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Discussion - Evolving Chase Loot From TBL (is it worth it now) ?? (1 Viewer)

Dec 24, 2017
With close to 11 days of double rares it is tempting to bang out POP Hunter which is the first and hardest step to evolve TBL Gloves. Double Faction for the Ring during the Scorched Woods Centuar\Burynai tasks. I know that the 4 Evolving loots from TBL are BIS and have been for 2 expansions, BUT...... With the new expansion only months away, is the time and effort worth putting into these items now?

With close to 11 days of double rares it is tempting to bang out POP Hunter which is the first and hardest step to evolve TBL Gloves. Double Faction for the Ring during the Scorched Woods Centuar\Burynai tasks. I know that the 4 Evolving loots from TBL are BIS and have been for 2 expansions, BUT...... With the new expansion only months away, is the time and effort worth putting into these items now?

kindddaaaa depends on what they do with the expac

the 18/19 slots are still legit

My gut tells me they won't be, but i'm still trying to work on them in case they are (plus having all those achieves and such is worth having done anyhow). I would love if they just kept those items and continued making them better going forward

but i definitely feel your pain! lol i can't get boots to drop for the life of me :(
For someone like me (not in a raiding guild) -- it is unlikely that I will get raid items to replace any of those items, much less all four. So they will likely remain BIS for me. Now, like Sic, I need the boots to drop and I'll have all 4 on my tank and can start grinding away.

FWIW, I was planning on doing EoK/RoS progression anyhow for the Hero's AAs, I'm over halfway on collections just from being a packrat, and I will probably not do hunters cause I hate hunters.
I have 9 guys that have all 4 done and TOV earrings, with one being raid completed. I don't have it in me to do the next two if it is gonna be a waste. Wish Darkpaw would give us a hint.....
I have 9 guys that have all 4 done and TOV earrings, with one being raid completed. I don't have it in me to do the next two if it is gonna be a waste. Wish Darkpaw would give us a hint.....
dang dude, that's a ton of work lol
@deathlock I am also trying to decide if it’s worth it at this point to go back and do them. I’m going to finish my earring first, then go back and look at everything else.
My guess is that next expansion's raid gear will be very close to or slightly surpass the evolvers in raw stats (ACHME and heroics) but will not have the special effects that can be had from Type 18/19 augs. I very much doubt that the next tiers of group gear will match the TBL items. As far as answering the question of "is it worth it?" I think that hinges on just how hard one is willing to pursue the achievement requirements. Explorer is dead simple with Denethor's mac. EoK/RoS progression is slightly time consuming, but very easy at 115 and ToV gear. Hunters, excluding Planeslayer, aren't bad during a double spawn event. Collections can be knocked out with ogerseer rewards. Planeslayer is the only big hurdle, as far as I see it. Be ready to AFK pocketfarm some of those zones. CoD and PoF will drive you nuts if you don't afk it.
I'm on the fence regarding whether this is worthwhile or not, too. The biggest issue (for me) is the impact of luck on stuff like dps, healing, etc. If the current TBL evolving items stay at 5 luck, and next expansion we bump up to 15 luck per item, those 5 luck items will immediately not really be worth it anymore to ALL raiders, and even a lot of groupers. If I was a melee dps toon, for example, that had enough hps to survive group ae's and dots, I would continue to stack hdex and luck over all other stats.
Well the boots and gloves won't have luck on them for that to be factored in, so the shoulders and ring would be the only ones you'd need to consider that one. With that said, if you're a raider, it's likely that these will become outdated next expansion anyway as the raid gear will likely be on par or better at this point.
My guess is that next expansion's raid gear will be very close to or slightly surpass the evolvers in raw stats (ACHME and heroics) but will not have the special effects that can be had from Type 18/19 augs. I very much doubt that the next tiers of group gear will match the TBL items. As far as answering the question of "is it worth it?" I think that hinges on just how hard one is willing to pursue the achievement requirements. Explorer is dead simple with Denethor's mac. EoK/RoS progression is slightly time consuming, but very easy at 115 and ToV gear. Hunters, excluding Planeslayer, aren't bad during a double spawn event. Collections can be knocked out with ogerseer rewards. Planeslayer is the only big hurdle, as far as I see it. Be ready to AFK pocketfarm some of those zones. CoD and PoF will drive you nuts if you don't afk it.

This is spot on. With the ability to fairly easily make whatever type 19's you want *After progressing the ToV earring* can easily Farm GD Raid caves for Diamondized Precious Velium Ore) - the + to healing, + to defense etc and many other stats, these chase items will be very relevant for a minimum of the next XPAC.

Besides, this is Everquest.. the pre-reqs for all of these have additional bonuses that make your toons stronger anyway.

83 1337 aka Be Leet !!! :woop::woop::woop:
You can speed up planeslayer by spreading your toons out across zones and forming a raid (you don't need to be in the same zone to gain hunter credit that way)
You can speed up planeslayer by spreading your toons out across zones and forming a raid (you don't need to be in the same zone to gain hunter credit that way)
that's what I did. 6 chars, 6 different zones all running pocket farm to target the PHs and nameds. pofire was the last one to complete.
@SA_krycek how long did that take you?
less than a week of aggressive play. CoD took 36+ hours straight with one character in zone. But I also did the Carpin cycle and Bertox event as some of the named only spawn during events. PoFire will be the worst, by far. There are 2 named Jopals that literally share a spawn point, so you can either get a PH, Named 1 (common) or Named #2 (rare). A few in the middle field are also really rare spawners.
less than a week of aggressive play. CoD took 36+ hours straight with one character in zone. But I also did the Carpin cycle and Bertox event as some of the named only spawn during events. PoFire will be the worst, by far. There are 2 named Jopals that literally share a spawn point, so you can either get a PH, Named 1 (common) or Named #2 (rare). A few in the middle field are also really rare spawners.

Plane of Fire worst :
Jorpal Chieftain - In the North Huts ( parked a mage with pet on it finally after 6 days of clearing during 10 + hours of play / day .. finally got it to spawn overnight on night 2 with /cough Mage that fell asleep.
Magma Overlord - Took days.... and my buddy spend the next 10 days trying to find him up. Seems to be on a timer more then a PH in the Field.

Crypt of Decay .. as stated above need to have PH in basement for the Carpin Cycle which could take a couple days.

Plane of Water -- Monstrous Sea Turtle took a couple days

Torment : a Kanis flesh flayer - spawns in the Keeper of Present Lore NW corner.... EVENTUALLY .... but such a PITA

Plane of Air - Lossenmachar was a my bane for a few days.

I have all 4 TBL Chase fully evolved on my main 6 box , and a couple different toons with Artisan Prize.

This list was also common for two different guildies at different times.

Good luck !
Is this doable for a group of 115's in group gear (T2/T3)?

yes, but your tank should be beefy with all of the proper AC augs and current expansion type 5s. I did this before getting raid gear on my SK and it was dicy at times (single pulls are key). Once I had some raid gear it got a lot easier.

I would also do ToFS raid trash before GD trash. The 2nd and 3rd floor raid trash are easier to tank, mezzable, and easier to pull than the cave tizmaks in GD.
Ideally you'll have a pulling class that can reliably split mobs. If you can split mob groups down to 1 or 2, a group geared tank can handle it. 3+ gets to be hairy and not everything is mezzable. I've been able to do EW, KD and GD with a single group.
Discussion - Evolving Chase Loot From TBL (is it worth it now) ??

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