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AdvTask macro - zoning (1 Viewer)


Mar 21, 2005
For those of us that still use this...it isn't working right.

The general flow of the macro calls for executing an appropriate /zone, immediately followed by calling a sub routine that checks to see if you have reached the target zone (to accomodate chain zoning) and continues looping until you do.

The logic for checking to see if you have reached the target zone is:

/if (${Zone[${Zone.ShortName}].ID} != ${Zone.ID}) /goto :loop

I'll check these values in manual mode to see if there is a simple fix (I would expect so).
I may not have a clear picture of the macro; this may not be the problem code (although it seems to match the behavior....I zone in fine, task gets updated, macro is still running, but the next /zone in the sequence doesn't fire). Guess I'll pepper in some /echos to see what's going on.
I think they may have changed the message that is displayed as you complete each task step. THis would mean the task step event doesn't get triggered and the mac just sits and waits. I may not get to test it until Tuesday. Just need to walk through one manually and observe the response(s).
Confirmed: the intermediate "Your task has been updated" message is no longer echoed in text. It only appears as a pop up message in the middle of the screen. This means the taskcheck step never completes and the macro never moves on to the next step (doesn't realize the previous step is complete).

There may be a way to recognize that the banner pop up took place, but I don't know what it would be. I simply replaced the taskcheck routine with a hard delay and all worked as normal (keep the sub routine in place, just in case....remmed the loop in favor of /delay 1s /return)
Bah, more goop. Chain-zoning tasks seem to be not workingwell (the chain-zoning portion, I think). Still a work-in-progress
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I had it break when it attempted chain zone as well. So lets say it has to zone 3 times to get where you need to be, I just have it zone to each zone one at a time with a "/call zoner" and "/delay 1s" or whatever amount in between each zone. (Also note that I made sure that they called "hide)

Here for example is a task that used to break (these are located in your advtaskwarp_dreadlands.inc)...

Rich (BB code):
sub Event_Dangers_of_Deep
    /echo [${Time}] Starting: ${taskid} Dangers of the Deep
    /doevents flush
    /zone lakeofillomen dangersofdeep
    /call Zoner
    /call Taskcheck
    /zone firiona dangersofdeep
    /call Zoner
    /call Taskcheck
    /zone dreadlands
    /call Zoner
    /delay 20
    /Target Mythmoor
    /if (${Me.Invis}) /doability "Hide"
    /call HailTarget Mythmoor
    /call Taskcheck
    /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Hide]}) /doability "Hide"
    /zone overthere
    /call Zoner
    /call Counter

Worked just before last patch when changed to...

Rich (BB code):
sub Event_Dangers_of_Deep
    /echo [${Time}] Starting: ${taskid} Dangers of the Deep
/delay 5s
    /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Hide]}) /doability "Hide"
    /doevents flush
    /zone warslikswood
   /call zoner
/delay 2s
    /zone lakeofillomen dangersofdeep
/delay 1s
    /call Zoner
/delay 1s
    /call Taskcheck
    /zone firiona dangersofdeep
    /call Zoner
/delay 1s
    /call Taskcheck
/delay 1s
    /zone dreadlands
    /call Zoner
    /delay 1s
    /Target Mythmoor
    /if (${Me.Invis}) /doability "Hide"
    /call HailTarget Mythmoor
    /call Taskcheck
    /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Hide]}) /doability "Hide"
    /zone overthere
    /call Zoner
    /call Counter
There are like 15 or so missions that broke because of the chain zone attempts, hope this helps :)[/hide][/hide][/hide]
AdvTask macro - zoning

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