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AAList.mac - HoT through ToL

Utility AAList.mac - HoT through ToL 0.1

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Other Authors
Wolfborn, Esiah
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🏢 Live 🏘️ Emu TLP Test
Broke out an old toon who was lvl 92 and PL'd her to 100.
She had 9 AA total and I didn't want to autogrant until I had a few thousand AA from the latest expansions.

Couldn't find a macro to list only the AA from the latest expac so I made one.
Lists all AA from House of Thule, Veil of Alaris and Rain of Fear.

Lists them in the INI file format, ready to use with Sym's MQ2AASpend plugin.
Of course they are in order from General, Archetype to Class so you will have to reorder them as you see fit. (I left out Special tab)
Remember you don't have to change the numbers.. only the position in the file. AASpend automatically renumbers them for you.

Updated to include Terror of Luclin.

Rich (BB code):
| AAList.mac  Wolfborn 09\17\2014 Version
| Updated by Esiah 2/28/2022
| Sole purpose is to list AA from the latest expansions
| House of Thule, Veil of Alaris, Rain of Fear, CoTF, The Burning Lands, Torment of Velious, Claws of Veeshan, The Burning Lands, Torment of Velious, Terror of Luclin

Sub Main
    /declare a     int
    /declare b     int
    /declare x     int
    /declare i     int    0
    /declare ExpName    string local
    /declare AAName        string local
    /declare AACost        int local
    /for x 1 to 12
        /if (${x}==1) /varset ExpName "Ring of Scale"
        /if (${x}==2) /varset ExpName "Empires of Kunark"
        /if (${x}==3) /varset ExpName "The Broken Mirror"
        /if (${x}==4) /varset ExpName "The Darkened Sea"
        /if (${x}==5) /varset ExpName "Call of the Forsaken"
        /if (${x}==6) /varset ExpName "Rain of Fear"
        /if (${x}==7) /varset ExpName "House of Thule"
        /if (${x}==8) /varset ExpName "Claws of Veeshan"
        /if (${x}==9) /varset ExpName "The Burning Lands"
        /if (${x}==10) /varset ExpName "Torment of Velious"
        /if (${x}==11) /varset ExpName "Terror of Luclin"
        /if (${x}==12) /varset ExpName "Tradeskill"
        /echo ------- Processing ${ExpName} expansion ------
        /for a 1 to 5
            /for b 1 to 150
            /varset AACost ${Window[AAWindow].Child[List${a}].List[${b}, 3]}
                /if (${Window[AAWindow].Child[List${a}].List[${b}, 5].Equal[${ExpName}]} && ${AACost} >= 1) {
                    /ini "AAGrantList.ini" "MQ2AASpend_AAList" "${i}" "${Window[AAWindow].Child[List${a}].List[${b}, 1]}|M"
                    /echo ${i}=${Window[AAWindow].Child[List${a}].List[${b}, 1]}
                    /delay 5
                    /varcalc i ${i}+1
            /next b
        /next a
    /next x
    /echo -------------- DONE!! -------------------
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  1. Futureproofing

    This macro has been plinkoed around. Hopefully this update helps future-proof this utility...
  2. Added expansions

    Ring of Scale Empires of Kunark The Broken Mirror The Darkened Sea Call of the Forsaken Rain of...
  3. Ladon

    "Posting an updated version for RoS!" - Ladon