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Request - Looking to chat with someone about an LDAP server (1 Viewer)

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Oct 15, 2004
I have some questions about LDAP and would enjoy talking to someone knowledgeable about it for ~10 minutes or so this week. Especially someone who has run one professionally.

My goal here is to sync RG with Gitlab, and I'm wondering if LDAP is the route to take or if I should use a more custom solution.
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I assume you got LDAP from this page since it's listed as one of the federation options, but I'll post it here for posterity anyway: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/auth/

It depends on how you want to do whatever you're trying to do, but typically saml is going to be the more flexible cross site authentication mechanism. Keep in mind, though, that all of the federation options may not be something that makes sense for anyone who uses GitLab outside of RG.

Are you looking to standup a standalone GitLab server or are you just trying to sync permissions? If you're just trying to sync permissions then the better way is probably going to be similar to how the discord integration is handled (using GitLab IDs and the permissions API).
Thank you!

If you're just trying to sync permissions then the better way is probably going to be similar to how the discord integration is handled (using GitLab IDs and the permissions API).

That is indeed the goal, I'm just trying to avoid custom coding, and LDAP would allow that. I agree it's not ideal, but am trying to weigh the pros and cons.
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Request - Looking to chat with someone about an LDAP server
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