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haven't seen this here... free evolving xp. (1 Viewer)

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Apr 8, 2005
... but I haven't been here for a while.

anyhoo, remember evolving items via the freemind cipher?

it got nerfed, but it's back, apparently the last patch unbroke it.

Head to the Freemind Cipher in undershore.

set it up so your number one hot button is for line 1 /targ npc mindspore and line 2 is /open

Rich (BB code):
 Sub Main
   /notify hotbuttonwnd HB_Button1 leftmouseup
   /delay 100
   /goto :loop

the delay ensures that you don't try to target when one isnt up.. exactly a 10 second spawn time.

if that has been posted since it was unnerfed, whoops~
grog said:
set it up so your number one hot button is for line 1 /targ npc mindspore and line 2 is /open
Why have a macro to push a hotbutton that executes MQ2 commands? Why not just have the macro do it all, no worries about hotbuttons?

This one will do a continous check for mindspores, and GM's. If a mindstore is spawned and there's not GM in the zone, it will target the nearest mindspore, wait 1s (or untill a target is acquired) then if there's a target, do a /open on the target.

Rich (BB code):
Sub Main
        /if (${SpawnCount[npc mindspore]} && !${SpawnCount[gm]}) {
            /squelch /target npc mindspore
            /delay 1s (${Target.ID})
            /if (${Target.ID}) /open
    /goto :loop
Works a lot better than zoning into an instance and killing a chest for a couple percent then zoning out and having to get the mission again. Much quicker and easier.

Thanks for this; cent inc...
Why have a macro to push a hotbutton that executes MQ2 commands? Why not just have the macro do it all, no worries about hotbuttons?
tbh - I'm just not great at getting more complex macros to work perfectly, so I generally go with as simple as possible.

I would recommend doing this, at most, semi-afk, unless you build a loot in to your macro. having 175 corpses might look strange, and someone might ask you what you're doing if they happen to run by. you don't have to give them a real answer of course, but at least giving them an answer would be good.

thanks for the red cents, I'm up to +5 now =p
Evolved my Blade of the Night Sky up to level 6 using this, but quit after a while. It's impossible to target them this quickly manually, especially with all the corpses piling up, so I got scared. I'm a scaredy cat.
Gondola said:
Evolved my Blade of the Night Sky up to level 6 using this, but quit after a while. It's impossible to target them this quickly manually, especially with all the corpses piling up, so I got scared. I'm a scaredy cat.
you can target manually fairly easily via f8 and the cycle through targets button, both inherent to everquest.
grog said:
you can target manually fairly easily via f8 and the cycle through targets button, both inherent to everquest.

Yeah but if someone was watching you, they'd know you were popping them quicker than you could realistically do on your own.

Aren't there other clicky XP's like this from other quests? Something with a quick respawn?
actually its not that hard if you do them in a certain order, then you can just turn, hit f8 the moment you see one, hit they hotkey for /open and violla, you go onto the next one. When you first start, just space them out 2-3 seconds and you won't have any problems.
Btw, for me for some reason it seems to be about 15-20 seconds spawntime.
Alchropie said:
whats this for? what level can you do this at? regular exp or for evolving items?
any level.. but it's really just best for evolving evolving items.
grog said:
any level.. but it's really just best for evolving evolving items.
im at level 15, chant kiting as a bard...taking a while to get any exp think this would be faster? im getting about half a blue per kill and 1 kill every 3-4 min in FH
Alchropie said:
im at level 15, chant kiting as a bard...taking a while to get any exp think this would be faster? im getting about half a blue per kill and 1 kill every 3-4 min in FH
dunno, never tried with a char that level.
this is getting nerfed quick, went to check it out and there were 7 people at the spot on my server lol, get in line I guess.
I just noticed, it IS actual XP as well. I've gotten like 3% AA in maybe half an hour. Crappy XP, but it is there.

Nobody here on my server except me.
Doesnt this suggest that others, as in traitor might be working? I cant test it now because im at work, but its a thought...
took a lvl 1 down to test out the low level xp. I went from level 1 to lvl 10 in about 7 min, then 10 to 14 in about 18 min. went all the way to 23 before I got bored of the test, 1 to 23 in about 2 hours 15 min, but it was really starting to slow down, half way through 23 took about 30 min by itself.
it took all day to get from 30-35.63 right this second...started around 2:30pm east, its 11:29 pm east.... so not bad at all for afk... gonna leave it on all night see how it runs:)
All in all great little macro...hope it doesnt get nerfed to soon :<
at 12:20 ish a Gm popped up, i didnt get in trouble because i happened to be there just in time... but said people /petitioned saying i was disruptive, there was nothing he could do for me killing mobs, but it happened:P
I have been running it for about 16 hours, I went from 10-30, standing at the Mushrooms kinda looks like you're doing it yourself.

The experience at 30 is not bad at all, .30xp per mushroom. You kill 5 each pop so there is 1.50 exp per every 15 seconds or so? GL to everyone, stand around the shrooms because COpen is a little too obvious.
I just use it on new accounts, i figure if they want to ban them (they were made for ghosting anyhow so they WILL get banned eventually) i'm out a whole $20 and about 5-6 hours of not being at the keyboard.... sounds good to me :)
this is kind of a noob question, but i hear people talking about ghosting but i dont know what it is...what is it?
ghosting is when the server thinks you are one place, but you are actually at a different location and can do abilities as if you were at that location. ie you're standing at the zonein in rifts and ghost up to the king and/or queen to backstab them to death. although the one on the boards I don't believe allows you to do things like that anymore. not positive though.
Most of the guild knows I hack, so my idea was simply get 6 rogues to do instanced raid missions and kill the nameds there. Only the people in the guild that know I hack will be in the raid and eventually everybody will have the loots from that mob, then i can go onto the next.
"In the Shadows" is a 54-player raid event in the Accursed Nest and is given by General Lereh Dirr. You must kill Vishimtar the Fallen, which drops a Shadowscale of Vishimtar.
I was just running my bard... 1 day, 2 hours, and 53 minutes played on this character, standing at 36.16% experience. I am going to use it until 40 and then run Dreadlands up to 70.

Redcents for this find, awesome job again.

Like I said in recent posts, stand under the mob and then type,
"/plugin mq2copen unload"
Reason being, it unloads copen and as long as it is on it warps you to the shrooms no matter the distance. I was watching that happen while someoneorsomething was running it, and plus the asshole was stealing my shrooms! I gave him a heads up and thought I would give everyone else a second chance. =)
how would a lvl 21 bard get to this zone and according to alla this is a lvl 65 mob does it attack or is it like the barrels in tutorial and you get exp just from opening it?
The mob involved is relatively safe if you watch what your doing .... yes I havea couple corpses ... worse case is target free and warp to him.
this will almost certainly be nerfed by the sept 6 patch, or the expansion release patch. enjoy while you can.
Wow. ive been trained 3 times now. I got my logs on now so its only a matter of time b4 i find out who it is. I dont mind sharring the xp either just stop training the cipher please
and the exp is the same if 1 or 6 in group i have tersted it in shroud form for level shroud form i dont level char with this ) too low just put up shroud for have more form )
Boom, level 45 in less than 16 hours AFK. Too bad SoE had to patch or I think I coulda been 46 by now.
haven't seen this here... free evolving xp.
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