- Other Authors
- Owner and Maintainer: Medicman / Contributors: thedruidyourlookingfor,
- Software Requirements
- [Includes]
MQ2EQBC (Optional)
You can run it on a Shaman, Magician, Enchanter, Ranger, Druid, Wizard, Beastlord, or Cleric, or Paladin. You can even have a Necromancer summon corpses!
- All
- Druid and Wizard Taxi Service
2.0 Final Version
2.0 BETA
Changes: Bug Fixes and Updates Galore
- Buffs level appropriate buffs when Hailed.
- Setup to use languages for FV.
- Echos who it is helping to EQBC when debug is on.
- Mage: Summons Pet toys when it hears "toys"
- Mage: Summons Between 1- 20 Pet toys when it hears "toys 1-20"
- Mage: Summons Invis stone when it hears "invis"
- Mage: Summons mod rod when it hears "rod"
- Mage: Summons damage rod when it hears "drod"
- Mage: Summons arrows/quiver when it hears "arrows"
- Mage: Summons Invis stone, Lev Ring, Mod Rod, and Damage Rod when it hears "other"
- Cleric: Will resurrect a player when it hears "rez"
- Necromancer: Will summon a player when it hears "summon"
- Druid: Ports to all available Druid Zephyrs.
- Wizard: Ports to all available Wizard Translocates.
- Account balances! Charge people for your buffs and stop buffing them if they can't afford it. **(You can, doesn't mean you should)**
- Will deduct a set amount each time it buffs a pet, merc, or the initiator.
- Will deduct a set amount each time it summons on the mage.
- Moved everything you need to change into the INI.
- Advertise the commands available!
- All
- Press "h key" to hail for level appropriate buffs.
-- /say for special character specific commands
- Druid and Wizard Taxi Service
- Type "/say ports" to hail for quick trip to another world
-- Wizard for Translocate
-- Druid for Zephers
-- Druid for Zephers
- Mage- Type "/say (what it is you want)
-- toys
-- toys "x"(1-20) **Max number of pet items you can request**
-- invis
-- arrows
-- rod
-- drod
-- other
- Cleric- rez (Type /say rez to your Cleric)
- Necromancer- summon (Type /say summon to your Necro)
2.0 Final Version
- Cleaned up a lot of old code that was not necessary.
- Fixed buffers so they will only stand and cast and not turn to wherever the buff requester is standing.
- Added Zephers and Translocates for Druid and Wizard Taxi service.
- Fixed some bugs that was causing buffs to be casted twice on the same toon.
- All 125 buffs and spells have been added to catch everything up to date.
2.0 BETA
Changes: Bug Fixes and Updates Galore
- Clean up and out a lot of code that didn't need to be there
- Updated: Cleric, Druid, Enchanter, Magician, Paladin, and Ranger (Beastlord and Shaman almost finished)
- Fixed some port issues with the Druid
- Updated Ports for Laurion's Song Expansion
- MORE TO COME ............................
- Fixed some issues with toons casting the same buffs on the same toon more than once
- Added all level 120 buffs for all buff classes.
- Update toys, ports, etc.
- Added ToV port and translocate Spells for Wizard and Druid
- Added ToV port and translocate Spells for Wizard and Druid
- Fixed issue with mage DS.
- Updated for Ring of Scale Expansion.
- Changed INIs to save per server/character now.
- License Name
- Guild Buff Assistant