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Plugin - MQ2KissTemplate (1 Viewer)


Dec 29, 2017
ChatWithThisName submitted a new resource:

MQ2KissTemplate - Makes a template of your current characters KissAssist INI.

This plugin will make a copy of your current characters INI and save it as a new file only keeping the pertinent information for sharing.

Command to use this is

Optional Parameters are
Class Short Name and Level.
/maketemplate WAR 105

If you want the custom level you must provide the class short name.

Output file is
IE: Kissassist_105_WAR.ini

You can then share the INI without a bunch of copy/pasting.
MQ2KissTemplate will upgrade...

Read more about this resource...
//MySpells - Need to figure out how to handle this.    
GetINILoop("MySpells", "Gem", 0, filename);

What does that comment mean? Is there something more to figure out? Looks good to me
That copies from the existing INI, Maskoi was discussing creating a function that did exactly what /writespells does in KA, which I've sorted out how to do, but then it would be enabled even when KA isn't loaded.
But for now it does get the list of spells from the INI if there is a list present. But if the list isn't present, then I need the function to do the /writespells but from the plugin instead of depending on KA being loaded so that spells are copied automatically.
As an aside, I think requiring INIs to go through the kisstemplate plugin would lead to overall increased consistency among the resources and how they're formatted.

Also I don't know if the forum software supports it, but eliminating duplicate resources would be nice. I gave an example of a level 1, 5 and 10 INI that had been uploaded that were just identical resources. Rather than have 3 duplicate INIs, maybe just allow a Level Range in the uploading tool. Being able to say "hey this ini works for levels 1-10" would probably reduce the clutter.
I agree with this to a point --- but I think the template would need an update

I frequently got complaints from people saying my bard ini sucks because the bard doesn't attack - its because the kisstemplate thing removed melee stuff so he was just singing away without meleeing
This might be a forum mod rather than plugin but it would be good to have an author field. I tend to mod inis from other people, then forget whose it was. As a result, I can't remember who to rate or discuss the ini with. If it had an author field I would remember (too lazy to do myself)
Oh, related to not keeping the melee section (and a few others I'm sure), if it could include the characters mq2melee ini if they have mq2melee set that would be great. Sometimes the secret sauce is hidden in there and the authors dont always include it.
The author is the person who uploads their INI to the forums as a resource. Such as one of toadwarts recent additions to the library.


Below the name of the entry, you'll find Toadwarts name, this is the author, thus there's no need to make an additional entry into the INI. The plugin has no way of knowing what the persons redguides user name is to add an author field.

For the Melee section, at the time of creation it was decided that the melee section would be a matter of preference, much like the various camp sizes etc. Anything not included in the template will generate their default settings once run the first time. Do you feel like the [Melee] section should include all it's bits and pieces?
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I was thinking something like

/maketemplate vsab

Then when the lazy folks like me simply cut and paste the ini, it would have "vsab" in the field. Unless I remove it, that ini will forever have the author on it. Generally when trying inis I will try a few at a time, and the only way to come back and rate and review is to search again, and compare my ini with the one on the site. That's a lot of effort for something that could be easy.

Personally I think we should encourage rating and reviewing. One author mentioned how their ini got no love - it's definitely motivating if people start praising where praise is due and that can only help drive the quality.

As for melee, I think it is useful. I know I've added mine in manually for my ranger, for example, because if that section isn't correct the whole ini makes no sense.
edit: nevermind on the format, forgot we fixed that a long time ago.

I guess some folks want to leave melee settings in, could we add a flag for that?
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I kinda like the old copy and paste inside
The Code Box
. Why exactly did we stray from that? I mean worst case scenario the sections were out of order?
There were various issues with that method. Such as the Role=Puller being assigned, people would run the macro and their toon would start pulling things.
[Melee] section would often have casters trying to melee that was unexpected and causing a lot of posts requesting information on how to make it stop doing that.
CampRadius and CampRadiusExceed issues where the values were not character specific and we found that the default values were best kept in use.
CampFireOn being set on would cause people to set campfires when they didn't want one set automatically.
AssistAt would have people assisting later or earlier than expected.
MeleeDistance would be improperly set.
Stickhow was being altered to undesired modes.
UseMQ2Melee being off when some wanted it on.
People's Gmail settings stored in the [Gmail] section.
AE's being turned on and people didn't realize what was hitting the AoE abilities.
Pull section had maxradius and zrange settings that weren't conducive to peoples camps.
PullPause setting were not ideal.
AFK tools being turned on or off.
Merc settings.
Copied KissErrors for no reason.
DPSSkip was being copied over to unrealistic values.

These are some of the issues that were considered during the creation of the plugin. Initially it was designed with converting INI's forward from the old conditions forward to the new conditions, but in the process we decided to make it backwards compatible. We wanted to give users an easy way to contribute to the INI Library without manually copy and pasting everything. You can just /bcaa //maketemplate (this ofc assumes you have no two characters of the same class and level), It allows KA to create default INI values for the things mentioned so that it doesn't hopefully cause any issues. Typically people who use the INI's either have little to no understanding of how the INI system works, or don't want to update their own, and it's made as a way for people to grab something, drop it in their own toons INI and turn on the macro. For situations where the person creating the template wants to have some of the omitted stuff specifically included for reasons that fall in line with the INI's purpose, then additionall information should be included to note those recommended changes.
added an issue to the gitlab for VV on this, as the [MySpells] section no longer exists, spells are written into the [Spell] Section, and the plugin doesn't write the templates correctly now.
As I understood it, the macro was converting it from the MySpells to the Spells section so there was no need to make the change in the plugin at this time. Has that changed?
So trying to be more clear, what I know is that executing /maketemplate no longer creates a spell section for casters in the templatized ini.

KA correctly creates the spells in the spells section of a character's ini now, but MQ2KissTemplate does not correctly create the template file, so when you load that templatized ini it will no include spells for your spell gems, and thus will not load them correctly. Example of a lvl 15 Bst I just created with the plugin:

Buffs1=Inner Fire
Buffs3=Fleeting Fury
DPS2=Blast of Frost|20
Heals1=Minor Healing|50
Heals2=Keshuval's Rejuvenation|75|pet
PetSpell=Spirit of Khaliz
PetBuffs1=Spirit of Lightning

And looking at the git summary I see you already incorporated those changes earlier today. nvm then, thank you.
KA12 issue:

If a user has never issued the command /writespells there is no [MySpells] section in their ini, yet the ini that's spit out still has LoadSpellSet=2 (load from [MySpells])

Possible solutions:
1) MQ2KissTemplate: Make sure KA is running, and force a /writespells command.
2) MQ2KissTemplate: If there is no MySpells section, make sure KA is running and issue a /writespells
3) KissAssist: always write [MySpells] to the .ini, even when the spells are loaded from an in-game spell set.

thoughts from @ctaylor22 & @ChatWithThisName ?
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Plugin - MQ2KissTemplate

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