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Question - what is the proper syntax to access and iterate group.member[n] in lua? (1 Viewer)

Feb 20, 2024
I am trying to iterate through the mq.TLO.Group.Member[n] TLO and get the name of my character through mq.TLO.Group.Member[n].Name() but I keep runing into errors from improper syntax use or get nil instead

what is the proper syntax for what i am trying to do
I am trying to iterate through the mq.TLO.Group.Member[n] TLO and get the name of my character through mq.TLO.Group.Member[n].Name() but I keep runing into errors from improper syntax use or get nil instead

what is the proper syntax for what i am trying to do

Getting started with Lua and imgui in MQ: http://docs.macroquest.org/lua/
vs code extension for mq definitions https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ZenithCodeForge.mq-defs
vs code definitions source (instructions in mq-definitions README.md): https://github.com/macroquest/mq-definitions
ImGui demo code: https://github.com/macroquest/macroquest/tree/master/src/plugins/lua/lua/examples/imgui_demo Run it in EQ with: /lua run examples/imgui_demo
MQ bindings for ImGui and Lua: https://github.com/macroquest/macroquest/tree/master/src/plugins/lua/bindings
A minimal ImGui window sample: https://github.com/aquietone/misclua/blob/main/uisample1.lua
Macro to Lua guide https://docs.macroquest.org/lua/macro-to-lua/
Programming in Lua (free online book covering the basics of Lua) http://www.lua.org/pil/contents.html

Check out those links. But also usually any macro TLO syntax like [something] should instead be ('something'), and don't forget your closing ().
Question - what is the proper syntax to access and iterate group.member[n] in lua?

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