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piggyzone (1 Viewer)

Shoot me the most updated one. Then if you have a zone connection scheme for the new zones (if any) give me that. Might need to change eqdata.h and increase the Max_Zones ### also.
Okay first off lets go over what you have because I see some missing things from SOD :

Rich (BB code):
;------Seeds of Destruction
452=oldfieldofbone "Field of Scale",453,454,455,459,460,461,462,463,464,465
453=oldkaesoraa "Kaesora Library",452
454=oldkaesorab "Hatchery Wing",452
455=oldkurn "Kurn's Tower",452
456=oldkithicor "Bloody Kithicor",457,459,460,461,462,463,464,465
457=oldcommons "Old Commonlands",456
458=oldhighpass "Highpass Hold"
459=thevoida "The Void",219,456,475,470,472,466,452
460=thevoidb "The Void",219,456,475,470,472,466,452
461=thevoidc "The Void",219,456,475,470,472,466,452
462=thevoidd "The Void",219,456,475,470,472,466,452
463=thevoide "The Void",219,456,475,470,472,466,452
464=thevoidf "The Void",219,456,475,470,472,466,452
465=thevoidg "The Void",219,456,475,470,472,466,452
466=oceangreenhills "Oceangreen Hills",12,468,459,460,461,462,463,464,465
467=oceangreenvillage "Oceangreen Village",466,469
468=oldblackburrow "Blackburrow",466
469=bertoxtemple "Temple of Bertoxxulous",467
470=discord "Korafax, Home of the Riders",471,459,460,461,462,463,464,465
471=discordtower "Citadel of the Worldslayer",470
472=oldbloodfield "Old Bloodfields",302,474,459,460,461,462,463,464,465
473=precipiceofwar "The Precipice of War"
474=olddranik "City of Dranik",472
475=toskirakk "Toskirakk",476,465,459,460,461,462,463,464,465
476=korascian "Korascian Warrens",475,477
477=rathechamber "Rathe Council Chambers",476
478=oldfieldofboneb "Field of Scale",106,455,83,459,460,461,462,463,464,465

Someone need to go back and check (from 1 to 451 example see how 466 connects to 12, is that true for the reverse?) the connections to and from these zone. otherwise *Crash*

Now the next part updating underfoot.
Rich (BB code):
479=crafthalls "Ngreth's Den"
480=brellsrest "Brell's Rest"
481=fungalforest "Fungal Forest"
482=underquarry "The Underquarry"
483=coolingchamber "The Cooling Chamber"
484=shiningcity "Kernagir, The Shining City"
485=arthicrex "Arthicrex"
486=foundation "The Foundation"
487=lichencreep "Lichen Creep"
488=pellucid "Pellucid Grotto"
489=stonesnake "Volska's Husk"
490=brellstemple "Brell's Temple"
491=convorteum "The Convorteum"
492=brellsarena "Brell's Arena"
493=weddingchapel "Wedding Chapel"
494=weddingchapeldark "Wedding Chapel"
495=dragoncrypt "Lair of the Fallen"
700=feerrott2 "The Feerrott"
701=thulehouse1 "Thule House 1"
702=thulehouse2 "Thule House 2"
703=housegarden "House Garden"
704=houselibrary "House Library"
705=well "Well"
706=fallen "Fallen"
707=morellcastle "Morell's Castle"
708=morelltower "Morell's Tower"
709=alkabormare "Al'Kabor's Nightmare"
710=miragulmare "Miragul's Nightmare"
711=thuledream "Thule's Dream"
According to IDA:
Rich (BB code):
.text:006C8028                 push    offset aNgrethSDen ; "Ngreth's Den"
.text:006C802D                 push    offset aCrafthalls ; "crafthalls"
.text:006C8032                 push    1DFh            ; int
.text:006C8037                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8039                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C803B                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C8040                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8042                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8044                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8046                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8048                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C804D                 push    offset aBrellSRest ; "Brell's Rest"
.text:006C8052                 push    offset aBrellsrest ; "brellsrest"
.text:006C8057                 push    1E0h            ; int
.text:006C805C                 push    10h             ; int
.text:006C805E                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C8060                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C8065                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8067                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8069                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C806B                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C806D                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C8072                 push    offset aFungalForest ; "Fungal Forest"
.text:006C8077                 push    offset aFungalforest ; "fungalforest"
.text:006C807C                 push    1E1h            ; int
.text:006C8081                 push    10h             ; int
.text:006C8083                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C8085                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C808A                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C808C                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C808E                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8090                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8092                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C8097                 push    offset aTheUnderquarry ; "The Underquarry"
.text:006C809C                 push    offset aUnderquarry ; "underquarry"
.text:006C80A1                 push    1E2h            ; int
.text:006C80A6                 push    10h             ; int
.text:006C80A8                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C80AA                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C80AF                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C80B1                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C80B3                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C80B5                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C80B7                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C80BC                 push    offset aTheCoolingCham ; "The Cooling Chamber"
.text:006C80C1                 push    offset aCoolingchamber ; "coolingchamber"
.text:006C80C6                 push    1E3h            ; int
.text:006C80CB                 push    10h             ; int
.text:006C80CD                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C80CF                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C80D4                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C80D6                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C80D8                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C80DA                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C80DC                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C80E1                 push    offset aKernagirTheShi ; "Kernagir, The Shining City"
.text:006C80E6                 push    offset aShiningcity ; "shiningcity"
.text:006C80EB                 push    1E4h            ; int
.text:006C80F0                 push    10h             ; int
.text:006C80F2                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C80F4                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C80F9                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C80FB                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C80FD                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C80FF                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8101                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C8106                 push    offset aArthicrex ; "Arthicrex"
.text:006C810B                 push    offset aArthicrex_0 ; "arthicrex"
.text:006C8110                 push    1E5h            ; int
.text:006C8115                 push    10h             ; int
.text:006C8117                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C8119                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C811E                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8120                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8122                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8124                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8126                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C812B                 push    offset aTheFoundation ; "The Foundation"
.text:006C8130                 push    offset aFoundation ; "foundation"
.text:006C8135                 push    1E6h            ; int
.text:006C813A                 push    10h             ; int
.text:006C813C                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C813E                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C8143                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8145                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8147                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8149                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C814B                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C8150                 push    offset aLichenCreep ; "Lichen Creep"
.text:006C8155                 push    offset aLichencreep ; "lichencreep"
.text:006C815A                 push    1E7h            ; int
.text:006C815F                 push    10h             ; int
.text:006C8161                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C8163                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C8168                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C816A                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C816C                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C816E                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8170                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C8175                 push    offset aPellucidGrotto ; "Pellucid Grotto"
.text:006C817A                 push    offset aPellucid ; "pellucid"
.text:006C817F                 push    1E8h            ; int
.text:006C8184                 push    10h             ; int
.text:006C8186                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C8188                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C818D                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C818F                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8191                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8193                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8195                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C819A                 push    offset aVolskaSHusk ; "Volska's Husk"
.text:006C819F                 push    offset aStonesnake ; "stonesnake"
.text:006C81A4                 push    1E9h            ; int
.text:006C81A9                 push    10h             ; int
.text:006C81AB                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C81AD                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C81B2                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C81B4                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C81B6                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C81B8                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C81BA                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C81BF                 push    offset aBrellSTemple ; "Brell's Temple"
.text:006C81C4                 push    offset aBrellstemple ; "brellstemple"
.text:006C81C9                 push    1EAh            ; int
.text:006C81CE                 push    10h             ; int
.text:006C81D0                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C81D2                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C81D7                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C81D9                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C81DB                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C81DD                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C81DF                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C81E4                 push    offset aTheConvorteum ; "The Convorteum"
.text:006C81E9                 push    offset aConvorteum ; "convorteum"
.text:006C81EE                 push    1EBh            ; int
.text:006C81F3                 push    10h             ; int
.text:006C81F5                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C81F7                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C81FC                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C81FE                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8200                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8202                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C8207                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C820C                 push    offset aBrellSArena ; "Brell's Arena"
.text:006C8211                 push    offset aBrellsarena ; "brellsarena"
.text:006C8216                 push    1ECh            ; int
.text:006C821B                 push    10h             ; int
.text:006C821D                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C821F                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C8224                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8226                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8228                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C822A                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C822F                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C8234                 push    offset aWeddingChapel ; "Wedding Chapel"
.text:006C8239                 push    offset aWeddingchapel ; "weddingchapel"
.text:006C823E                 push    1EDh            ; int
.text:006C8243                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8245                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C8247                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C824C                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C824E                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8250                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8252                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C8257                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C825C                 push    offset aWeddingChapel ; "Wedding Chapel"
.text:006C8261                 push    offset aWeddingchapeld ; "weddingchapeldark"
.text:006C8266                 push    1EEh            ; int
.text:006C826B                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C826D                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C826F                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C8274                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8276                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8278                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C827A                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C827F                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C8284                 push    offset aLairOfTheFalle ; "Lair of the Fallen"
.text:006C8289                 push    offset aDragoncrypt ; "dragoncrypt"
.text:006C828E                 push    1EFh            ; int
.text:006C8293                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8295                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C8297                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C829C                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C829E                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C82A0                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C82A2                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C82A7                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C82AC                 push    offset aTheFeerrott ; "The Feerrott"
.text:006C82B1                 push    offset aFeerrott2 ; "feerrott2"
.text:006C82B6                 push    2BCh            ; int
.text:006C82BB                 push    11h             ; int
.text:006C82BD                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C82BF                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C82C4                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C82C6                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C82C8                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C82CA                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C82CF                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C82D4                 push    offset aThuleHouse1 ; "Thule House 1"
.text:006C82D9                 push    offset aThulehouse1 ; "thulehouse1"
.text:006C82DE                 push    2BDh            ; int
.text:006C82E3                 push    11h             ; int
.text:006C82E5                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C82E7                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C82EC                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C82EE                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C82F0                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C82F2                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C82F7                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C82FC                 push    offset aThuleHouse2 ; "Thule House 2"
.text:006C8301                 push    offset aThulehouse2 ; "thulehouse2"
.text:006C8306                 push    2BEh            ; int
.text:006C830B                 push    11h             ; int
.text:006C830D                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C830F                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C8314                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8316                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8318                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C831A                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C831F                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C8324                 push    offset aHouseGarden ; "House Garden"
.text:006C8329                 push    offset aHousegarden ; "housegarden"
.text:006C832E                 push    2BFh            ; int
.text:006C8333                 push    11h             ; int
.text:006C8335                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C8337                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C833C                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C833E                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8340                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8342                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C8347                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C834C                 push    offset aHouseLibrary ; "House Library"
.text:006C8351                 push    offset aHouselibrary ; "houselibrary"
.text:006C8356                 push    2C0h            ; int
.text:006C835B                 push    11h             ; int
.text:006C835D                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C835F                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C8364                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8366                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8368                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C836A                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C836F                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C8374                 push    offset aWell    ; "Well"
.text:006C8379                 push    offset aWell_0  ; "well"
.text:006C837E                 push    2C1h            ; int
.text:006C8383                 push    11h             ; int
.text:006C8385                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C8387                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C838C                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C838E                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8390                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8392                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C8397                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C839C                 push    offset aFallen  ; "Fallen"
.text:006C83A1                 push    offset aFallen_0 ; "fallen"
.text:006C83A6                 push    2C2h            ; int
.text:006C83AB                 push    11h             ; int
.text:006C83AD                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C83AF                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C83B4                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C83B6                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C83B8                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C83BA                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C83BF                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C83C4                 push    offset aMorellSCastle ; "Morell's Castle"
.text:006C83C9                 push    offset aMorellcastle ; "morellcastle"
.text:006C83CE                 push    2C3h            ; int
.text:006C83D3                 push    11h             ; int
.text:006C83D5                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C83D7                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C83DC                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C83DE                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C83E0                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C83E2                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C83E7                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C83EC                 push    offset aMorellSTower ; "Morell's Tower"
.text:006C83F1                 push    offset aMorelltower ; "morelltower"
.text:006C83F6                 push    2C4h            ; int
.text:006C83FB                 push    11h             ; int
.text:006C83FD                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C83FF                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C8404                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8406                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8408                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C840A                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C840F                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C8414                 push    offset aAlKaborSNightm ; "Al'Kabor's Nightmare"
.text:006C8419                 push    offset aAlkabormare ; "alkabormare"
.text:006C841E                 push    2C5h            ; int
.text:006C8423                 push    11h             ; int
.text:006C8425                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C8427                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C842C                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C842E                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8430                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8432                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C8437                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C843C                 push    offset aMiragulSNightm ; "Miragul's Nightmare"
.text:006C8441                 push    offset aMiragulmare ; "miragulmare"
.text:006C8446                 push    2C6h            ; int
.text:006C844B                 push    11h             ; int
.text:006C844D                 mov     ecx, esi
.text:006C844F                 call    sub_6C39D0
.text:006C8454                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8456                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C8458                 push    0               ; int
.text:006C845A                 push    (offset loc_7FFFFC+4) ; int
.text:006C845F                 push    4C0h            ; int
.text:006C8464                 push    offset aThuleSDream ; "Thule's Dream"
.text:006C8469                 push    offset aThuledream ; "thuledream"
.text:006C846E                 push    2C7h            ; int
.text:006C8473                 push    11h             ; int

1DFh = 479 This is where the new expansion starts
2C7h = 711 This is where the zones End

So increase maxzones to...hmm gonn have to thing on that one...

Max_zones should be 0x02C7 (inside eqdata.h)

New Zones (according to IDA). Will need to figure what connects to what (including to older existing zones).

Rich (BB code):
479=crafthalls "Ngreth's Den"
480=brellsrest "Brell's Rest"
481=fungalforest "Fungal Forest"
482=underquarry "The Underquarry"
483=coolingchamber "The Cooling Chamber"
484=shiningcity "Kernagir, The Shining City"
485=arthicrex "Arthicrex"
486=foundation "The Foundation"
487=lichencreep "Lichen Creep"
488=pellucid "Pellucid Grotto"
489=stonesnake "Volska's Husk"
490=brellstemple "Brell's Temple"
491=convorteum "The Convorteum"
492=brellsarena "Brell's Arena"
493=weddingchapel "Wedding Chapel"
494=weddingchapeldark "Wedding Chapel"
495=dragoncrypt "Lair of the Fallen"
700=feerrott2 "The Feerrott"
701=thulehouse1 "Thule House 1"
702=thulehouse2 "Thule House 2"
703=housegarden "House Garden"
704=houselibrary "House Library"
705=well "Well"
706=fallen "Fallen"
707=morellcastle "Morell's Castle"
708=morelltower "Morell's Tower"
709=alkabormare "Al'Kabor's Nightmare"
710=miragulmare "Miragul's Nightmare"
711=thuledream "Thule's Dream"

Now someone needs to get the connectings Zones.
thanks for input :) it looks like nuclear physics to me...

I am actually back playing again, but have a very gimp 80 something cleric with 7k AA's 15 year veteran rewards and a doll in her range slot with like 10 hps. So am PLing an SK and Rogue (had one with 1000 aa's). But I am far from being in the new zones yet. If you have connecting info fill in the blanks.

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