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What buffs you guys need? (1 Viewer)


Active member
Apr 30, 2005
OK this is a very odd request. But here we go...

I have been away from everquest for a LONG time, some years... So I forgot somethings, one of them is the best buff combo for classes...

So can someone (without flaming me) please help me to make a list of what buffs all classes need when raiding?

I would love to have raiding buffs for eatch class for the levels: 65, 70, 75

C, Dru crack, BST crack, Symbol, BSS, Focus
Symbol, cleric ac, Druid hp, shaman hp, shaman sta, shaman damage, paladin hp, ranger DS/AC, Ranger atk, enchanter haste
Shadow Knight
Symbol, cleric ac, Druid hp, shaman hp, shaman sta, shaman damage, paladin hp, ranger DS/AC, Ranger atk, enchanter haste
C, Dru crack, BST crack, Symbol, BSS, Focus
Symbol, cleric ac, Druid hp, shaman hp, shaman sta, shaman damage, paladin hp, ranger DS/AC, Ranger atk, enchanter haste
Symbol, cleric ac, Druid hp, shaman hp, shaman sta, shaman damage, paladin hp, ranger DS/AC, Ranger atk, enchanter haste
C, Dru crack, BST crack, Symbol, BSS, Focus
C, Dru crack, BST crack, Symbol, BSS, Focus
C, Dru crack, BST crack, Symbol, BSS, Focus
Dru crack, BST crack, Symbol, BSS, Focus, cleric ac, Druid hp, shaman hp, shaman sta, shaman damage, paladin hp, ranger DS/AC, Ranger atk, enchanter haste
Symbol, cleric ac, Druid hp, shaman hp, shaman sta, shaman damage, paladin hp, ranger DS/AC, Ranger atk, enchanter haste
Symbol, cleric ac, Druid hp, shaman hp, shaman sta, shaman damage, paladin hp, ranger DS/AC, Ranger atk, enchanter haste
C, Dru crack, BST crack, Symbol, BSS, Focus
Symbol, cleric ac, Druid hp, shaman hp, shaman sta, shaman damage, paladin hp, ranger DS/AC, Ranger atk, enchanter haste, Druid hp
Dru/shm dmg, Shm HP, Shm Sta, Shm Reg, Enc haste, Rng atk,
C, Dru crack, BST crack, Symbol, BSS, Focus

C: Voice of Quellious, Tranquility, Koadic's Endless Intellect, Clairvoyance, Voice of Clairvoyance
Dru crack: Protection of the Nine, Blessing of the Nine, Steeloak Skin, Blessing of Steeloak
BST crack: Spiritual Dominion, Spiritual Ascendance
BSS: Brell's Stalwart Shield, Brell's Brawny Bulwark, Spiritual Vigor, Spiritual Vitality
Focus: Shield of Maelin, Focus of the Seventh, Focus of Soul, Wunshi's Focusing, Talisman of Wunshi
Symbol: Kazad`s Mark, Symbol of Kazad, Symbol of Balikor, Balikor's Mark, Virtue, Hand of Virtue, Conviction, Hand of Conviction, Elushar's Mark, Elushar's Mark Rk. II, Elushar's Mark Rk. III, Symbol of Elushar, Symbol of Elushar Rk. II, Symbol of Elushar Rk. III
cleric ac: Ward of the Dauntless
Druid hp: Blessing of the Direwild, Blessing of the Direwild Rk. II, Blessing of the Direwild Rk. III, Direwild Skin, Direwild Skin Rk. II, Direwild Skin Rk. III
shaman sta: Talisman of Persistence
shaman damage: Preternatural Foresight
paladin hp: brell's stony guard
ranger DS/AC: guard of the earth
Ranger atk: Snarl of the Predator
enchanter haste: Speed of Ellowind
Dru/shm dmg: Mammoth's Strength, Mammoth's Strength Rk. II, Mammoth's Strength Rk. III, Mammoth-Hide Guard, Mammoth-Hide Guard Rk. II, Mammoth-Hide Guard Rk. III
Shm HP: Direwild Skin, Direwild Skin Rk. II, Direwild Skin Rk. III, Blessing of the Direwild, Blessing of the Direwild Rk. II, Blessing of the Direwild Rk. III
Shm Sta: Shm Talisman of Persistence, Talisman of Persistence Rk. II, Talisman of Persistence Rk. III
Shm Reg: Talisman of the Stoic One, Talisman of the Stoic One Rk. II, Talisman of the Stoic One Rk. III
Enc haste: Rune of Ellowind, Rune of Ellowind Rk. II, Rune of Ellowind Rk. III, Speed of Ellowind, Speed of Ellowind Rk. II, Speed of Ellowind Rk. III, Hastening of Ellowind, Hastening of Ellowind Rk. II, Hastening of Ellowind Rk. III
Rng atk: Strength of the Forest Stalker, Strength of the Forest Stalker Rk. II, Strength of the Forest Stalker Rk. III, Spirit of the Predator, Howl of the Predator, Snarl of the Predator, Snarl of the Predator Rk. II, Snarl of the Predator Rk. III

As I said this is an odd request BUT and heres the catch... You will get something in return.. Will be clear when i have all the info i need..

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Warrior(and other melee): Symbol of Elushar(Cleric sybmol), Blessing of the Direwild(Druid hp buff), Dire Focusing(shaman hp buff), Talisman of Persistence(shaman increase sta cap), Preternatural Foresight(shaman avoidance/damage bonus combo-2 buffs in one), brell's stony guard(paladin hp buff), guard of the earth(ranger-small damage shield + ac buff), Snarl of the Predator(Ranger atk buff), Speed of Ellowind(enchanter haste), Ward of the Dauntless(cleric ac buff) and i think that's it =)
I would disagree with the Rogue list, AC and HPs mean nothing to a Rogue, we're all about dps.

Symbol (Cleric hps)
Direwild Skin (Druid hps)
Mammoth (Druid or Sham damage mod)
Dire (Shaman hp, Str, Dex overcap)
Persistence (Shaman Stamina overcap)
Stoic One (Shaman Regen for some zones)
Ellowind (Chanter haste, atk +)
Stalker (Ranger atk)
Predator (Ranger atk)
Paladin buffs opinion

I use Ten and Pally self buffs instead of Symbol and Dru HP buffs...Would love to hear Pros and Cons on which is better. Possibly other classes have disagreements on the best buff stackups as well.

Also I was curious about what buffs block Guard of Earth(Rng buff)
Not only is your idea a great one for a macro that will use this list, but the list itself is a good guide for new people or people returning to the game!
Roguish said:
I would disagree with the Rogue list, AC and HPs mean nothing to a Rogue, we're all about dps.

Symbol (Cleric hps)
Direwild Skin (Druid hps)
Mammoth (Druid or Sham damage mod)
Dire (Shaman hp, Str, Dex overcap)
Persistence (Shaman Stamina overcap)
Stoic One (Shaman Regen for some zones)
Ellowind (Chanter haste, atk +)
Stalker (Ranger atk)
Predator (Ranger atk)

Champion? Panther?
champion and panther are short term buffs and you would usually not request these on a raid, if you're a melee dps class then the shaman's on the raid should be handling it.
Roguish said:
I would disagree with the Rogue list, AC and HPs mean nothing to a Rogue, we're all about dps.

Symbol (Cleric hps)
Direwild Skin (Druid hps)
Mammoth (Druid or Sham damage mod)
Dire (Shaman hp, Str, Dex overcap)
Persistence (Shaman Stamina overcap)
Stoic One (Shaman Regen for some zones)
Ellowind (Chanter haste, atk +)
Stalker (Ranger atk)
Predator (Ranger atk)

Decker, Symbol is a completely different line from Aegolism such as...
Aegolism - Temperance, Blessing of Temperance, Aegolism, Ancient: Gift of Aegolism, Blessing of Aegolism, Virtue, Hand of Virtue, Conviction, Hand of Conviction, Tenacity, Tenacity rk. II, Hand of Tenacity, Hand of Tenacity rk. II, Hand of Tenacity Rk. III

Symbol - Symbol of Kazad, Kazad's Mark, Symbol of Pinzarm, Symbol of Rytlan, Symbol of Naltron, Symbol of Marzin, Marzin's Mark, Naltron's Mark, Symbol of Balikor, Balikor's Mark, Elushar's Mark, Elushar's Mark rk. II, Elushar's Mark rk. III, Symbol of Elushar, Symbol of Elushar rk. II

Cleric AC - Holy Armor, Spirit Armor, Guard, Shield of Words, Armor of Faith, Aegis, Ward of Gallantry, Ward of Valiance, Ward of the Dauntless, Ward of the Dauntless Rk. II *(not sure if a RK. III is in exstince for Dauntless)*

May want to take into factor that for clerics... not all clerics will agree but if no Direwild/Elushar then personally i'd rather mine have Armor of the Sacred on with Tenacity, Armor + Tenacity doesnt Stack with Dire or Direwild, if you want the Cleric Self Buff line then i'll put that on here later.

Also... Most all Classes for raiding generally either want
Tenacity/Dire/BSG/C/Rng Atk/Rng AC/DS/Sham Fortitude/Sham Foresight/Mammoth/bst crack


Direwild/Elushar/BSG/Dire/Shm fort/foresight/mammoth/C/Bst crack/cleric ac

thats not factoring in the sometimes need of Resists Buffs

Enchanter (Magic Resist) - Group Magic Resist, Guard of Druzzil
Shaman (Dis/poison Resist) - Talisman of the Tribunal
Druid (Cold/Fire Resist) - Protection of the Seasons

my 2cp
Yes, the Champion/Panther are up to the group shaman to keep on you as they are short term buffs, sometimes I will go so far as to time the buffs if I can get a beast fero on me right before champion hits (otherwise fero gets blocked). I also enjoy the War cry, a bunch of other short term DoD and PoR melee discs (Thieve's Eyes etc.) and ranger Auspice but again, I never send tells for them. Lastly, most Rogues have an over-attack clicky which should always be used.

Along the lines of SoS's resist buff notation, those 3 + Dead man Floating and then any over-resist clickies you have can stack on top of those (they will block seasons and i think ToT if clicked before spells land). The over-resist clicky I have is the DoD mask.
I like to put spells into 3 basic categories. I believe each class (that can cast or buff) has atleast 1 of each class.

Must haves; wmp can you cast it; and dont waste your time if its not mem'd (optionals)

Also known as my battle rezz necessities. Just got rezz'd i need... ok im alive and doing well I need... and we recovered go ahead and give me...

Again these are in most cases and my opinion only and we all know what opinions are like...

Must haves contain vital buffs that Greatly improve your toon.
Tenacity, Direwild, (shm)Dire, Haste, C , regen and brells

Wmp can you cast it, are the ones you want but its not life or death atm.
Magic resists, Stamina (for non capped classes), Agility, Str (high end) and regen BST crack ranger Attk bufs (mainly for casters)

Don't mem it just for me is spells you probably should have but dont care enough to hastle someone about it

Self proc buffs, Resists, Stamina (im capped so doesnt matter), any other things rangers do and BSTs. DS's , Invis... no im jk about that one but you get my point.

For my pally I use:

just the 4 main clickies:

Overhaste clicky
mask of lament buff
clicky resist mask from DoDh
DE illusion

And then for real buffs:

Pious Fury
Armor of unrelenting faith (self hp ac and mana regen buff)
Cleric Mitigation buffs
Agi buff (forgot name)
Ranger attk
BST crack
MR buff

As far as the druid/cleric buff argument goes, I wont use it because you takea hit in AC just for 5 extra mana regen.

Armor = 50ac 560hp 5mana regen
Tenacity= 123ac 2323hp
Total= 173ac 2891hp 5mana regen

Mark/symbol = 0ac 1478hp
Direwild skin = 56ac 1004hp
Ward = 93ac
total = 149ac 2482hp

Reason being why most other casters will go with druid buffs is because some self buffs will not stack with shaman hp buff (ie. armor of the sacred)
Pallies self buff does.

I have used this combo from 65+ if this even helps.
IamBigDaddy said:
Paladin buffs opinion

I use Ten and Pally self buffs instead of Symbol and Dru HP buffs...Would love to hear Pros and Cons on which is better. Possibly other classes have disagreements on the best buff stackups as well.

Also I was curious about what buffs block Guard of Earth(Rng buff)

I have heard the same thing for Paladins. Tenacity and Self-buffs are what is supposed to work best. My Paladin just hit 70 though, so not many comparisons done yet.
IamBigDaddy said:
Paladin buffs opinion

I use Ten and Pally self buffs instead of Symbol and Dru HP buffs...Would love to hear Pros and Cons on which is better. Possibly other classes have disagreements on the best buff stackups as well.

Also I was curious about what buffs block Guard of Earth(Rng buff)
Tenacity + Pally buff is for AC
Symbol/Druid hp buff is for HP

As for buffs that block Guard of Earth, I believe its a slot2 ds where as most ds spells are slot1 so if you find a slot2 ds it will block it. IIRC it doesn't stack with the ranger's self buffs either.
What buffs you guys need?

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