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stumped... (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 29, 2005
can anyone here figure out why when using this macro if i fade and warp to a safespot, once healed he does not go back to kiting?? the bard just stands there and i get the message in my mq2 chat window sayin

"There are no spawns matching: (0-100) npc Radius: 220.00".

Getting this message leads me to believe he is attempting to do the target and kite portion but not actually doing the twist and warp portion.

Rich (BB code):
| This macro made for www.Redguides.com
| Don't steal it or we'll punch your fase!
|-----  Macro semi-created by Taiisien
#Include advpath.inc 
#event dzgetnew "#*#You have entered Barindu#*#" 
#event restart "#*#You have entered Vxed#*#" 
#event log "nameofpersoningroup tells the group, 'we're done'
#event addplayeryouwanttoadd "playeryouwanttoadd tells you, 'invite me' 
#event dzaddplayeryouwanttoadd "playeryouwanttoadd tells you, 'add me'  
#event dead "You have entered The Plane of Knowledge"
|------------------------------Change to Bind zone 

|-----  The reason for a 13 song twist is to minimize the ammount of downtime due to refreshing selos when not needed.
|-----  With 13 songs it refreshes with plenty of time to prevent drops but still less often than if you did a 5 song twist.  

|-----  Also note i do not have a heal song in place as there are
|-----  three checks for hp's.  Innate regen should take care of any other hp recovery needed.

|-----  Alt ability 553 is number for the DoDh aa "Cacaphony".  The reason for using this is of course to increase dps.

|-----  Keypress 7 is the hotkey I have assigned to warp and start the macro
|-----  Keypress 8 is the hotkey I have assigned to start autoforage
|-----  Keypress 9 is the hotkey I have assigned to use Fading Memories

|-----  Spellgem 1-4 = DoT, 5 = Selos, 6 = unassigned, 7 = DA, 8 = heal, 9 = Selos song of travel

|-----  Notes on how to use:
|-----  When you first use this macro there are several things you must do.  First when you enter Vxed hit selos, second hit DA song, third 
|-----  hit macro hotkey, when you land from your warp you must hit numlock to start running, otherwise you just stand there and die.
|-----  Next if you want to hit your autoforage hotkey (mine is just one line that says /start forage).  Now that you are running and 
|-----  foraging everything else will be automatic until you turn the macro off.  When it zones you back in after a new instance is 
|-----  established there is no need to touch anything it is all included. 

|-----  This is your Main portion of the macro, this is responsible for all major events -----| 
Sub Main  
/declare SafeHP int outer 42
/declare CapTimer timer outer 0  
/call InitAPFVars 1 15 20
/call GMcheck  
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=45) /potionbelt Activate 1
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=60) /potionbelt Activate 2
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=${SafeHP} && ${Zone.ID}==290) /call RegenEvent
/if (${Target.Level}>67) {
/squelch /twist stop
/target npc next
/delay 30
/squelch /twist 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5
/if (${Target.Name.Equal[A venomous stonemite]}) {
/squelch /twist stop
/target npc next
/delay 30
/squelch /twist 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5
/if (${Target.Name.Equal[Misguided beludu Creque]}) {
/squelch /twist stop
/target npc next
/delay 30
/squelch /twist 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5
/if (${Target.Distance}>220) /tar npc radius 220 
/if (${Target.ID}==FALSE) /tar npc radius 220  
|For the AA
/if (${Me.AltAbilityReady[553]} && ${Zone.ID}==290 && ${Target.PctHPs}>50 && ${Target.PctHPs}<98 && ${CapTimer}<=0) {
/alt act 553
/varset CapTimer 15m
/delay 10  
/goto :loopstart  

|-----  This is your GM check, this is responsible for using fade, ending the macro, and camping you if a GM enters zone -----|
 Sub GMcheck  
 /if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {  
 /echo Gm detected  
 /keypress 9 

|-----  This is your get new event, this is responsible for running you to Udranda, getting new instance, returning you to Vxed -----|
Sub event_dzgetnew
/keypress forward
/circle off
/twist off
/twist 9
/delay 3s
/call PlayFunction "VxedZI_to_Udranda 1 cf nopp noz"
/call WaitTilThere
/twist 8
/target Apprentice Udranda
/delay 3s
/say vxed
/twist 9
/keypress esc
/keypress esc
/doevents flush
/call PlayFunction "Udranda_to_VxedZI 1 cf nopp noz"
/call WaitTilThere
/face heading 0
/twist 5
/dzadd leanda
/dzadd toon2
/dzadd toon3
/dzadd toon4
/invite leanda
/invite toon2
/invite toon3
/invite toon4
/delay 4s
/twist off
/keypress forward hold

|-----  This is your restart event, this is responsible for getting you back to kite area and begining the kite safely -----|
Sub event_restart
/twist 7
/delay 4s
/twist off
/delay 1s
/keypress 7
/delay 1s
/keypress forward hold
/delay 1s
/keypress 8

|-----  This is your log event, this is responsible for camping you to desktop based upon a key phrase from a group mate -----|
 Sub event_log 
 /camp desktop  

|-----  This is your dzadd event, this is responsible for adding people to your instance -----|
|-----  Change the words "personyouwanttoadd" to the actual persons name -----|
 sub event_dzaddpersonyouwanttoadd 
 /dzadd personyouwanttoadd 

|-----  This is your invite event, this is responsible for adding people to your group -----|
|-----  Change the words "personyouwanttoadd" to the actual persons name -----|
 sub event_invitepersonyouwanttoadd  

|-----  This is your dead event, this is responsible for camping you to desktop when you die -----|
 sub event_dead 
 /delay 5s  
 /camp desktop  

|-----  This is your regen event, this is responsible for getting you out of harms way and regening your health -----|
Sub RegenEvent
/keypress 9
/keypress 9
/warp succor
/keypress back
/circle off
/twist 8 
/delay 4s
/if (${Me.PctHPs}==100) /call event_restart
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=45) /potionbelt activate 1
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<100) /goto :hpcheck

|Sub Wait Till there - movement wait
 Sub WaitTilThere
 /if (${PathingFlag}==1) {
 /call AdvPathPoll
 /delay 0
 /goto :LoopTilThere

|-----  Credits to include all the hard work of the people at Redguides, specifically to include -----|
|-----  Ripski, Tone, Redbot, and Army Soldier and especially Cade for his compile. -----|
|-----  without their contributions this would not have happened. -----|

I have tried changing the regen event around a little, and tried using different subs for it to call but it does not appear to be calling them. Like i said i get the message saying it cannot target mobs but it is not saying anything about starting the twist again, it is not doing the /face, nothing. Any help anyone can offer is appriciated.
well i want to thank cade for helpin me in the chat room, i have about got this, just need to work a little on the delay now though i think it was caused by lag. when i get it fixed i will update my other thread.

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