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Question - I feel really stupid... (1 Viewer)


New member
Aug 30, 2013
But I can't seem to figure out how to get started. I think I'm missing some key part that will make everything else make sense.

Right now all I want to do is have a macro for a cleric to heal my group so that I can replace a cleric merc. Cleric is level 95.

I've found a whole bunch of stuff with Kissassist. Everything makes sense and all. Except I can't figure out how to actually.... run the macro.

I know MQ2 is running, EQ is running, I see a Redguides.com MQ2 chat window in my UI. I can't figure out how to get my cleric to heal that's all.

Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks! Just a pointer in the right direction to go from.. everything running... to everything doing it. lol
Well, that worked as far as on my rogue goes. Now I'm starting to get the idea of how this works. I haven't figured out how to get the cleric to heal yet but I think I'm headed in the right direction!
Nice, and I figured out the healing. Just needed to get into the ini and fix things up. didn't figure out where the ini's were, but didnt know they got created when we type the command. Now that I see the ini, i can play around with it. Excellent. Thanks! Think I have it mostly figured out now.
Yup, got it all running now. Just didn't catch how to start the macro, apparently. Thanks!

Biggest issue right now is working on turning the program off when someone gets near me.
I always try to stay away from folks however you always get those people who think hey he has that area cleared ill just pinch a few mobs
AFKHelp=AFKGMAction=0 Off, 1 Pause Macro, 2 End Macro, 3 Unload MQ2, 4 Quit Game
Note: anyone besides quit will usually result in your death because in a perfect world you set up far away from respawns in eq world that's not always the case and I think all of this is "maskoi's law "(murpheys bigger brother) 0 :)
I'm starting to feel good about how I have things set up. But now I have some non-functionality questions I don't feel warrant a new thread.

I've heard that MQ2 is detectable by other MQ2 users. I know there are MQ2 users in my guild, and it's not really something I want to deal with. In what context is it detectable? Is it detectable if it's online with no macro running? What about MQ2Melee, if that's all that's running can it be detected?

I'm just wondering if I have MQ2 running with all the plugins and run through the GH, will I get found out if someone else using MQ2 is in there, even if it's not active?
MQ2 can not detect mq2. After using mq2 for a while you begin to recognize patterns from plugins and macros and will recognize when other people use it near you. Hint any one that 6 boxes is using mq2 lmao.
Ahh yeah, okay I got that. And yeah as soon as I started using this i could tell the signs. I saw someone boxing and could swear it looked like MQ2, and after being there for a little bit watching (just curious) suddenly gated and /q'd out which confirmed that lol I felt kind of bad but didn't realize. At least his GTFO is working as intended :P
Here's my new stupid question!

According to this post:

~ Added Endurance Med/Group Watch check for Beastlords, Paladins, Rangers and Shadow Knights
~ Fixed some MQ2Melee setting issues with casters
~ Fixed Main Tank not aggroing mobs in camp while others incoming
~ Pullers will not return to starting point before pulling next mob if within camp radius
~ Fixed toons breaking Invis when not in combat"

It appears that the macro should essentially be suspended if they are invis. However, with group permanent invis up, they will still cast buffs through it. Am I misunderstanding or missing something?

Okay, I appear to be missing something. Let me rephrase, my Tank won't self buff or cast anything if invis, but all my assisting toons will.
I didn't want to make a new thread to ask this. Is there a reason we can't make /mac commands or /switch commands as hotkeys within the game? Do we have to use the MQ2 window to type it out, or can I make the command in the regular chat window? I'm just wondering if I can hotkey some common commands (i.e. /bcaa //tar MA then /bcaa //mac kissassist)
Question - I feel really stupid...

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