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Question - couple questions on how to deal with issues. (1 Viewer)

May 16, 2018
Hiya all been using the software for a bit but got a couple questions on how to deal with some issues.

6 box 115 bst 114 cleirc 114 mage 109 sham 97 ranger 87 druid

1st. I don't have a ini on the bst as its my main and the one I play. but ever time I start up mq2melee takes over my bst as soon as I attack the 1st mob. I do the /plugin mq2melee off and fine till next time i relog. How can i turn it off once and for all for my bst.
2nd. both me and wife use the software. on different systems but on a home network. We don't connect to a shared thing at all(both do bccmd connect but in the mq window we can see each others toons givng info and stuff. what do we do to shut off the spam from each other.
3rd. I use spam keys and macro on my bst. But each time I log in my keyboard layout is copied over to the other toons(not the macros just the botton layout) so that when i hit say my spell spam key it send the command to all toons how do I stop this
4th. the way i have everyone setup the cleirc is set to be primary healer with the sham and druid set to dps and only heal as needed. With the mage pet set as mt. I use my bst pet as a off tank as needed. If this happens the cleric is trying to keep both pets up and the sham and druid are still doing dps. Is there a way to setup so that if i use my pet as a off tank that I can have one of them(sham for now) switch from dps to heal mode on my pet.
Not an expert here, but
1) Turn it off again, and then /melee save
2) This may be coming from DanNet. Not sure, but try looking at MQ2DanNet.ini, and setting these values. I assume turning LocalEcho on would fix this
Command Echo=off

If that does not work, also try
1. Turning off MQ2Melee on one toon: Try turning the plugin off via the server_name.ini in the Release folder, or do these in-game commands on the BST:
/melee plugin=0
/melee save

2. Shut off all the update EQBC messages from KissAssist toons: Try turning off the EQBC relays in KA ini for each toon. EQBC will still work, just KA won't send heal, mez and such to everybody.

3. Keyboard keys copied across toons: Not sure. Is this a macro related hotkey? Like eqbc key or something? Or like the Come To Me and Follow Me keys area?

4. Heal a pet as off tank: Hmm not exactly, but you could run one healer with them set to always watch group pets health.

Heal pets:

You could also try starting one healer with them targeting your BST pet, then have some |MA restricted heals that would only heal the pet. Might mess up your targeting though, as they'd be assisting that pet always.
Heals7=Undying Life|55|MA
Heals8=Merciful Remedy|90|MA

There's not a lot of functions built into Kiss for dealing with other people's pets. You can watch yours or everybodies, but nothing more specific unless it's the MA.
3. Keyboard keys copied across toons: Not sure. Is this a macro related hotkey? Like eqbc key or something? Or like the Come To Me and Follow Me keys area?

WhatI am talking bout is under options you can assign different keyboard keys to spell gems/hotbar keys. I have these set on bst. but each time I load up they are being copied to the rest of toon. and as i use the keys on the bst the rest of toons are activing what ever they have in those slots.
Yeah so you can definitely setup them up as healing xtargets, not slot 1 for KA add detection functions. But I don't think that gives you any extra way to heal them. Like having "watch group pets on" or having them on xtarget it would just heal them like any group member.

I don't think you can do an xtarget only type heal, like =Merciful Remedy|80|XTar isn't a thing. I think if you use |Pet it only watches the healer's pet.

I'm stumped on another way besides making the pet the MA and using that tag. Maybe another coder can think of another way.

Keyboard binds - Hmm is that an EQ thing? Like you do alt-o (options) -> Keys? That may be saved for your whole EQ install, not related to MQ2 at all. You could do a seperate install of EQ for the BST if you want them to not share any binds.

The way I do it is I use the 1-0 keys as binds for my SK, then on my other toons I just don't use that hotbar at all. Except 3 key is bound to "/mqp" macro pause toggle for everybody, so I can hit 3 on any toon to emergrncy pause the macro.
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Oh wait, I see your point free! There is another setting for xtargethealing, =2 which only heals the xtargets.

So if you set shammy's xtarget to the Bst pet, this will only watch the Bst pet for heals. The having Healing on and the rest of your heals set at whatever % you want. Note this will stop the shammy from healing the group.
I have melee on with mine I just set the stickdistance and everything to 0. I still use some holys and downs for some buffs and stuff in case I forget while I am playing. All these ideas are awesome though also...May have to just try em lol
Are you using isboxer? If you are the standard layout does 1 through = broadcast. You would need to go into the options and disable that. Or the next time you make a team, click it off or click on pro instead of standard.
Are you using isboxer? If you are the standard layout does 1 through = broadcast. You would need to go into the options and disable that. Or the next time you make a team, click it off or click on pro instead of standard.

have isboxer but its only running when mq2 is down for patches. other then that is not running.
Regarding number 3, do you mean EQ's settings? If so you can just have two installs of EQ. I have one which is my tank which has swanky graphics and the keys setup a certain way. All my other characters use a second install of the game and it has different key binds and graphics set to low. You can do this with one folder if you make multiple inis and swap them for loading different characters but I prefer to just have two folders, it is not very big.

Is the only for sending messages?


0=Off/1=On,|ChannelName - Messages for Mez, Heals, Pulls and Tanking in MQ2EQBC. See EQBC for more info.


Guess this goes into the Oh Shit I never knew that category.

Was thinking there was communication functionality between Kiss running toons with this on.
To the best of my knowledge, EQBCOn just does the KA "info" messages between EQBC toons. So like you get the healer heals or mezzer mezzes stuff. I've seen people mention it turns off EQBC completely, but I think that might only be the Dannet ones. EQBCOn is a older setting and I've run it 0/1 and all the toons still respond to EQBC commands like /bct or /bcaa and such.
thanks for info guys/girls. the eqbco info worked. just went into the toons and shut it off.
I might try and have the sham set to assist my pet so that if my pet is off tanking it work.(i had heard that they where going add some sort of off tank setting in kissassist but guess that was wrong info.)
back again for a few more questions.

1st when I pull I use by bst slow as it s a non damage way in case i have to fd it off. But my sham will not case slow when I get back to camp. How can i get the shammy to overwrite my slow?
2nd is there a command I can have setup on a macro to order my druid to evac?
Overwrite BST slow with Shaman - If it's KissAssist, are you using debufall to do the slow? Or a conditions like !${Target.Slowed.ID}? Those types will see any slow on the mob and skip the shaman from slowing also.

You should be able to run it as a DPS entry with no condtions or debuffall and it will fire on every mob. If Turgurs can't stack on the mob, then you may need a diff slow.
DPS3=Turgur's Swarm|99

Evac with KA - Druid or wiz with GroupEscapeOn turned on will evac if the MA is dead or missing from zone.
thanks eqtrader74 for the shammy thing.

I know bout the groupescapeon thing. what i was wounder is there a command or plugin i can load that i can have a hot key setup to say like /bct druid //evac and have it trigger the druids evac.

also why when i have 2 mobs in camp after the 1st one dies dose it take a while for the toons to hop on the next one. the healers keep on healing but the dps takes like a min to jump over.
Yes you can make a hotkey to broadcast an evac command. If you're running EQBCS you can use this to fire the druid's group evac AA:
/bct Bilbo //aa act Exodus

Or "/alt act #" or "/cast spellname" or such. I don't think there's a plugin for evacs.

The delay in picking next target is probably your MA. I'm not sure of any setting that would speed it up though. You could try another macro or plugin for the MA and see if that's faster on target acquiring.
also why when i have 2 mobs in camp after the 1st one dies dose it take a while for the toons to hop on the next one. the healers keep on healing but the dps takes like a min to jump over.
There's also an "assistat" setting that controls when DPS characters will assist. If the second mob is still above that setting they're going to wait until it's HP drops. However, sometimes the macro just takes a bit to get around to doing DPS stuff. Maybe it gets hung up on some other function. That's just the tradeoff with automation.
thanks again for the info. figured out the reason that the dps was taking a while to assist. had to disable the dps pars info it would send to mq window. after disabling that they jump on really fast.

I be back when toons are higher. wana figure out if its possible to have the sham vp/send pet on adds if over x amount or have sham or druid switch form dps to full heal mode if over x mobs in camp.
ok got mage/cleric/sham up to 115 druid is 113 and switch out the ranger for a 2nd bst that is 110 atm

I have a question on cc with pets. the mage pet is the primary tank in group. if I get 2 I use my pet to off tank it. my question is if get more then that. With rootable mobs have a key set to have the sham just cast his ae punt root. But with non rootable mobs. Is there a command I can give the 2nd bst to tell him to sick his pet on a add to keep the add locked down. such as to tell the bst to send his pet on what ever mob is on his 3rd xtar window or such?
Step 1:
Get an addon which allows you to send commands to groupmembers via Socials, my example uses dannet
/plugin mq2dannet

Step 2:
Find the command which does exact, what you would your Beast to do
the following line is an example, where the Bst at first will assist me, by targeting my Target ... before sending pet to fight,
the bst checks, if there is an enemy on Xtarget 1 .... and further an enemy of xtarget 2
a: target my target
b: if exists xtarget 1 switch your target to xtarget 1
c: if exists xtarget 2 switch your target to xtarget 2
d: now send in your pet

/dex NameYourBeast /multiline ; /target id ${Target.ID}; /target id ${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[1]}].ID};/target id ${Spawn[${Me.XTarget[2]}].ID};/pet attack

NB: "NameYourBeast" has to be changed to your beasts name

so if no enemy on aggro, you will ask your bst, to send his pet to your target
if there is 1 enemy on aggro, the bst will send the pet onto this mob on aggro (xtarget 1), even if you have targeted a different mob
if there are 2 or more enemys on aggro, the bst will sent his pet to the mob on xtarget 2 (extended target window 2)
thanks dragonslayer. so i just change the xtarget to 3 then because that what i want the bst to do. I have the bst xtarget window set with xtarget 1 and 2 being ma and puller.

my mage is ma and i am puller. Cause I only want the alt bst going in if I have 3 mobs. 2 or less and i use mage pet and my pet. and i want the alt bst to just assist the mage.
question for my wife. she box 2 melee but only one is doing this. she don't even have to start the ini for the toon but its something mq2melee is doing. everytime she targets a npc for a quest or to buy/sell something with her main the toon start attacking said npc. if she dose /plugin mq2melee off then it stop. but her other melee toon dose not do this even with mq2melee running.
Question - couple questions on how to deal with issues.

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