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Question - Macroquest with no paid plugins? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
May 1, 2023
Maybe a dumb question but lately ISBoxer is just not cutting it as i get into ToV, ive hit a wall. Other issue is that im broke right now. I may be able to spare the cost for the lvl 2 access if i can figure out a bit more, but i have no idea what to expect from macroquest and theres no free trial to poke around. Ive read alot from redguides over the years and alot of the plugins ive seen mentioned look like they would really add up in cost for a full 6 box team. i dont know how much i would gain over my current setup with just free plugins/customizations, and this month i have to be very picky with my spending unfortunately.

i just wonder what your experiences are with a minimal cost set up. would it be enough to make my boxing experience way smoother?
Great thing about RG is if you are part of the community, you earn RS which you can use for L2 access. hit that big :rc icon to the right and post replies for other to do the same to you. You will eventually gain the cents to grab L2 access for months on end for free.
The extra paid plugins are definitely NOT necessary to get a lot out of redguides. I got through entire expansions worth of content with just RGMercs specifically trying to find its limitations and it's better than the last time I used it. I primarily used KissAssist which was the main selling point of level 2 access when I first came to redguides. I never spent a penny on paid plugins and was extremely happy with RG as a whole. My only regret was not starting years earlier.

For just getting started, RGMercs is pretty great with a very low bar for entry as far as knowledge goes. You need to know almost nothing more than how to turn it off and on and set up a camp to get a ton of mileage out of it. (A bit more than that would be ideal but isn't strictly necessary). It's not as customizable as KissAssist is, but it's really quite good right out of the box

KissAssist requires a bit more setup, but is extremely powerful for its relative simplicity. There's also the KissAssist library where you could just take a working ini someone else has already written and be off and running in a few minutes. The ini library is also a great way to dip your toe into writing your own ini's without starting from scratch. Up until the day I quit playing, my enchanter ini outplayed me playing by hand by some margin and all I did was start with an existing ini and then as soon as I found behavior in it I didn't like I'd try to fix that one problem. Then repeat that again and again until I can't find any problems. In doing that, I learned a little bit at a time and ended up being able to write my own from scratch pretty quickly.

A note unrelated to that specifically. You can keep your level 2 access with redcents. Use your 4 redcent reacts every day (on comments that are worthy of receiving it) and you can maintain level 2 indefinitely on that alone (you receive 1 redcent each time you redcent react someone else). And if you contribute to the forums you're bound to pick up some redcent reacts of your own which earns you even more redcents to spend on level 2 access.
I used RGMercs when first starting out and it got me from level 65 -> 85 (I’m on Mischief TLP.)

As I’ve started getting more familiar and setting things up, I’ve bought the MQ2eskay for my tank to get more farming done easier for xp bonus. They paid mq2 plugs are more for works out of the box setup. If you spend some time with kissassist and the ini files others have put together, you can get by without paying for extra plugins. It’s really you can pay for convenience or go free and spend more time on the setup.
Can confirm, the paid plugins are not at all the only way to automate characters. The paid plugins are an optional thing. As sic mentioned they are free to anyone with Redguides level 2 on the test server build of Macroquest. The choice to make them free for test was intentionally pointed at both allowing people to give them a test drive without needing to request temporary access as well as allow people like yourself who are unable to afford them a way to use them anyway.
If you know the classes well, creating a kissassist file is pretty straightforward and actually quite fun. Between kissassist and other free macros and luas, you've got basically everything you need. Hell I would use MQ2 if the only thing it offered was MQ2Nav. Once you get used to your group auto following and actually doing it well there is no going back.

The biggest benefit to the CWTN/Sic Plugins for me is 1. They are plug and play, don't need to know the class at all. and 2. they are a lot easier to adjust on the fly.
Maybe a dumb question but lately ISBoxer is just not cutting it as i get into ToV, ive hit a wall. Other issue is that im broke right now. I may be able to spare the cost for the lvl 2 access if i can figure out a bit more, but i have no idea what to expect from macroquest and theres no free trial to poke around. Ive read alot from redguides over the years and alot of the plugins ive seen mentioned look like they would really add up in cost for a full 6 box team. i dont know how much i would gain over my current setup with just free plugins/customizations, and this month i have to be very picky with my spending unfortunately.

i just wonder what your experiences are with a minimal cost set up. would it be enough to make my boxing experience way smoother?
Here is one way to make it cheap and easy

Once you are level 2 then you can give other posts some Red Cents and it does not come off yours and you earn a couple by doing that. Others can give you Red Cents if you make useful or informative or sometimes just funny posts. This way you can keep your level 2. It only takes 50 red cents a month for level 2 and that is super easy

This might be helpful

Redcents and how to earn/spend them > here <
I just use kissassist because I'm cheap and I avoid yearly licenses like the plague <shrug>. I've tried a couple CWTN plugins out during the betas though, and I'm tempted to buy a couple. They are very slick, easy and put out more DPS. But I'm a luddite and actually like tinkering with configuration most times.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I use kissassist.
After alot of digging around im starting to get more of an idea of what i can do. it looks like kissassist is really the place i want to get started anyway. especially since i dont want things to be so automated that i dont feel like im playing the characters anymore. setting it up will make me learn more about the characters (plus id rather not draw any attention to myself, obviously its a worry). i just saw alot of price tags next to the class plugins and didnt understand how much you can already do. usually happy to spend on gaming but car troubles have plagued me lately.

Appreciate the advice and another thanks to the mods for the access! did not expect that, let alone such a quick response. nice to catch a break. i'm a halfway decent programmer so maybe some of my configurations will be helpful enough to share in the future and i can pay it forward.
Maybe a dumb question but lately ISBoxer is just not cutting it as i get into ToV, ive hit a wall. Other issue is that im broke right now. I may be able to spare the cost for the lvl 2 access if i can figure out a bit more, but i have no idea what to expect from macroquest and theres no free trial to poke around. Ive read alot from redguides over the years and alot of the plugins ive seen mentioned look like they would really add up in cost for a full 6 box team. i dont know how much i would gain over my current setup with just free plugins/customizations, and this month i have to be very picky with my spending unfortunately.

i just wonder what your experiences are with a minimal cost set up. would it be enough to make my boxing experience way smoother?
First let me say I hope you get your finances sorted. That can be insanely stressful. Next I kicked in a couple of Months of level 2 access for you as well. So you can tryout RGMercs and or Kissassist whatever suits your fancy. Third. You have no experience with the Plugins. So please don't insult them. I use them every day. Primarily because they offer the closest thing to another human running my toons I've used. And I'll go to the mat defending them. You don't have to buy them. But if you don't at least know something about them before you pass any judgments. They are EQ to me now. As much as The FV girl.
Financially when I came back after a 5yr break I couldn't keep up on live with 6 accounts and prestige costs. I copied over too test ( no longer interested in being a full time raider and all my old friends have moved on ) 6 gold accounts expansions every other usually and a great server economy and less drama over E Peen issues was a good lure ..
when Win eq upgraded and started charging for the basics (windowed tabbing mode with a Gkey Keyboard) the alternative was here for me
RG with CTWN plug-ins free as they get them developed has been great for me ! Typically I earn enough Redcents to keep level 2 access until, I'm ready for an EQ break due to life and all that good stuff!
First let me say I hope you get your finances sorted. That can be insanely stressful. Next I kicked in a couple of Months of level 2 access for you as well. So you can tryout RGMercs and or Kissassist whatever suits your fancy. Third. You have no experience with the Plugins. So please don't insult them. I use them every day. Primarily because they offer the closest thing to another human running my toons I've used. And I'll go to the mat defending them. You don't have to buy them. But if you don't at least know something about them before you pass any judgments. They are EQ to me now. As much as The FV girl.
i never insulted them, not sure where you are getting that from! only mentioned i thought the cost was going to add up and was here to ask if that was the case, i will probably try the plugins next month, and thanks for kicking in the access
I paid for my initial RedGuides subscription using my credit card. I've routinely donated to several Devs here. I've also purchased several extra programs mostly for doing tradeskills.

But I've never had to purchase anything additional here to actually run my teams. I use KissAssist very successfully and happily.

And I maintain my Level 2 subscription by using RedCents which the community provides willingly.
After reading this thread, I realize that I'm not currently playing EverQuest because I don't have the time to setup my crew. I love the freedom of setting up each toon with Kissassist or Entropy. But if that's keeping me from playing EverQuest at all then what's the point? Paid plugins are top tier pieces of work and save a lot of my time.

I can spend that time selling pics of my elbows online and pay for my Daybreak subs.
RG is worth it , the community here is top notch .. I am semi new when it comes to RG and playing with kissassist and find it extremely easy once i dived in and watched sic's vids. as was mentioned they have a whole library on already created ini's that you just copy and paste and tweak a little for your own toons ..

redcents come easily , i paid for RG initially with a krono i got in game by farming pp .. had some issues with verifying (took longer than normal) and everyone here at RG came to the rescue I ended up with 2 months of RG donated plus my krono finally kicked in and I post and answer few questions people have on the forums and my redcents has built up pretty good I no longer need to use cash or krono from game to keep my lvl 2 access going ..

I finally got my 6 box crew to lvl 120 and now prolly next month after expansion launch i think im gonna give CWTN plugin a shot prolly will try it on 1 toon and see how i like it .. if it goes well i'll dish out for another 1 or 2 toons .. but will see.. however you def do not need to spend any cash on RG or macroquest to enjoy it in game ..

have fun with it .. and welcome to RG's ..
Rg is great i have paid for the plugins in the past Sic and Chat has done amazing things with those plugins better than i can write in ini files and better than rgmercs.. once i get back into raiding those plugins are a god send and will have to repay lol... but till then rgmercs is doing great for me.. now that mischief is no longer true box i was able to start my full team of 6 there and got them all to 85 in 4 days with rgmercs.. Bonus Exp truly helped also. So two cents is rgmercs is good enough till u can pay for the class plugins they are top notch.. its like group gear vrs raid gear.....
Hey just another quick question on cwtn and other mq2toons ready to buy..if i purchase lets say mq2 druid or shaman can i use it on all my accounts both gold and silver...i have 5 total or do i need purchase mq2shaman for each account...thanks
Hey just another quick question on cwtn and other mq2toons ready to buy..if i purchase lets say mq2 druid or shaman can i use it on all my accounts both gold and silver...i have 5 total or do i need purchase mq2shaman for each account...thanks
no, not each account.

you can check the sticky in the cwtn section (this thread isn't for cwtn plugin questions)
Please see >>> Getting Started with CWTN plugins! (Movement, UI Window, Clickies, Pulling, ETC) Check Here First! <<<
Can confirm, the paid plugins are not at all the only way to automate characters. The paid plugins are an optional thing. As sic mentioned they are free to anyone with Redguides level 2 on the test server build of Macroquest. The choice to make them free for test was intentionally pointed at both allowing people to give them a test drive without needing to request temporary access as well as allow people like yourself who are unable to afford them a way to use them anyway.

After reading this thread, I realize that I'm not currently playing EverQuest because I don't have the time to setup my crew. I love the freedom of setting up each toon with Kissassist or Entropy. But if that's keeping me from playing EverQuest at all then what's the point? Paid plugins are top tier pieces of work and save a lot of my time.

I can spend that time selling pics of my elbows online and pay for my Daybreak subs.
@ArcaneProphet easy...get your mq started, watch rgmercs and overseer Lua here on forums then...make one key on all your alts
/rgstart - this will start your automated alt
/pause 30 - so your macro doesn't freeze
/rg camphard - this will keep your automated alt glued to your camp
/pause 30 - so your macro doesn't freeze
/Lua run overseer - if you're 85+ this will get you tons of free exp

Then grab your adult beverage of choice click that shit on your 5 alts...and get a decent ini for your tank. Done!
kickass 6 group team with little to no effort.

Even less effort and higher performance...buy some MQ2CWTN/SIC awesomeness plugins
great answer....
no not each account can use or doesnt need to buy....buy once and use on all or what..thanks
Hail, valiant denizen of Norrath! As the sun rises upon the magnificent lands we traverse, it warms my spirit to encounter a fellow adventurer seeking the enigmatic paths of MacroQuest. Within this realm of endless quests and boundless possibilities, your quest for knowledge on the intricate tapestries of MacroQuest beckons me. With the vast expanse of this realm's mysteries and opportunities awaiting discovery, I offer my humble assistance on this intricate journey you undertake!

I see you have a question about if you need a license per each toon, or just 1 license per each class. Despite having gotten lost along the way and posting in a location that isn't appropriate for asking that question, let me make sure to take time to address it for you a second time (and 3rd if you count the sticky i shared which answers that)

Q. If i have multiple toons of the same class, do i need multiple licenses?
A. Nope, just 1 licenses per class you are using. You can use them on multiple computers/installs that are your computers, on your pcs, that you are using.
Hail, valiant denizen of Norrath! As the sun rises upon the magnificent lands we traverse, it warms my spirit to encounter a fellow adventurer seeking the enigmatic paths of MacroQuest. Within this realm of endless quests and boundless possibilities, your quest for knowledge on the intricate tapestries of MacroQuest beckons me. With the vast expanse of this realm's mysteries and opportunities awaiting discovery, I offer my humble assistance on this intricate journey you undertake!

I see you have a question about if you need a license per each toon, or just 1 license per each class. Despite having gotten lost along the way and posting in a location that isn't appropriate for asking that question, let me make sure to take time to address it for you a second time (and 3rd if you count the sticky i shared which answers that)

Q. If i have multiple toons of the same class, do i need multiple licenses?
A. Nope, just 1 licenses per class you are using. You can use them on multiple computers/installs that are your computers, on your pcs, that you are using.
@Sic ... lol gotta spruce up that interaction bro.. try...

<A shadowy rogue clad in black appears behind you out of nowhere and whispers in your ear> So...you have questions...
thanks durango773, i see sic came back for a clarification answer after realizing i dont think in code like he evidently thinks, writes and says in all his vids

none of my response was code.

not reading/comprehending what I said and then shifting blame to me because "i speak in code" is frustrating.

re-read what I said.

you: ... need purchase mq2shaman for each account...thanks
me: no, not each account.

you: zomg y u speaking in code!?
The cost of MQ can be directly proportional to knowledge and time invested. It is possible to d/l MQ for free or even compile it yourself. As for boxing I prefer ModBot. Its free but requires some manual configuration. Personally I like it that way as it allows me to get them to function the way I prefer. Its also possible to pay for a RedGuides subscription just by posting and a little effort invested. Can get 2C from donating your daily 2C a day for 60C a mo, subscription is only 50C/mo. Think my math is actually low. But tbh the pay-wall there seems to be on RG is more illusion then anything. The way they have it set up more encourages participation then anything.
Question - Macroquest with no paid plugins?

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