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Question - 6 boxing with a necro main (1 Viewer)

May 29, 2021
Hello great community !

So here's the deal : I want to main a necro and build a group around him. As his DPS will take time to ramp up i want to pull several mobs and DOT them all. And probably wave AEs on the other casters. I thought about this group comp : WAR, CLR, BRD, MAG, WIZ, NEC. All these toons are in the 55-75 range. I plan on doing each expack progression, take it slow and have fun.

Q1 : is AEing stuff realistic in the group game while doing progression ? I imagine clerics healing output can somewhat make it safer ?

Q2 : can WARs handle the AE aggro ? At any level range or is it 110+ ? I could replace him with a SHD if it makes it easier.

Q3 : aDPS, what support classes give aDPS for NECs ? I read bards seems to give the most. What about DRU and ENC or others i might miss ? If only bards give decent aDPS for the NEC I could build a melee team around him then ... WAR, SHM, BRD, BST, BER, NEC ; waste?

Q4 : Given AEs and multi DOTing would ENC be a good investment?

That's about it for now. Thank you !
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A1: aeing stuff is definately realistic, if your tank can keep the aggro, not like pulling 15+ mobs, but 4 or 5 should be doable

A2: Wars tend to need single target healing to burst out ae aggro builder, i would suggest going with a SHD, because he does have like 2 or 3 ae hate spells

A3: i personally enjoy bards more than enchanters, a strong group would be SHD, SHM, BRD, NEC, MAG, BST

A4: in that scenario i kinda thin ENC would be a waste over using a BRD
Thanks for your reply, Kaen.

Wars tend to need single target healing to burst out ae aggro builder
I guess you are refering to the Expanse line of discs, starting with Harmonious Expanse at level 102 ? That's far down the road :D

Really wished I could WAR+CLR, but if the WAR has trouble handling multiple target pulls I might be better off with a SHD. Though I think I'll drive the pack from the tank, so maybe I can pull it off by using WAR aggro discs on each mobs on inc. Yeah SHD can just AE shit from the .ini file.

Anyone else has experience tanking multiples, AEing and multi DOTing ?

a strong group would be SHD, SHM, BRD, NEC, MAG, BST
Didn't really think about the full pet group you proposed. Can the SHM handle healing by himself ? seems like they can above level 105, but before that ?
Thanks for your reply, Kaen.

I guess you are refering to the Expanse line of discs, starting with Harmonious Expanse at level 102 ? That's far down the road :D

Really wished I could WAR+CLR, but if the WAR has trouble handling multiple target pulls I might be better off with a SHD. Though I think I'll drive the pack from the tank, so maybe I can pull it off by using WAR aggro discs on each mobs on inc. Yeah SHD can just AE shit from the .ini file.

Anyone else has experience tanking multiples, AEing and multi DOTing ?

Didn't really think about the full pet group you proposed. Can the SHM handle healing by himself ? seems like they can above level 105, but before that ?
i would say around 85ish he start doing better, and about at 101+ he just powers those heals.

before 85ish he is bit weak and you kinda gotta not be too aggresive on your pulls, like pull 8 mobs at a time or something, 2 or 3 should be okayish
I have run a group of SK, EN, NEC, NEC, NEC, and Mag. I have one Nec that just dots living stuff. One Nec that dots on undead. One Nec that is back up. I have 6 pets that join in the fight and with a few buttons I can send the pets to take out any strays that happen. I have some conditions that check to make sure that the dots do not overlap. Fear plays a big part after mobs get dotted. Just having fun running a zone.
Question - 6 boxing with a necro main

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