave me time to run one more round of AE Taunts before the AE Nuke goes in, virtually guaranteeing that the tank keeps aggro throughout the rest of the clear.
Removed some leftover Echotests P:) that caused a weird bug. and changed The Taunt spell for lvl 86-90 Range ae taunts. to correct spell.
Sorry for the delay on the New Hatchery Been distracted by IHC, LOL no excuse i know but Here we go!

Works for SK as tank - Automems All Spells. Requires lvl 85 or higher SK.
Runs Cskillup for all Casters In group - Requires U to have the proper Spells.! or it will not work. But will not affect hatchery performance.
Reworked Zonein Routine
Reworked Task Acquire Routine.
*Personally tested with the new 115 Cap And was able to Sucessfully Even if not productively level up to 85 But once Mobs Hit 85 it became Untenable to Really do hatchery, max AA 115 SK with Full t3 Groupgear and Ice Encrusted Tower was used.
Fixed Mq2Twist/Dannet Unloading on run 2 On groupleader.
Still uses Mq2Dannet, Mq2eqbc, Added In mq2yes as i find it useful and handy! P:)

Feedback Welcome!
So I originally modified the hatchery as my First project I have Not done many since but i am Much more versed in macro language since this macro. Some things i would have done differently and so I am Going back and Making this Macro better.

1.60 Update Notes!

Mq2EQBC is Back! - Dannet still in use for Safety Checks to ensure no Dieing! Dannet now autoloads.
MQ2Twist Is back! - Now twists as well as stops to avoid Lockups!
Task Quit Routine Cleaned up Now Much Cleaner. and We Welcome MQ2YES to the list of plugins i am using. ( Ps I LOVE this Plugin!)


Looking for Further Suggestions for the macro!
Adding Cskillup Support was one i have had and am looking into!
Here is the Latest Version!
Well I managed to play with it a Bunch and In total I have Done the following near as i can tell with some Small Hiccups along the way it Definely Needs cleanup and i will try but its fully functional for me now and runs great Tested it on live.

Removed Eqbc From The macro Converted to Mq2dannet
Removed Mq2twist - Didn;t work for me half the time
For all Movement except exiting Zone Using mq2nav, use mq2moveutils for exiting the zone
made it so its Not bard dependant Works with Any Class with a PBAE in Gem slot 1.
Added Out of Group Damage Shields to the macro. and added Some more outputs to keep you informed its working. ( looking to put in a Counter to Output How many Successful Runs you have done in a row)
Added Some delay to some of the macro to make it work for higher latency situations like mine apparently.

Now Special Thanks to Jande, Dannuic, Sicpro, kaen, Lamahherder and Many many others for Your macros your help and Putting up with me as i bumbled thru this! p:) lol

Let me Know how it works and ideas to make it better for me to goof with!.
This is Just My Modified version! Enjoy

Spent the Day Mucking with it and Cleaning it up.
Added In a Run counter
Coded in a Zoned in check routine to Ensure Tank is not first In zone.
Removed as much Old code as i could to trim Macro.
Changed The way Task requests Works No longer uses a Subroutine to check for task, I personally Had issues so i killed it.

This Will be My Final Edit of the macro Unless Someone finds a Glaring Bug. Or suggests a Fun useful and Not incredibly hard thing to add!
Had Fun would Do it again!