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Question - Why does this Down not function properl, Please advise (1 Viewer)


Nov 19, 2014
Ok, working some experiments and I have discovered how to (so far) have the down deternin if we are indoor or outdoor.
Now im trying while using this to make the down do a multiline with MOUNT.
Rich (BB code):
downshit7=/if (!${Me.Buff[Mount Blessing Beza].ID} && ${Zone.SkyType[1]}) /multiline ; /casting "Abyssal Steed"|Item ; /removebuff Abyssal Steed
now using 2 different downs i can get it to work, but want to be capable of actually using thisn mount if I wished, so the 2 down system doesn't work.
I have also tried it with a /delay of between 2sec, and 10sec so it would look something like this:
Rich (BB code):
downshit7=/if (!${Me.Buff[Mount Blessing Beza].ID} && ${Zone.SkyType[1]}) /multiline ; /casting "Abyssal Steed"|Item ; /delay 5 ; /removebuff Abyssal Steed
hve also tried making it double click the item:
Rich (BB code):
downshit7=/if (!${Me.Buff[Mount Blessing Beza].ID} && ${Zone.SkyType[1]}) /multiline ; /casting "Abyssal Steed"|Item ; /delay 5 ; /casting "Abyssal Steed"|Item
with and without delay, and that didn't work. Am I trying the impossible or am I missing something?

- - - Updated - - -

Note the abyssal steed is a insta-click, but will want to try to get it to work with clickys that have casting times:
It DOES click it the 1st time bringin up the mount and mount buff, but wont remove the mount itself.
OK, /dismount did not work, /timed did not work. I also checked it with a different item that has illusion proc buff, and it doesn't work with that item either.
any other suggestions? The /removebuff is the option I want to use the most as I have seveal items that cast an illusion, that procs a buff, then you remove illusion, but cant block illusion or you don't get the buff, and i don't want all the buffs all the time, only under certain conditions, but I don't want the illusions up as they conflict with other buffs.
or test a /casting "randomspell" instead of the /removebuff to verify the line of the multiline is actually being called?

I wouldn't expect it to work this way but when you click the bridle, the first condition of your holy is now false and mq2 may kill the holy because the condition isn't valid now... just ruling out possibles...
Have you tried /delay 5s instead of just /delay 5?

Yes have tried
Rich (BB code):
/delay 2
/delay 2s
/delay 5
/delay 5s
/delay 10
/delay 10s
/timed (with all the above #'s)
I do NOT get any errors or can't parse messages. and I have check for spelling errors.
It will "cast" the item and then go do something else (buff other buffs, pull, sit, do nothing).
I can get to remove the buff if I put it in a separate down. This, however may accomplish the general need, it does not accomplish the specific desire (I may want to apply said illusion/effect and can't without 1st adjusting the downs...(which one is it again?))
Just went back and tried 20,50, and 100....

- - - Updated - - -

Tried that too 8).. and if i put that in 2nd down, it would not remove buff til i removed the quotes..
Thinking hta maybe the issue fall in with the fact that I am usig a Mount to try these on, I went to an actual item clicy http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=104758
Rich (BB code):
downshit9=/if (!${Me.Buff[Mount Blessing Beza].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Essence of Farfathom].ID} && !${Zone.SkyType[1]}) /casting "Visage of Farfathom"|Item
downshit10=/if (${Me.Buff[Illusion: Aqua Goblin].ID}) /removebuff Illusion: Aqua Goblin
And It successfully Clicky-cast, then removed the illusion
Rich (BB code):
downshit10=/if (${Me.Buff[Illusion: Aqua Goblin].ID}) /removebuff "Illusion: Aqua Goblin"
Rich (BB code):
downshit10=/if (${Me.Buff[Illusion: Aqua Goblin].ID}) /removebuff ${Me.Buff[Illusion: Aqua Goblin].ID}
did not remove the illusion.
Using this Knowledge (same results as I had with mount, so same basic knowledge) I tried:
Rich (BB code):
downshit9=/if (!${Me.Buff[Mount Blessing Beza].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Essence of Farfathom].ID} && !${Zone.SkyType[1]}) /multiline ; /casting "Visage of Farfathom"|Item ; /timed 50 ; /remove buff Illusion: Aqua Goblin
It cast clicky, but does not remove illusion. so on a whim I tried THIS:
Rich (BB code):
downshit9=/if (!${Me.Buff[Mount Blessing Beza].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Essence of Farfathom].ID} && !${Zone.SkyType[1]}) /multiline ; /remove buff Illusion: Aqua Goblin ; /timed 50 ; /casting "Visage of Farfathom"|Item ; /timed 50 ; /remove buff Illusion: Aqua Goblin
then removed the Buff Essence of Farfathom, leaving the illusion on. It removed the Illusion, recast the clicky, but did NOT re-remove the illusion.
Again, another whim....I tried this
Rich (BB code):
downshit9=/if (!${Me.Buff[Mount Blessing Beza].ID} && !${Me.Buff[Essence of Farfathom].ID} && !${Zone.SkyType[1]}) /multiline ; /remove buff Illusion: Aqua Goblin ; /timed 5000 ; /casting "Visage of Farfathom"|Item ; /timed 5000 ; /remove buff Illusion: Aqua Goblin
It would remove the Illusion, and immediately start casting the clicky buff, no pause, no wait....so maybe the issue is in the delay timers. (tried it with /delay 5000 and /pause 5000 with same results)

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, yes, i had absolutely no results of anykind with /blockspell. tried it with just the nuff name, with add me, addme, remove me, removeme, and got no changes of anykind.
You need to remove the ; after any /timed command should be something like this

Rich (BB code):
/multiline ; /remove buff Illusion: Aqua Goblin ; /timed 50 /casting "Visage of Farfathom"|Item ; /timed 50 /remove buff Illusion: Aqua Goblin
Question - Why does this Down not function properl, Please advise

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