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Plugin - MQ2XAssist (1 Viewer)


Oct 15, 2004
Redbot submitted a new resource:

MQ2XAssist - A simple combat assistance plugin

This resource could use some help. Editing is open to all Level 2 users, please contribute if you use MQ2DamageParser.

  1. Load the plugin by typing /plugin MQ2XAssist
  2. If this is your first time running the plugin, you will need to type /loadskin default



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not sure what i'm doing wrong. i loaded xassist started the mule KA. chatwindow says assisting xxxx but never does anything

[2019/01/21 17:55:05] [MQ2] We will be using XAssist for a outside group MA
[2019/01/21 17:55:05] MQ2XAssist::Now Placing mobs XXXXXX fights on XTarget 1.
For the foreseeable future yeah, glad you like it! You're using eqmule's kissassist I assume?
ok so this plugin is Great but its missing one thing! the Kissassist, needs to have a Assist check on it. Meaning it loads the assist targets target that you set. so lets say Joe is my assist assist. in the kissassist it should load joes target in an extended xtarget slot. once Kissassist has that this plugin will work dreams.
ok so this plugin is Great but its missing one thing! the Kissassist, needs to have a Assist check on it. Meaning it loads the assist targets target that you set. so lets say Joe is my assist assist. in the kissassist it should load joes target in an extended xtarget slot. once Kissassist has that this plugin will work dreams.

KissAssist already does this without needing a plugin. And kiss will use the first Autohater entry in your Xtarget window. Kissassist does not force you to use XTarget 1. If your not in the same group as the MA, KissAssist will assist the MA and set the First Autohater entry in your Xtarget list to your current target. That kicks kissassist into gear and starts attacking the current MA's target.
KissAssist already does this without needing a plugin. And kiss will use the first Autohater entry in your Xtarget window. Kissassist does not force you to use XTarget 1. If your not in the same group as the MA, KissAssist will assist the MA and set the First Autohater entry in your Xtarget list to your current target. That kicks kissassist into gear and starts attacking the current MA's target.

this doesn't help those that are usings mq2berserker plugin.
yeah my bad I get a little nutty when I have been playing for 24 hours or better. also ihczerker too. but if anyone could tell me how I can pull the mob id from when my tank says attacking soandso id 0000 and use it to translate it into the assist I could fix the ihczerker and mq2berserker plugin/macros to assist outside groups. basically the tank give the ID hes tanking if my bots can read that then /xtarget add target id then we would be golden. they only problem will be ill be adding the target then removing the last xtarget. so if you have xtargets for healing they need to be first on xtargets or they will get dememed. if anyone has any idea of how I can take the ID's from eqbcs it would help a lot to auto add xtargets
yeah my bad I get a little nutty when I have been playing for 24 hours or better. also ihczerker too. but if anyone could tell me how I can pull the mob id from when my tank says attacking soandso id 0000 and use it to translate it into the assist I could fix the ihczerker and mq2berserker plugin/macros to assist outside groups. basically the tank give the ID hes tanking if my bots can read that then /xtarget add target id then we would be golden. they only problem will be ill be adding the target then removing the last xtarget. so if you have xtargets for healing they need to be first on xtargets or they will get dememed. if anyone has any idea of how I can take the ID's from eqbcs it would help a lot to auto add xtargets

I've got a fix for this coming in the next major version of ihc mac's. If out of group the fastest/simplest way to pull an assist target will most likely be using dannet instead of eqbc setting an observer for the assists target which will update automatically with new target id's.
I've got a fix for this coming in the next major version of ihc mac's. If out of group the fastest/simplest way to pull an assist target will most likely be using dannet instead of eqbc setting an observer for the assists target which will update automatically with new target id's.
Looking forward to your update! I play a few toons out of group and have to default to KissAssist on those instead of yours because they just stand there :(
What @lordtweak is asking for has been done in Kissassist. I used an event to capture the broadcast and grab the mob ID.

#Event AttackCalled      "<#1#>#*#TANKING-> #*# <- ID:#2#"
#Event AttackCalled     "[ #1# (#*#) ]#*#TANKING-> #*# <- ID:#2#"

Here is the event it basically just grabs the mobs ID.
    Sub Event_AttackCalled(String Line, ACCaller, ACMobID)
        /echo ==> Attack Called: ${ACCaller} ${ACMobID}
        /if (!${ACMobID.Length} || ${ACMobID.Equal[null]}) {
            /varset CalledTargetID 0
        /if (${IAmMA}) /return
        /if (${ACCaller.Equal[${MainAssist}]}) /varset CalledTargetID ${ACMobID}

And in the target check code is where the xtarget is set. Look for the } else /if (${CalledTargetID} && ${CalledTargetID}!=${MyTargetID}) { line.

Rich (BB code):
Sub CombatTargetCheck(int SetTarget)
        | If mob is dead return
        /if (${MyTargetID} && (${Spawn[${MyTargetID}].Type.Equal[Corpse]} || !${Spawn[${MyTargetID}].ID})) /return
        /if (${DPSPaused}) /return
        /declare CMyTargetID int Local ${MyTargetID}
        | Check target matches MA if group mainassist assigned and MA is in group
        /if (${Spawn[=${MainAssist}].ID} && ${Group.MainAssist.ID} && ${Spawn[=${MainAssist}].ID}==${Group.MainAssist.ID}) {
            /if (${Target.ID}!=${Me.GroupAssistTarget.ID} && ${Group.MainAssist.ID}!=${Me.ID}) {
                /if (${MyTargetID}!=${Me.GroupAssistTarget.ID} && ${Spawn[id ${Me.GroupAssistTarget.ID} npc].ID}) {
                    /if (${MyTargetID}) /echo My target does not match MA's. Switching to new target.
                    /varset MyTargetID ${Me.GroupAssistTarget.ID}
            } else /if (${TargetSwitchingOn} && ${Group.MainAssist.ID}==${Me.ID} && ${Target.ID}!=${MyTargetID} && (${Select[${Target.Type},pc,pet,mercenary]}==0 || (${Target.Type.Equal[pet]} && ${Target.Master.Type.NotEqual[pc]}))) {
                /echo I am MA, and I switched to new Target.
                /varset MyTargetID ${Target.ID}
                /if (${Select[${Role},Tank,PullerTank,Hunter]}) {
                    /call BroadCast y "TANKING-> ${Spawn[${MyTargetID}].CleanName} <- ID:${MyTargetID}"
                } else /if (${Select[${Role},petTank,pullerpettank,hunterpettank]}) {
                    /call BroadCast y "${Me.Pet.CleanName} is TANKING-> ${Spawn[${MyTargetID}].CleanName} <- ID:${MyTargetID}"
        } else /if (${CalledTargetID} && ${CalledTargetID}!=${MyTargetID}) {
            /varset MyTargetID ${CalledTargetID}
            /varset CalledTargetID 0
        /if (${CMyTargetID}!=${MyTargetID} && ${Target.ID}!=${MyTargetID} && ${Spawn[${MyTargetID}].ID}) {
            /if (${SetTarget}) {
                /squelch /target id ${MyTargetID}
                /delay 10 ${Target.ID}==${MyTargetID}
            /varset MyTargetName ${Spawn[${MyTargetID}].CleanName}
            /if (${XTarAutoSet} && !${Group.Member[${MainAssist}].Index} && !${IAmMA} && ${Target.Type.NotEqual[PC]}) /xtarget set ${XTSlot} currenttarget

There is more to it than just what I have shown above, Like how do you reset the xtarget type back to autohater when ending the macro or even better, reset the xtarget type back if the macro crashed and never got to reset it? There is code in Kiss that does all that when it starts.
IS this broke? When I goto to use it on a beastlord outside of my group, he constantly switches targets between himself, the assist and the mob being killed...... Yes I have reloaded skin..
Redbot updated MQ2XAssist with a new update entry:

New TLO's

Two new TLO's: XTFullHaterCount and XTAggroCount. These provide alternatives to the core MQ2 TLOs for XTargets XTHaterCount and XTAggroCount. XTFullHaterCount returns all auto haters including the one that is being targeted. XTXAggroCount allows the aggro range to be expanded to 1000 for situations where someone wants to check the >=100 aggro values. The original XTAggroCount TLO only allows for 1-99. - @drwhomphd

Read the rest of this update entry...
Redbot updated MQ2XAssist with a new update entry:

major code cleanup

  • Remove version information from header. This is what git history is for.
  • Disable DEBUGXASSIST flag.
  • Removed global Duplicates map and fixed duplicates check logic.
  • Removed redundant checks for CHARINFO and pXTargetMgr
  • Removed redundant checks for spawn id from FindEmptyXTargetSlot as this completely overlaps what GetXTargetSlotByID already does.
  • Revert FindEmptyXTargetSlot functionality from SetXTarget. Instead we call FindEmptyXTargetSlot first.
  • Don't call...

Read the rest of this update entry...
On Test (probably Live as well), /xtarget assist AssistID is not adding mobs to XTarget when they are aggroed by the AssistID. The message from MQ2 still says "MQ2XAssist:: Now placing mobs AssistIDName fights on XTarget."

Let me know if you need more info.
I'm trying to figure out why my MA toons quit assisting oog. I am messing with Xassist as I think its the problem but it seems none of the commands work. /xtarget auto on does nothing, I get no feedback on this command. If I try the command /xtarget assist Toonname or try for an id etc it tells me Not Xassisting anyone anymore.
Have a script that is attempting to add a mix of characters and mercs on xtarget. When it tries to set a merc,

/xtarget set 5 <merc name>

the response is

I don't see anyone by that name around here...

The same happens when issuing the command manually.
this is by far the most problematic plugin I use (I think mule requires it in)? Any update or the "no targets" on xtarget bug, which seems to be a known issue? I do think it's a bit odd that it doesn't doing state reset on zoning... That often seems to trigger the issue. to clear this I have stop all muleassist macros, unload and reload the plug. Normally what happens is my chain pulls umpteen mobs, because they don't realize they have any aggro.

right now, I'm kind of leaning towards getting off mule(and this plugin) - has some great features, but seems to not have a big user base, along with a large number of edge cases it struggles with.

I'm half tempted to just disable all the code that mucks with xtarget...
Plugin - MQ2XAssist

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