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Question - Velks (TOV) (1 Viewer)

Jun 4, 2021
I'm curious if someone will share what they think of the cost/benefit of the new velks in tov is. My group can handle 5-6 regular mobs and handles a named with a few adds in tier 1 tov zones. I'm pretty much done with gearing in the t1 tov zones and was thinking that either I need to start on t2 or head to cov.

I'm curious if someone will share what they think of the cost/benefit of the new velks in tov is. My group can handle 5-6 regular mobs and handles a named with a few adds in tier 1 tov zones. I'm pretty much done with gearing in the t1 tov zones and was thinking that either I need to start on t2 or head to cov.

it is a fine place to xp grind and farm materials for tov stuff. CoV hits like a ton of bricks, so if you're still xping/aaing it might still have value for you there.
After completing Hunter for that zone I would never go back... EVER!!! Boxing 5 toons was a pain and the axis in that zone made it not fun. Western Waste trash would be do-able and some of the named aren't too bad.
underneath in the "you gonna die" section of the zone can pound sand tho
truth! the pathing is awwwfullll so you better bring your CC. oh and they "fixed" the nameds down there to where all 5 of their PHs are in one tiny room you can't split so better hope for no double spawns!
If you pick up a few cov items/augs velks will be much easier. The “you gonna die” basement section isn’t bad if you have some cc (bard puller) or enchanter (although I forget if the tentacles are mezzable). Once a room is split it’s easy to keep clear. The biggest thing about the basement is to turn off ae abilities because there are lots of sections where you WILL agro shit through walls/ceilings.
Question - Velks (TOV)

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