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Question - Which mob to pull aka bad decisions (1 Viewer)


Seasoned veteran member
Dec 30, 2019
Let me share with you a common conversation between my puller tank and basically any other member of my group.

Dumb tank: Ok guys, I'm all set to pull anything in an 800' radius. There must be at least 50 options in that range, so this will be fun. Let's do this!
Smart group member: Agreed! There's one 80' away staring at us. You should go grab him so we can teach him not to stare!
Dumb tank: Ooooohhh, shiny! See how cute that one is way over there at the edge of our pull radius? BE RIGHT BACK!
Smart group member: I have a bad feeling about this, we should all invis or something.
Dumb tank *returns with all 14 mobs he passed to get that ONE mob*: I got him! He also brought some friends!
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Is there any way to get my stupid pullers to grab whatever is closest, rather than go THROUGH them to get to something farther away? This drives me nuts at how frequent it is an issue. The zone doesn't matter. It's worse (barely) than when my tank says "I don't see anything to pull, I'll just wait a bit for respawns!" while 4 mobs around us look at us nervously and wonder why they're still alive.
Most macros/plugins do pull the closest thing to you. Depending on where you setup camp though there may be something closer to you through a wall. So it tries to go around and pulls that because it IS technically closest.
@Ninjapickle you sure you haven’t messed with your z radius or something in pull settings?
I have, but only after noticing the issue and trying to correct it by changing it. I have the problem in ST where it's totally flat just as often as in GD where it's totally not flat. I've set Z rad anywhere from 0 to 800 trying to make sure I can cover all my bases, sadly with no change.
Most macros/plugins do pull the closest thing to you. Depending on where you setup camp though there may be something closer to you through a wall. So it tries to go around and pulls that because it IS technically closest.
Two of the most common zones, ST and GD, I have the same problem. My pull radius in ST is specifically set so that nothing on the other side of a wall is within the area. In GD it's wide open, so obstructions such as walls are a non-issue.
I use kiss on both of my tanks. I will say that I tested today having a zerk using MQ2berzerker doing my pulls and he still won't pull the closest stuff first. *shrug*
the cwtn suite you can /zerk debugpulls on once and it will tell you why it didn't pull a particular mob.

it sounds like you have a break in your mesh somewhere, or otherwise setting to not pull those mobs
Question - Which mob to pull aka bad decisions

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