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Question - relearn game or just Jump. (1 Viewer)

Jun 25, 2023
Hello everyone. I'm new here and feel new to EQ it's been so long. I've been playing again for about 2 weeks now. Did a search (Google) for a lil help finding a good solo spot for necro and here I am.
So, my question is, Should I just play solo till I get familiar with everything again, or just start boxing right from the beginning?
I want to jump right in but with limited time to play, I'm scared I'll get frustrated and quit again. Most of the frustration first time was I needed groups and it seemed by time you got set up someone had to leave (usually me).
But as I write this I'm already thinking of character names that will probably get me kicked. like naming group= Gilligan, skipper, professor, MaryAnn , Ginger and Mr. Howle ....... Does that show age or Boxer?
sorry, rambling.
Thanks for any thoughts.
Getting Started / Returning user

Welcome to RedGuides, fellow EQ multi-boxing enthusiast!

The best place to begin is our "New User Guide" video series, click this TV to watch:

This step-by-step series will teach absolute beginners how to control 6 characters at once while highlighting Nav, AutoLogin, and DanNet, which are fundamental plugins that will enhance every aspect of your game.

Returning users check out - MacroQuest Release Party: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/macroquest-release-party.80628/ for information about changes from the legacy MQ2 to the new and awesome MQ
WB! EQ has changed a lot over the years, however, I would start out with 6, and just take time to learn EQ and MQ. The plus side to that is, you will always have a group~

As far as naming, I dont think (unless its offensive), that it triggers anything, I know people who box 18+, with variations of the same name.

Again, WB, and if you have any questions, please ask (or jump in the discord and ask, pretty quick replies there).
Welcome man! Don;t play solo when you have interest in groups... and with this tool, you can have exactly what you want...start with three or go all in with six man full group! Don;t worry about the names...unless its vulgar, and even then.. you won;t get banned for that. Have fun, watch the starter videoes and follow those commands just to get started, you will have a blast just to something as simple as Group sit, Group stand, group wave hand. then move around...find a old zone to do it and you will find its really fun to play EQ again.
As a Necro your first step is to get a heal merc.
With that you already have a "box" group.

If you find a group, drop the merc.
If you dont, offer others to join you instead.

Should all of this fail, asses what you need more, a tank or a dps and then look at a 2nd account, not before.

Why you ask? Becasue once you start boxing you tend do avoid other players. Becasue its a risk to invite someone who sees you're boxing.
But if i got it right, you'd like to group.
You are your group. No more waiting around for "afk gotta drop the kids in the pool snicker" (we all know what that really means) or someone who doesn't know their class. Or like me, I can play by myself and not embarrass myself by not knowing all the stuff like the big dogs do.

So, that being said. Jump in.

And no, do not name your group after Gilligan's - no need to get slapped before you even start. Those names are against EULA/TOS and there are some name Karens out there recently. We try not to bring attention to ourselves. ;)
Just take Gilligans Island and jump in. No one really cares about names anymore. Unless it's extremely offensive. But I see no issues with your thoughts. Just think of RG as an extension (but better) of the EQ in-game merc system. Don't get mad, get glad! (how's that for reference). Play group. Don't play solo. The Professor would...
Welcome back! You're doing the right thing by getting your bearings in game and back into the swing of things. I for sure would start the alts sooner than later, especially if needing a group was a factor in frustration. Don't feel the need to rush anything though, take it slow and enjoy.
100% read the guides, the posts in Sic's signature, read my post about group composition, then formulate a plan to make the jump to a full 6box group. Utilize the resources available and have fun!

You will never look back, I promise. You might take a break, but you will never look back.
Welcome to RedGuides! Take the plunge!
Welcome Aboard Comedy Bang Bang GIF
Jump straight in, but with a plan. Here's a possible path:

Start with 3 toons, and three mercs.

Use RGMercs for two of them (requires minimal configuration), and for either the class you know best, or your tank, use a more configurable Combat Assist program (KissAssist, XGen, MuleAssist, ModBot, or the paid Class Plugins i.e. MQ2Eskay).

With that minimal set up, configure all the other things you need:
When you've got all that running ok, move the two RGMerc characters to more configurable CombatAssist programs.
When you're happy with all that, power level three more toons to complete your first group.

Read, watch sic's videos. There's a lively community here, ask questions, you'll have support.

As for:
But as I write this I'm already thinking of character names that will probably get me kicked. like naming group= Gilligan, skipper, professor, MaryAnn , Ginger and Mr. Howle ....... Does that show age or Boxer?
This just shows your age. I was watching reruns of this when I was a kid, and I'm starting to get on in years.

Also, welcome, and good luck.
When I started back I wanted to learn the game, but I also wanted to not be the group member that didn't know what to do all the time. So I felt the need to be all the group members, that way the entire group was just as uninformed as each other.
Fail Long Jump GIF
A solid duo or treo (plus mercs) will get you through most content if you want to get going easy. Adding extra toons to replace the sub-par mercs is easy with the automation as you desire.
Naturesong has given you one of the many different paths.

Put time into learning the MQ tools.

MQ has a Hodge Podge collection of different tools, written, maintained, or abandoned over the years by different authors.

You want to learn enough to be able to do the following:

1 - Tell your group to "attack" your target.
2 - Tell your group to "stop" attacking your target.
3 - Tell your group to "invis" or double invis
4 - Tell your group to "follow you" or "come to you"
5 - Tell your group to "stop" following you.

Once you get the basics of that down you should feel comfortable moving around a zone and making sure you know where your characters are.

Next invest some time to figure out how to setup something like "boxhud" or the equivalent with the MQ2NetBots window.

You want to know what and WHERE your characters are at all times. The MQ map is an amazing tool. Learn how to show/hide/highlight different things.


With respect to the jump in or relearn EQ first. You really should do a bit of both. Depending on the automation tools you pick, you may be required to create your own configuration files. This assumes you know WHAT your character SHOULD be using. At low levels there are very few options so its fairly easy/good to learn how.

At the other extreme you have the paid plugins that are highly optimized to a certain way.

Regardless of the path. The more you learn about them the easier your EQ/MQ life becomes.

Starting out it is going to seem overwhelming.

Take it in small bites.
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Thanks all. Been watching all the videos. wow, lots of them. Going to jump soon. 🤪
Something that was possibly overlooked with all these videos' and posts about getting started are Red Cents. :rc I see you have enough to go to the Red Cent Shop and "buy" a level 2. Your name will then show with the black banner on it that says "level 2";)

That level 2 will allow you a little more features than Level 1. You can hand out Red Cents to posts you like or find funny which in turn earns you some. Its very easy to maintain your level 2 each month doing it that way.

There are a lot of benefits to RedGuides and most beneficial of all is how helpful this community is.
Welcome to the community! RG's member are knowledgeable and encouraging. At one point I had a 6 man group with all similar ending portions of each name and had no worries, now I mix them up just because. Needless to say some discretion is necessary when moving the crew and interacting with the environment. Don't camp in super obvious places, don't announce a bug or timeout "all my toons just crashed when xxx" and what not. Stay respectful and you will rarely encounter grief. I play on a live (non tlp) server with a health box community. Don't be afraid to start 6, then make 6 more as you tweak the group. Play what you enjoy, the rest will come out in the wash :)
well, I jumped. and hit every rock sticking out on way down! Followed video's and everything worked great till auto login. only 1 hour (4 hours past bedtime.) to figure out that Steam has its own folders and I needed to redownload EQ off of Daybreak. So, last night I'll chock up as learning exp, tonight we take on named mob "DanNet"!!!!
I found a lot of help through this site which I found watching Youtube videos. This one guy HammackJ I think has a great series of informative videos for returning players. You came to the right place here. Once you make a group to your own specs, you will likely only group again only for raids or social aspects of the game. By the way you can build your boxing slowly. I went from 3 to 4 to 6 over a few weeks. Now I have seven paid accounds and 3 full groups worth of all kinds of 120 toons. Just a few months ago I thought I'd never see 120. Now I can make a 120 toon of any kind in a few days without any help and I have maxed AAs on several toons. I'm thinking about starting more accounts or at least more characters. You can go as far with this as you want. I only play 2-3 hours most days. Sorry I got sidetracked. I was trying to say you can be like me or you can run your Necro a Bard and a Healer. 30 mins a day. You have choices with Very Vanilla. I would recommend learning as much as you can about how the game has changed while you play. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you get tired of running the group from your Necro, the plugin Sic created for Necros is amazing.
I forget the most important thing to remember if you are new to boxing. Don't disassemble your computer and sell your car freaking out on patch days! Just relax and know that greater minds than ours are hard at work and you'll be up and running as soon as they get it done. Which is usually pretty darn fast.
Question - relearn game or just Jump.

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