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Recent content by LadyGator

  1. L


    Red, I am truly sorry if I said anything that you took as an insult. It wasn't my intention. It may be difficult for you to believe of someone who is not a Christian, but I do not wish to hurt anyone. If I came across as harsh, I assure you, I was just typing in a hurry and didn't give as...
  2. L


    True. However, if you look at the facts and deny them, that's what I'm talking about. I found no facts to support the Bible's being the literal word of God, and I looked very hard. I found a lot of facts that contradict that view. The preponderance of evidence indicates it isn't. To go...
  3. L


    I'll call you anything you want; I'm a fan because you actually have a half-naked man as your post icon. :D I get tired of the women ones. If I want to see bouncing boobs, I'll jump up and down in front of the mirror. Funny thing, never actually wanted to do that LOL
  4. L


    That was a great episode :) I really love that show because it makes fun of every religion, even atheism! The world just takes itself too seriously sometimes.
  5. L


    LOL Amen! Mind if I use that as a tagline, Black? That's great :D
  6. L


    Likewise. I did not personally attack you. I hold with my statement that anyone who believes that the Bible is the literal word of God has not done their homework. Even when I was a devout Christian, I held no such illusions. You make many unwarranted assumptions. I am not anti-Christian...
  7. L


    Gravity is a theory according to those who have PhDs in physics that I know. Same as evolution - there's a massive amount of evidence supporting the theory, but it could be disproven or modified by new information. That's what I love about science; it doesn't insist on itself. Oh, that...
  8. L


    This is why I don't like religion. I would never tell anyone on here to shut up. Heck, one of my degrees is in English, and it's all I can do not to scream about all the terrible spelling and grammar on here, yet I don't put people down or tell them to shut up when they write poorly. So...
  9. L


    Um, you do realize that these two examples are not faith, don't you? The theory of gravity (and yes, like evolution it is a "theory", because scientists are always open to having their theories disproven by new evidence. Another major way it differs from religion!) has been tested many, many...
  10. L


    I couldn't agree with you more, Thez. I picked a few sections of your post that particularly sruck a chord with me, but I'm impressed with the entire post. Logical, articulate, and unbiased. On a somewhat unrelated note, you'll probably get hammered for it. I think it's hilarious that I...
  11. L

    Re: What Server are you on?

    Re: What Server are you on? 23
  12. L


    That's funny. Everything I've read indicates what was left out of the Old Testament had to do with power struggles in the Jewish priesthood, and anything not in the New Testament is omitted because the early Christian church decided it was too dangerous to speak spiritual truth to the unwashed...
  13. L


    I attended Baptist and Catholic school for many years. I have read the Bible and many scholarly works about it. It is fiction, period. Historical documents out and out contradict the Bible in many places. Josephus spends the vast majority of his writings scoffing at the concept of a...