Thanks for all the comments below, this has been updated with the suggestions and is working well EXCEPT sometimes not all my burns are firing. I'll look into that.
Things to note:
-- Uses Glowing Mod rod. If you don't have the updated AA, change glowing to "Giant"
-- Summons several mod rods for mana
-- Summons Fire Orbs for additional DPS
-- Uses Elemental Form: Fire for added DPS so you may want to block the illusion portion
-- Uses an Water pet because this is a DPS mage, not a pet tank mage.
-- Water pet uses a stun sword and a fire sword due to the additional fire damage modifiers in this INI
-- Uses a RoS t2 Robe clicky so you may want to change that to yours
-- Uses a RoS t2 pet ear item to shrink so you may want to update that in pet buffs
-- PetBuffs1=NULL so you can put your pet illusion spell here
-- PetBuffs2=...Burnout XIII -- burnout is commented out in my INI because my SK's buff overwrites it and it sends the mage into a buffing loop
-- Should work with the command /pettoysplz petname to give weapons to nearby pets (only weapons and mask)
-- MiscGem=13 If you don't have 13 gems yet, you need to change it to your preferred so you don't get into a loop
-- Spells are listed below... delete all your spells from your gems then type /memmyspells If you have an empty spell gem after you do this, you either do not have the correct rank (so add or remove rank from the spells in the INI, save, and run again), or you do not own the spell and you need to find it. For some reason Rank is an issue with the kiss version of /memmyspells.
Thanks for all the comments below, this has been updated with the suggestions and is working well EXCEPT sometimes not all my burns are firing. I'll look into that.
Things to note:
-- Uses Glowing Mod rod. If you don't have the updated AA, change glowing to "Giant"
-- Summons several mod rods for mana
-- Summons Fire Orbs for additional DPS
-- Uses Elemental Form: Fire for added DPS so you may want to block the illusion portion
-- Uses an Water pet because this is a DPS mage, not a pet tank mage.
-- Water pet uses a stun sword and a fire sword due to the additional fire damage modifiers in this INI
-- Uses a RoS t2 Robe clicky so you may want to change that to yours
-- Uses a RoS t2 pet ear item to shrink so you may want to update that in pet buffs
-- PetBuffs1=NULL so you can put your pet illusion spell here
-- PetBuffs2=...Burnout XIII -- burnout is commented out in my INI because my SK's buff overwrites it and it sends the mage into a buffing loop
-- Should work with the command /pettoysplz petname to give weapons to nearby pets (only weapons and mask)
-- MiscGem=13 If you don't have 13 gems yet, you need to change it to your preferred so you don't get into a loop
-- Spells are listed below... delete all your spells from your gems then type /memmyspells If you have an empty spell gem after you do this, you either do not have the correct rank (so add or remove rank from the spells in the INI, save, and run again), or you do not own the spell and you need to find it. For some reason Rank is an issue with the kiss version of /memmyspells.
Buffs1=Polymorph Wand: Plaguebringer|Dual|Essence of Bertoxxulous
Buffs2=Mass Dark Transvergence|Summon|Wand of Pelagic Transvergence|1
Buffs3=Shield of Order
Buffs4=Wand of Pelagic Transvergence|Mana|50|70
Buffs5=Rhyolitic Bodyguard
Buffs6=Summon Modulation Shard|Summon|Summoned: Glowing Modulation Shard|1|ME
Buffs7=Summoned: Glowing Modulation Shard|mana|90
Buffs8=Gather Capability|Mana|30
Buffs9=Summon Firebound Orb|Summon|Firebound Orb II|1
Buffs10=Circle of the Inferno
Buffs11=Wand of Pelagic Transvergence|60|60
Buffs12=Butterfly Nimbus
Buffs13=Burning Symbiosis|Dual|Burning Symbiosis Recourse|mana|60
Buffs14=Perfected Levitation|Dual|Group Perfected Levitation:Permanent
Buffs15=Elemental Conversion|mana|60
Buffs16=Burning Guardian|Me
Buffs17=Arcane Distillect|Aura
Buffs18=Wand of Arcronite Modulation|mana|80|50
Buffs19=Elemental Barrier
Buffs20=Elemental Form: Fire
Buffs21=Wand of Burning Modulation|Summon|Wand of Arcronite Modulation|1
AE1=Wind of Malosinete|2
AE2=Fortify Companion|3
AE3=Companion's Fury|3
AE4=Host in the Shell|4
AE5=Scaled Flameweaver Robe|3
DPS2=Reckless Servant|99
DPS3=Volley of Many|98
DPS4=Bolt of Skyfire|96
DPS5=Spear of Molten Arcronite|95
DPS6=Dichotomic Companion|94
DPS7=Chaotic Inferno|93
DPS8=Firebound Orb II|37|Weave
DPS10=Spear of Molten Shieldstone|90
DPS11=Force of Elements|97|Weave
DPS12=Shock of Arcronite Steel|88
Heals2=Mend Companion|30|Pet
Heals3=Companion's Fortification|50|Pet
Heals4=Host in the Shell|60|Pet
Heals5=Shield of the Elements|70|Me
Heals6=Second Wind Ward|45|Pet
Heals7=Elemental Form: Earth|30|Me
PetSpell=Embodiment of Water
PetBuffs2=...Burnout XIII
PetBuffs3=Iceflame Keep
PetBuffs4=Scaled Flameweaver Robe
PetBuffs5=Arcane Distillect
PetToys1=Grant Wirn's Armaments|Summoned: Gorstruck Shortsword|Summoned: Gorstruck Fireblade
PetToys2=Grant Visor of Gobeker
PetToysGave=Pet|Grant Wirn's Armaments:Summoned: Gorstruck Shortsword1|Grant Wirn's Armaments:Summoned: Gorstruck Fireblade2|Grant Visor of Gobeker
Burn1=Shield of the Elements
Burn2=Silent Casting
Burn3=Host of the Elements|Mob
Burn4=Host in the Shell
Burn5=Improved Twincast
Burn6=Fundament: First Spire of the Elements
Burn7=Companion's Fury
Burn8=Host of the Elements
Burn9=Arcane Whisper
Burn10=Focus of Arcanum
Burn11=Elemental Union
Burn12=Heart of Flames
Burn13=Servant of Ro
GoMSpell1=Dichotomic Companion|Mob
GoMSpell2=Spear of Molten Arcronite|Mob
GoMSpell3=Spear of Molten Shieldstone|Mob
GoMSpell4=Bolt of Molten Shieldstone|Mob
Gem1=Reckless Servant
Gem2=Spear of Molten Shieldstone Rk. II
Gem3=Spear of Molten Arcronite
Gem4=Shock of Arcronite Steel
Gem5=Chaotic Inferno
Gem6=Bolt of Skyfire Rk. II
Gem7=Volley of Many
Gem8=Gather Capability
Gem9=Dichotomic Companion
Gem11=Embodiment of Water
Gem12=Burning Symbiosis
Gem13=Summon Firebound Orb Rk. II