** updated 12/7/15 with my latest edits I have locally. IE: removed the item buffs since those are no longer required etc..
** updated 03/25/16 with mq2melee holy/downs
** updated 03/26/16 added spell lists
** updated 05/20/16 added dichotomic psalm downshit to check that my MA (my puller) is in range before casting. Dichotomic psalm is in my 10th spell gem so it just uses a /twist 10 command. (change to your spell gem #)
I usually play my bard while in group but occasionally I'll use KA if I need to manually run another toon and automate the bard. So this was something I tossed together rather quickly. Will single target mez and ae mez and pop burn AA's/disc's on named. I'm sure it could be well improved upon but I didn't see a bard ini anywhere. Hopefully it helps someone. ~Thanks. I'm interested in improving it so edit at will! like epic 2.0 , tune stuck in your head etc..
Mq2melee Holy/Downs:
My typical song sets and twist 1 2 3 4 6. Sometimes if the healer is bitchy and wants mana I'll include 7 in the mix but with dichotomic psalm it's pretty moot now.
Also, I'm not going to get into a huge debate about if it's better to twist 12 songs vs 5 or 4 etc.
In my opinion it's always situational but more often than not, a raid bard will find themselves in a heavy melee grp (at least for me I do) and it's best to keep a firm set of songs on at all time. If you want to create a huge twist list, go ahead.
Gem1=Aria of Maetanrus Rk. II
Gem2=Arcane Melody Rk. II
Gem3=Doben's Spry Sonata Rk. III
Gem4=War March of Jocelyn Rk. II
Gem5=Slumber of Silisia Rk. II
Gem6=Fjilnauk's Spiteful Lyric Rk. II
Gem7=Pulse of Sionachie Rk. II
Gem8=Aria of Absolution
Gem9=Chorus of Sionachie Rk. II
Gem10=Dichotomic Psalm
Gem11=Aura of Maetanrus Rk. II
Gem12=Wave of Torpor Rk. II
Gem1=Nilsara's Aria Rk. II
Gem2=Fjilnauk's Spiteful Lyric Rk. II
Gem3=Fatesong of Jocelyn Rk. II
Gem4=Arcane Melody Rk. II
Gem5=Slumber of Silisia Rk. II
Gem6=Aria of Maetanrus Rk. II
Gem7=Pulse of Sionachie Rk. II
Gem8=Aria of Absolution
Gem9=Chorus of Sionachie Rk. II
Gem10=Dichotomic Psalm
Gem11=Aura of Maetanrus Rk. II
Gem12=Wave of Torpor Rk. II
** updated 03/25/16 with mq2melee holy/downs
** updated 03/26/16 added spell lists
** updated 05/20/16 added dichotomic psalm downshit to check that my MA (my puller) is in range before casting. Dichotomic psalm is in my 10th spell gem so it just uses a /twist 10 command. (change to your spell gem #)
I usually play my bard while in group but occasionally I'll use KA if I need to manually run another toon and automate the bard. So this was something I tossed together rather quickly. Will single target mez and ae mez and pop burn AA's/disc's on named. I'm sure it could be well improved upon but I didn't see a bard ini anywhere. Hopefully it helps someone. ~Thanks. I'm interested in improving it so edit at will! like epic 2.0 , tune stuck in your head etc..
Buffs1=Selo's Sonata|me
Buffs2=Rapier of Somber Notes
MeleeTwistWhat=1 2 3 4 6 7
DPS1=Fierce Eye|95
DPS3=Dirge of Metala|21
DPS4=Lyrical Prankster|95
Heals1=Fading Memories|20|once
MezSpell=Slumber of Silisia Rk. II
MezAESpell=Wave of Torpor Rk. II|3
Burn1=Funeral Dirge|95
Burn2=Song of Stone|94
Burn4=Quick Time|96
Burn5=Dance of Blades|97
Burn6=Bladed Song|90
Burn7=Flurry of Notes|95
Burn8=Frenzied Kicks|95
Burn9=Thousand Blades|95
Burn10=Suppressed Etheric Loremaster Breastplate|95
Burn11=Tune Stuck In Your Head|99
Gem1=Aria of Maetanrus Rk. II
Gem2=Arcane Melody Rk. II
Gem3=Doben's Spry Sonata Rk. III
Gem4=War March of Jocelyn Rk. II
Gem5=Slumber of Silisia Rk. II
Gem6=Fjilnauk's Spiteful Lyric Rk. II
Gem7=Pulse of Sionachie Rk. II
Gem8=Aria of Absolution
Gem9=Chorus of Sionachie Rk. II
Gem10=Dichotomic Psalm
Gem11=Aura of Maetanrus Rk. II
Gem12=Wave of Torpor Rk. II
Mq2melee Holy/Downs:
downshit0=/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fading Memories]} && ${Me.PctHPs}<30) /alt act 212
downshit1=/if (${Spell[Aura of Maetanrus Rk. II].Stacks[0]} && !${Me.Aura[Aura of Maetanrus Rk. II].Length} && !${Me.Moving} && !${Me.Invis}) /casting "Aura of Maetanrus Rk. II"|8
downshit2=/if (${Macro.Name.Equal[kissassist.mac]} && ${Me.SpellReady[Dichotomic Psalm]} && ${Group.Member[${MainAssist}].Distance}<100 && !${Me.Invis}) /twist 10
holyshit0=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fierce Eye]}) /alt activate 3506
holyshit1=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Cacophony]}) /alt activate 553
holyshit10=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Thousand Blades]} && ${Target.Named}) /disc Thousand Blades
holyshit11=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Intensity of the Resolute]} && ${Target.Named}) /alt activate 487
holyshit12=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[A Tune Stuck In Your Head]} && ${Target.Named}) /alt activate 8261
holyshit13=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fundament: Third Spire of the Minstrel]} && ${Target.Named}) /alt activate 1422
holyshit14=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Blade of Vesagran]} && ${Target.Named}) /casting "Blade of Vesagran" item
holyshit15=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Cast.Ready[Suppressed Etheric Loremaster Breastplate]} && ${Target.Named}) /casting "Suppressed Etheric Loremaster Breastplate" item
holyshit2=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Bladed Song]}) /alt activate 669
holyshit3=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Dance of Blades]} && ${Target.Named}) /alt activate 359
holyshit4=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Quick Time]} && ${Target.Named}) /alt activate 3702
holyshit5=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Funeral Dirge]} && ${Target.Named}) /alt activate 777
holyshit6=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Flurry of Notes]} && ${Target.Named}) /alt activate 899
holyshit7=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Frenzied Kicks]} && ${Target.Named}) /alt activate 910
holyshit8=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Song of Stone]} && ${Target.Named}) /alt activate 544
holyshit9=/if (${Melee.Combat} && ${Me.AltAbilityReady[Lyrical Prankster]} && ${Target.Named}) /alt activate 8204
My typical song sets and twist 1 2 3 4 6. Sometimes if the healer is bitchy and wants mana I'll include 7 in the mix but with dichotomic psalm it's pretty moot now.
Also, I'm not going to get into a huge debate about if it's better to twist 12 songs vs 5 or 4 etc.
In my opinion it's always situational but more often than not, a raid bard will find themselves in a heavy melee grp (at least for me I do) and it's best to keep a firm set of songs on at all time. If you want to create a huge twist list, go ahead.
Gem1=Aria of Maetanrus Rk. II
Gem2=Arcane Melody Rk. II
Gem3=Doben's Spry Sonata Rk. III
Gem4=War March of Jocelyn Rk. II
Gem5=Slumber of Silisia Rk. II
Gem6=Fjilnauk's Spiteful Lyric Rk. II
Gem7=Pulse of Sionachie Rk. II
Gem8=Aria of Absolution
Gem9=Chorus of Sionachie Rk. II
Gem10=Dichotomic Psalm
Gem11=Aura of Maetanrus Rk. II
Gem12=Wave of Torpor Rk. II
Gem1=Nilsara's Aria Rk. II
Gem2=Fjilnauk's Spiteful Lyric Rk. II
Gem3=Fatesong of Jocelyn Rk. II
Gem4=Arcane Melody Rk. II
Gem5=Slumber of Silisia Rk. II
Gem6=Aria of Maetanrus Rk. II
Gem7=Pulse of Sionachie Rk. II
Gem8=Aria of Absolution
Gem9=Chorus of Sionachie Rk. II
Gem10=Dichotomic Psalm
Gem11=Aura of Maetanrus Rk. II
Gem12=Wave of Torpor Rk. II