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Discussion - Group Composition - I've Made A Final Decision (1 Viewer)

Jan 12, 2024
After close to two weeks of asking questions and going back and forth a thousand times, I've finally made a decision.

For those of you who were taking bets on what I would end up doing, I won't keep you waiting. I'm going with BST/Brd/Mage.

My whole journey to MQ and Redguides was because I wanted to enhance my Beastlord and get more out of the limited time I had to play. It didn't take long for me to get caught up in the idea of needing a full group and of course that meant I needed a tank and a real healer and the whole lineup of characters.

However, that's just not how I like to play. There is a reason I abandoned my SK many years ago and worked up a Beastlord on that same account. The BST allowed me to accomplish things with less gear and less time than I could get done on the SK. Maybe part of that was me not being very good at playing an SK but it is what it is.

I love mashing buttons on my BST and for weeks I've grinded in LS taking down quests, and named mobs with just my BST/BRD combo. Additionally, I almost always grab a couple of guildies who are in desperate need of exp and a group. The only issue I've come across since LS was released was a lack of dps. Not an issue of needing a tank or more heals. So over the weekend, I spent time working up a Mage that was currently level 78. Having the 112SK with MQ2eskay made getting the Mage up in levels very easy and that is still one way I can get use out of the SK when needed.

In my mind, I have tanking covered. Albeit, not having area taunt can be an issue, but I have Bard on Kissassist for CC.

With the addition of the Mage, I'll get the much-needed extra DPS boost and another pet to tank. The cool thing about MQ2mage is that if your MT goes down, then it will toggle on pet taunt as a backup, which is awesome and an investment I intend to make in the future.

Up to this point, the cleric merc has done just fine. Partially do to the fact that if things get too hairy, I can simply patch-heal my own pet. If I end up doing content later on where heals are an issue, then I may at that time consider working up a cleric.

To make a long story short, I went with the combination that gets me excited to log in play, and interact with others. Even if it's not the best for owning the whole world of EQ.

Thanks for all the suggestions and tips. MQ is making my EQ experience a 10000% better and I love the forums and community here at Redguides.
SK / BST / ROG / SHM / MAG / BRD FTW. it's all I'm sayin.

It doesn't take any more time to get a SK up to snuff than it does any other class.
However, It takes a lot less time 2 weeks from 100 to 125, to get an SK up to tanking speed with current T2 gears and Max aa's which is only like 87k, on current content than it does to get a tank merc up to current expansion with all their AA's. same goes with all mercs imho.
SK / BST / ROG / SHM / MAG / BRD FTW. it's all I'm sayin.

It doesn't take any more time to get a SK up to snuff than it does any other class.
However, It takes a lot less time 2 weeks from 100 to 125, to get an SK up to tanking speed with current T2 gears and Max aa's which is only like 87k, on current content than it does to get a tank merc up to current expansion with all their AA's. same goes with all mercs imho.

lol, If I could get a boosted SK from 100-125, with T2 armor and max AA's in only 2 weeks I would gladly spend the $75 ($40 for a boost, $35 for expansion). Maybe with your current team, you could pull that off, but I doubt I could add an SK to my BST/BRD/Mage and get that done.

I have a 108 Paladin on same account as Bard. I had even considered dropping Bard, pulling up the Pal, and then boosting an Ench to 100 to fill in my CC gap. If it were not so expensive, I would just fill in my group like so many here suggest. However, spending all the $$$ on several more LS expansions, and boost. That's just too much. Even if you buy LS family eddition for $250. That only gets you 1 level boost and extra expansion to hand out. This is why I had considered starting fresh on Micheif as an example. Way cheaper, upfront anyway to fill out a group. Yes, could just do free accounts, but then I would have to spend what limited time I have PLing characters and then I'm going to be locked to ToV content and below.
For those of you who were taking bets on what I would end up doing, I won't keep you waiting. I'm going with BST/Brd/Mage.
You do you. I'm glad to hear you came to a conclusion. It isn't always about the best build, most elite DPS, ultimate leveling path.. It's about playing your way and having fun. Too often you see people posting about needing the most optimized best of the best setup. For those, more power to them. But play your way and I think that's a fun combo as well.
One mans trash is another mans treasure. I have a druid so I cant say too much. lol

lol. My oldest character is a druid. I've pondered long and hard on how I can implement her (she is on the Bard account). I truly wish I could let her do dps, patch heals and utility stuff, but Bard a bit more important. I used to main an Enchanter back in the day as well. So I have considered replacing Bard with Enchanter and that could free up the Druid, but it is a wasted slot unfortunately in the modern game.
lol, If I could get a boosted SK from 100-125, with T2 armor and max AA's in only 2 weeks I would gladly spend the $75 ($40 for a boost, $35 for expansion). Maybe with your current team, you could pull that off, but I doubt I could add an SK to my BST/BRD/Mage and get that done.

I have a 108 Paladin on same account as Bard. I had even considered dropping Bard, pulling up the Pal, and then boosting an Ench to 100 to fill in my CC gap. If it were not so expensive, I would just fill in my group like so many here suggest. However, spending all the $$$ on several more LS expansions, and boost. That's just too much. Even if you buy LS family eddition for $250. That only gets you 1 level boost and extra expansion to hand out. This is why I had considered starting fresh on Micheif as an example. Way cheaper, upfront anyway to fill out a group. Yes, could just do free accounts, but then I would have to spend what limited time I have PLing characters and then I'm going to be locked to ToV content and below.

Aye, it will depend on your DPS and what not. Took me between 11 and 13 hours each level from 121 to 125, but I had forgot to use my lesson xp boosts until I was half through 123 before I remembered it :P

However, the under 120 toon managed to get from 110 to 121 in the same amount of time it took to get the rest of the group from fresh 121 ding to 125. My average DPS is rather low at 1.7 million as well. It's not too tough to get 3-4 million average at 121, but almost my entire team was fresh so they were missing a lot of AA at the time and had no relevant raid gear. In any case, it doesn't take a whole lot to get there and I did it in TOL t3/t2 gear since I pretty much skipped NOS due to time constraints. Wasn't a big deal to do it at all.
Aye, it will depend on your DPS and what not. Took me between 11 and 13 hours each level from 121 to 125, but I had forgot to use my lesson xp boosts until I was half through 123 before I remembered it :P

However, the under 120 toon managed to get from 110 to 121 in the same amount of time it took to get the rest of the group from fresh 121 ding to 125. My average DPS is rather low at 1.7 million as well. It's not too tough to get 3-4 million average at 121, but almost my entire team was fresh so they were missing a lot of AA at the time and had no relevant raid gear. In any case, it doesn't take a whole lot to get there and I did it in TOL t3/t2 gear since I pretty much skipped NOS due to time constraints. Wasn't a big deal to do it at all.
What is your group made up of?
Discussion - Group Composition - I've Made A Final Decision

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