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CodeCaster's MQ2 Compile v1.4 (2 Viewers)

Don't remember it ever having that function...

Just do a "/face loc y x" hotkey and start running and clicking ;)

u say for MQ2SuperDuperReallyGhettoSpeed max speed 5.... is that for a safety reasons?..... coz i acidently did speed 21 instead of speed 2.... and it worked..... and boy did i run fast.
5 is max bard speed. Anything above that, it is *blatantly* obvious you are speedhacking, because you are moving faster than anything in the game is allowed to move.

From the moveutils thread on mq2 vip forums...
* Additions 2005.12.22
Added OnRemoveSpawn sub to help with crashes as posted by DKAA
Added /moveto id <spawn id | empty for current target> functionality as discussed on boards.

* Addition 2005.10.22
Added /makecamp functionality
Added /stick help, /circle help, /moveto help, and of course /makecamp help
And listing the commands it contains.....
/stick" command by tonio
/circle" command lifted from CyberTech's MQ2Twister plugin
/moveto" command from rswiders
/makecamp command by Outlander

I think you might be using a version that's old to compensate for that problem that was going on with /circle not working right or /stick not working right...

But ya.. it was in there. I'm ok though, I just went and found a moveto sub and changed all my /moveto loc to /call moveto.....
Yeah I knew there was a newer version out, and yeah the /circle not working correctly in the latest version is the reason I kept this one, but I don't think it's really all that old. ;)

My experience with /goto and /moveto in plugins has never been good anyway... Even the sub in AdvPath pisses me off. I always end up writing my own. ;)

New to site and would like to know where and how do I get MQ2 loaded and working. If anyone can help me with this please let me know and thanks. Just logged on and already seen alot of good stuff on here that may put the fun back into the game.
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READ all the guides...

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hi i not good on computer stuff so i need to know how to put the cheats in computer if you can thanks i have a druid class and warrior i trying to get gear for so how can i get gear or plat???
Hmm... And when he does, you can translate for us, army. That post made my 3rd grade english teacher cry... lmao

Mq2COpen does not seem to be working. When activated I can't open anything at all.

I don't seem to be able to locate source code for it but it looks like Odessa found what needs to be changed.
It's not an offset, it's an opcode and it's now 0x46BE
Can you update yours or point me to source code.
Slightly offtopic , but i promised codecaster a sig!

So heres one i made earlier


Lemme know if ya like bro
Dude... Hell yea man!

This is badass! Thanks a ton! ;)

P.S. - But see, now you have to host it for me. :p
Oh not sure about anyone else but since I have been using the 1.4 code I cannot start up a 2nd session on the same system. I have never had this problem before. It also happens on all 4 systems I use. Once i get the eqgame error i can on longer start mq then the eq. I have to start eq first then mq once it is up, Unless I completely remove the mq directory and repopulate it from the zip file. It is becomming a pain. Could you please look into it. I usually use wineq2 and mq to start up multipul sessions, but nothing works now. Thanks for your time and thanks for the great work you have been doing.
I will check it out tonight or tomorrow morning... Getting ready to move so it's getting hectic around here. I haven't been having any problems running 3 toons on the same box, so I will try to replicate the problem, but I might not be able to.
i havfe no problem running multiple toons same box...

but i get the sony crash after about 20 zones or when switching toons

i have unloaded all docracks.. except noencumber ..

i have unloaded all plugins .. except the ones that come with MQ2 and docrack and rwarp and moveutils

Those crashes are actually MQ2 problems... Stuff like that is way to in-depth for me to do anything about with the amount of time I have left before I deploy... I suspect the multi-instance issues some folks are having are MQ2 issues as well. Those are all things we're going to have to wait for DKAA to resolve. Let me know if anyone else's compile is working the way you need it to under the exact same circumstances tho. If that's the case, and they are running on the same source revision I am, I will check it out asap.

T-minus 3 weeks to deployment... ugh.
i rechecked plugins ..

unloaded autoskills and autoforage... running now to see how long it lasts

might have been one of those two .. DOH

will keep updated

BUT on same note i have toons logged in and have been for 4 days with out crash ... but they are not running macros that have me zoning either

just a thought

Army, good luck on troubleshooting. FYI - I don't have either those plugin loaded. I am getting a ref. memory error.
is there a reason why i cant load eq after loading mq2.. or sometimes it loads but i can not load another wineq please help is appreciated
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Yeah we get a lot of questions about this...

Load MQ2, then load WinEQ (even tho in reality it shouldn't make a difference as MQ2 is only watching for eqgame.exe to be loaded...) then use WinEQ to load as many instances as your PC can handle. There should be no reason this method doesn't work... It does on both my desktop and laptop and I am using the exact same release I have posted here.

Let us know if you get it working.
I load mq2 first then wineq and then I 4 box off wineq with 2gig mem. I can load 5 but mem starts getting 2 low and I only have a laptop so stuck with it.

In wineq you can set it up to show mem usage. Watch that and if it gets below about 25% then you cannot load another instance of EQ until it autoadjusts. Which mine does not sure if it is something I turned on. With I run with no less then 20% mem available I seem to be able to run just fine. There was a time Code when I got the same crash but found it to be one of the plugins not your basic complile. Was to lazy to figure it out and got a compile of my own (have downloaded your last one to use though). I know it had to do with one of maybe 5 plugins (autoforage,twist,docrack,bardswap,moveutils) but I would swear you had that fixed.

A couple things to be careful of with WINEQ .. do not camp all toons at once, try to stagger zoning, DO NOT run vxed mac and switch between screens to much unless you want it to hand your ass to you in a basket...... lag issues.
I do load mq2 first then wineq2 and usually run up to 3 instances. Ever since 1.4 been having this issue of the eqgame crashing. Been doing this way since before wineq, when it was eqw back in the day. Still have the issue on 3 different systems running 2 different OS's ( xp, 2k) and 1 laptop. Only happens when running 1.4 version. 1.3 did not have this issue. Thanks for the info though. I am not zoning other toons or such. I am just foraging using yafm. I have the ones that are default but baz, dont have any other including rwarp when trying to get 2nd toon up. I agree, think it has something to do with mq2
instead of your compile. maybe the jan 5 fix that went in not sure though. I am not that good at debugging any more.
EQW and WinEQ are two totally different things made by two totally different people. ;)

But yeah, the only thing that changed when I went up to v1.4 was the new MQ2 source code that fixed the crashing on login issue. All other changes to the source are the exact same changes I always made including to version 1.3... Not sure why some people are having this issue and others are not tho. Perhaps try unloading every single plugin and try logging in and see if they crash. That would at least tell us that it's a plugin and not MQ2 itself.
Hey Code hope this helps but with MQ2gmcheck loaded compile goes nuts blocks new loads of eq and crashes to video. unloaded it and compile was fine.

Its not only your compile either its any compile
Ok it is the new Jan 5 fix that was included in the latest compile. I reloaded 1.3 with nothing else changed and no issues with loading up to 3 toons on one system. I am pretty sure this is the reason I could not get 2 sessions up with the 1.4 compile. Same directory, same plugins, same toons on all 4 systems and ones with 1.4 crashed one's with 1.3 worked. Just a little fyi.

Also had gmcheck on and when there was a gm in the zone, ( no /who, could target, and he was talking to a person in my group) he was not detected. I was lagging at the time, but nothing showed up.

doh missed the part about eqw and wineq2. Yea I know they were by two different people. ^) I am just saying I have been doing this at least that long. Just getting lazy since i work 50+hrs a week is all. ^)
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I'll be putting out a new compile today if the new revision hits the street before I get home from work... If not, it might not be until tonight. GMCheck has been giving us problems from the get-go, but I will take a look at it. It really is a pretty useless plugin as most people have stated, but it's fun to run anyway. Just avoid that plugin if it continues causing you all problems. I'll get some opinions this evening when hopefully the new source will be out.
MQ2 still dont working for me,even with WinEQ loaded after load MQ,oh and my mouse arrow doesnt appear on the window,help please :(
CodeCaster's MQ2 Compile v1.4

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