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Question - Group Setup Suggestions (1 Viewer)

Nov 10, 2022
Current Group:

120 SK, 120 BER, 120 SHM, 119 BRD, 120 MAG with Merc Cleric

I am currently pushing my way through group progression content in. I have "The Call" (Vulak) and "Zlandicar Reborn" on farm status but it just seems to me the SHM can't keep up with heals on the SK tanking without the Cleric Merc in group when pushing this Group content. I am still gearing them up but the SK is in full ToL Tier 1, has Lucinite Weapon and Shield and is getting every augment that drops until he is in good shape. Looking for suggestions as I am really wanting some extra DPS and I was considering dropping the SHM and adding an ENC and CLR.
shm should be able to keep up with that just fine - double check your gear/augs and how you have your stuff setup (like your shm how it is setup to heal). don't forget type 5s.

also how is your AA? many people rush to 120 then kick themselves because their AAs are so far behind - keep in mind that focus AAs aren't purely linear, they are tier'd, you can hurt yourself out leveling your focus AAs

double healers is overkill in many/most cases these days for group content

your sk/bard/shm all need 2.0 tho
shm could also do with a rez stick
Current Group:

120 SK, 120 BER, 120 SHM, 119 BRD, 120 MAG with Merc Cleric

I am currently pushing my way through group progression content in. I have "The Call" (Vulak) and "Zlandicar Reborn" on farm status but it just seems to me the SHM can't keep up with heals on the SK tanking without the Cleric Merc in group when pushing this Group content. I am still gearing them up but the SK is in full ToL Tier 1, has Lucinite Weapon and Shield and is getting every augment that drops until he is in good shape. Looking for suggestions as I am really wanting some extra DPS and I was considering dropping the SHM and adding an ENC and CLR.
How are you geared, and AA'ed? I ask because I once had a BST solo heal Zlandicar with an SK Tank. Not intentionally, I was stupid and my SHM was sitting down when I engaged Zland, and BAM, dead. Zland is also a little different, all of the damage is frontloaded in the first 6 secs it seems. I always had to pop Defensives before engaging for the longest time, until I started to outgear it.

I would drop the Merc and add in a BST. Then you definitely have DPS, 2nd heals to get you through any humps, etc.
tons of info on this subject on the site here. maybe take a peek at some of the previous questions like this. Some pointers tho. Healing is subject to more than dmg coming into your tank. Its also about mitigation like in your general tab of aas, plus how your things like lie taps help. ( have u tried the adroitness belt for the healing effect + instead of the tank belt. ) Bunch of other aas come into effect in dmg mitigation and healing strength. look into those in your arch set. Really the healing power is more than just healer. If your shaman has all their healing beneficial aas, they can keep up in tol group content np at all. Having said that. figure out what can help your tank help your shaman. If u have ZLand on farm, you are actually pretty set tho. He hits mondo hard at first. so surviving his initial engagement means you are probably very close to being viable as a single heal group.

Another thought, you will see somewhere on the site. DPS... hard dps means alot less healing needed for your tank. it also means lower number of cooldowns triggered to keep him and your healer viable in the content. The more dps, the faster things die. the faster they die, the fewer long cooldown timers required. means you can save your " Oh shit" stuff for times when u get a name+3 or a 5 pull. ( which as an SK u can mostly avoid if u really want to--- watch bard song on pulls that might be bad) Shield flash followed by shaman ae malo/slow AA lines = easy speazy lemon squeezy.

One more thought. have u considered adding something like a monk to your dps line? sounds a little off but might help u short term with its defensive mitigation auras.

I was actually just using a cleric/shaman as healer duo up until recently. my team is now sk/sham/bard/rogue/zerk/bst. I went with higher dps, the dps auras help alot. stuff just vaporizes. I dont use my zerk as actual dps in the group just yet. he gets steamrolled lol so i manually use him right ow while i kill stuff but his aura and the crit+ ability line really, really helps my group dynamic. I thought about going monk instead of zerk but once i saw what the dps was doing as suggested in a previous post, i am loving this and cant wait til i regear him in 115 and throw him fully into the mix. ( i did discover tho, that if i just send him in a bit later like 95% instead of 98, the 2/3/4th mobs inc dont hit him lol. they were always rolling him on inc before)

I understand this doesnt really answer your question. but its a cpl thought processes that might help you decide ultimately on how you go about this . DO you keep two heals, do u adda dmg mitigation type dps like a monk, do you add a dps+ toon like a rogue or bst.

I did hear Mages are currently in style. But i honestly have no input on them atm as i havent played one in a long time. Im sure someone here can help you with that and how it might help your group dynamic.

Long winded no real answer. pretty much my typical input. I will say 1 thing Shaman/sk... CRAZY op once they settle into their roles fully.

Best of luck MagesRock
ya im using one of the KA files. i had to go thru it every single line and fix it. there were spelling mistakes and rk 1/2 mistakes etc. priorities weren't in sync with what i was trying to do. turned off burn name for example. adjusted some of the settings to prioritize the healing more and the dots less. Its honestly a work in progress that i still look at from time to time but im not doing anything difficult. Im still doing ToL content. If you are using KA ini file, jus take some time. go thru each panel and make sure it's what u want. Even at 75% it's still really good. I've heard the plug-in shaman is unbelievable and wish i could try it out. cpl friends have it and they swear by it:) > im still trying to get it so it malo/slow on incoming. for some reason it doesnt always do this. I have taken over manually on pulls that were lazy sk pulls. using the ae malo/slow lines as mobs get to camp. The ability is obviously there. its just fine tuning. I am quite happy with it already tho, I havce had for exmaple one of the names in ME plus 5 adds and managed to get thru it relatively unscathed with shaman healing. ( yes, i burned shield flash etc heh to buy myself a few seconds to get them malo'd and slowed and mezzed.

The files here are great but sometimes small things need to be fixed. ( i have even caught Sic with some spelling mistakes heh and his files are ridonkulous) I use Edsarto for example on my sk. cpl tweeks since i don't have half the stuff he has in my clicky sets etc. You can't go wrong with his or Sic's files. there are a few others ive tried and like as well. I actually use a lv 120 file on a cpl lower level toons lol. I went thru and just changed the spells/abilities to what was current for them, they still work great.

Guess all I'm really saying is, the files are great but you really have to go through them and set them to what your character has and make sure there are no spelling mistakes, or ability tag mistakes like in the aa panel... when it gives u say 9104... and its 9105.. it wont fire, u need to manually look that up and put in right # (check aa for the proper lv # of the aa) and keep in mind just because the author of the file has this clicky or that clicky, or this Rk.II u might not. Just because the author has dps set high prioroity on his healer, u might not want that. look through, lower the % of the dps lines engagement. and raise the % for the healing or the debuff or the slow etc.

Anyway best of luck:) like i said, i still look at stuff pretty much every day as i find little whoopsies to adjust
Current Group:

120 SK, 120 BER, 120 SHM, 119 BRD, 120 MAG with Merc Cleric

I am currently pushing my way through group progression content in. I have "The Call" (Vulak) and "Zlandicar Reborn" on farm status but it just seems to me the SHM can't keep up with heals on the SK tanking without the Cleric Merc in group when pushing this Group content. I am still gearing them up but the SK is in full ToL Tier 1, has Lucinite Weapon and Shield and is getting every augment that drops until he is in good shape. Looking for suggestions as I am really wanting some extra DPS and I was considering dropping the SHM and adding an ENC and CLR.
You must be low or weak on AA. Are you using the CWTN plugin for shaman or trying to figure out how to run spells on your own? Do you have past experience with what a good shaman does? Get your AA up and use the CWTN plugin for shaman until you understand what the shaman needs to be casting.
^^^ This has to be it. I run SK/SHM/DRU/ENC/MAG/WIZ and all are 120 with close to max AA and Zland is a joke. SHM (much squall) keeps SK up np, but Shadow is completely right with the damage being frontloaded. I do use DRU to put 2 aa's on SK for a small HP bump, but never really looked to see if it made much of a diff. Just burn him from the get go and the rest is history.
ya im using one of the KA files. i had to go thru it every single line and fix it. there were spelling mistakes and rk 1/2 mistakes etc. priorities weren't in sync with what i was trying to do. turned off burn name for example. adjusted some of the settings to prioritize the healing more and the dots less. Its honestly a work in progress that i still look at from time to time but im not doing anything difficult. Im still doing ToL content. If you are using KA ini file, jus take some time. go thru each panel and make sure it's what u want. Even at 75% it's still really good. I've heard the plug-in shaman is unbelievable and wish i could try it out. cpl friends have it and they swear by it:) > im still trying to get it so it malo/slow on incoming. for some reason it doesnt always do this. I have taken over manually on pulls that were lazy sk pulls. using the ae malo/slow lines as mobs get to camp. The ability is obviously there. its just fine tuning. I am quite happy with it already tho, I havce had for exmaple one of the names in ME plus 5 adds and managed to get thru it relatively unscathed with shaman healing. ( yes, i burned shield flash etc heh to buy myself a few seconds to get them malo'd and slowed and mezzed.

The files here are great but sometimes small things need to be fixed. ( i have even caught Sic with some spelling mistakes heh and his files are ridonkulous) I use Edsarto for example on my sk. cpl tweeks since i don't have half the stuff he has in my clicky sets etc. You can't go wrong with his or Sic's files. there are a few others ive tried and like as well. I actually use a lv 120 file on a cpl lower level toons lol. I went thru and just changed the spells/abilities to what was current for them, they still work great.

Guess all I'm really saying is, the files are great but you really have to go through them and set them to what your character has and make sure there are no spelling mistakes, or ability tag mistakes like in the aa panel... when it gives u say 9104... and its 9105.. it wont fire, u need to manually look that up and put in right # (check aa for the proper lv # of the aa) and keep in mind just because the author of the file has this clicky or that clicky, or this Rk.II u might not. Just because the author has dps set high prioroity on his healer, u might not want that. look through, lower the % of the dps lines engagement. and raise the % for the healing or the debuff or the slow etc.

Anyway best of luck:) like i said, i still look at stuff pretty much every day as i find little whoopsies to adjust
yes the shaman plugin is the bomb ,,, its all i use for heals in my 120 full aa group. and like they said the aa make the world of a difference... and ac on the tank is a must to have at least close to 11k ac,,,,,
I am using the SK, MAG, BER and SHM plugins and Kissassist on the BRD. My Mage is 120 full T3 group ToL gear, 48K AA and is basically my top DPS nearly every fight and usually by a wide margin although that has started to close recently with the BER. . My other guys are way low on AA, basically just auto granted. I am thinking I need to put some more time into MQ2Grind and let them farm away some AA. My SHM has 38,000 AA but all auto granted. I did push them all to 120 - BRD is almost there now.

I run the SHM in Heal only mode in the plugin. Here are my options set

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ya i think someone already mentioned it. take a look at the 5th tier of aas. those aas wont be affected by their current lv. u need to bump them up so the spells they affect are the spells u use. cant think offhand name of aa panel lol. ya. im fu*king old sometimes... anyway. those aa lines will be like 6/12 or 6/14ish? not sure. u need to bump those to at least lv 12 i think. then they will affect the spells you are using on shaman and sk
120 SK, 120 BER, 120 SHM, 119 BRD, BL , PAL/MONK

(BL is HUGE melee synergy/buffs + EM pet (which replaces mage pet; can always use mage to COTH individually outside of group if that's necessity for you) (the PAL is my next choice esp if you are h aving trouble with sham healing, the PAL has 18s cure, splash heals, ToT 15% absorb, and cleric type hp/ac buff)... IF you don't want the "3rd healer so-to-speak with BL ToT ST heal), THEN I would suggest MONK (group gets Master's Aura, which is a nice buff)

Just my two red:rcents.

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Current Group:

120 SK, 120 BER, 120 SHM, 119 BRD, 120 MAG with Merc Cleric

I am currently pushing my way through group progression content in. I have "The Call" (Vulak) and "Zlandicar Reborn" on farm status but it just seems to me the SHM can't keep up with heals on the SK tanking without the Cleric Merc in group when pushing this Group content. I am still gearing them up but the SK is in full ToL Tier 1, has Lucinite Weapon and Shield and is getting every augment that drops until he is in good shape. Looking for suggestions as I am really wanting some extra DPS and I was considering dropping the SHM and adding an ENC and CLR.
You might be fine with what you have, but need to adjust the heal points for the shaman heals on the left side of the image you posted. If my tank is stronger versus the mobs, I can leave it at the default level, but on stronger mobs I sent the heals to start at 98% and 95%, etc. If you're good on healing, set the SHM to DPS mode. I tried this and was surprised that it was able to add good DPS and keep up with the heals.

I did notice that your SHM only has 38k AAs and I feel that's definitely too low. The Shaman has a TON of AAs to grind, but they will make the difference. Even though the max AAs at 120 is 70k, you won't need to get that many to be effective. You might find the MQ2Grind missions difficult at 120, so one thing I do is zone into the Shei instance in maiden's eye and setup my own custom AFK camp and let it run for 5 hours then repeat the process. I do love MQ2 grind and it was awesome in restless assault, but I had problems with the TOL missions.

To answer your question about what DPS to add, I think you should change out the mage in your group for a ROG or another BER. both use the class pluggins and perform nicely with the Rogue with the blood soaked foil being my choice. I get good performance out of my mages, but you'd need to make some big changes in your group like swapping the BRD for an ENC to get more out of your casters.
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I am using the SK, MAG, BER and SHM plugins and Kissassist on the BRD. My Mage is 120 full T3 group ToL gear, 48K AA and is basically my top DPS nearly every fight and usually by a wide margin although that has started to close recently with the BER. . My other guys are way low on AA, basically just auto granted. I am thinking I need to put some more time into MQ2Grind and let them farm away some AA. My SHM has 38,000 AA but all auto granted. I did push them all to 120 - BRD is almost there now.

I run the SHM in Heal only mode in the plugin. Here are my options set

View attachment 46490
Skipping to 120 with only autogrant is a huge problem.

You also have several options on that I would turn off.

Make sure you check out the FAQ for things like useregen (which you should turn off). I'd also suggest turning off single slow and single malo
Master's Aura, which is a nice buff)
Is this still true? I thought the goodness of Master's Aura was that it was bugged for years and made you immune to riposte (hence why a monk was always in each tank group back when I raided), but then it got fixed in the last 5ish years. Did I dream the fix?

OP: It sounds like everyone's got you solved and you just need to grind some AAs, but I'll add a +1 to the BST over cleric merc and if you're willing to replace the MAG, a ROG but it's up to your playstyle/preference.
My MAG is my original character from RoK and I can't play the game without him in group as it just feels wrong. He has the EM 29 pet and that thing really rocks. I started this whole group to get him the "phat lewtz" lol. Never boxed before this either and exclusively played the MAG until now. Never had an alt past 28.

Thank you all for the suggestions. I am liking the idea of a Shei instance or just letting it run Restless Assault. I have no issues with that one unless the orge gets stuck I'm geometry which he occasionally does. Campfire illusion might fix that.

I am really torn on BRD or ENC in group though. I only have my MAG caster vs two melee in the SK and BER. It's awesome to use the Bard to drive while traveling but I don't know if his mez is lacking due to AA or just because Bard is not as good at CC. When his mez has worked it has been a godsend. I just tend to get spammed with "Mezzing XYZ" and it rarely sticking.

I will read up on the SHM plugin faq. Thanks everyone and Sic! Once I am better AA'd on the SHM I will try and put the Merc in passive and if we live pop in another class.
My MAG is my original character from RoK and I can't play the game without him in group as it just feels wrong. He has the EM 29 pet and that thing really rocks. I started this whole group to get him the "phat lewtz" lol. Never boxed before this either and exclusively played the MAG until now. Never had an alt past 28.

Thank you all for the suggestions. I am liking the idea of a Shei instance or just letting it run Restless Assault. I have no issues with that one unless the orge gets stuck I'm geometry which he occasionally does. Campfire illusion might fix that.

I am really torn on BRD or ENC in group though. I only have my MAG caster vs two melee in the SK and BER. It's awesome to use the Bard to drive while traveling but I don't know if his mez is lacking due to AA or just because Bard is not as good at CC. When his mez has worked it has been a godsend. I just tend to get spammed with "Mezzing XYZ" and it rarely sticking.

I will read up on the SHM plugin faq. Thanks everyone and Sic! Once I am better AA'd on the SHM I will try and put the Merc in passive and if we live pop in another class.

I run ENC and BRD and for me, if it's a difficult encounter, or I'm way over my head in gear level the ENC shines, locking down mobs to kill one at a time. I'll also swap in CLR for SHM in these instances as well, the SHM and ENC have a lot of overlap: slow/haste etc.

If I'm grinding exp or camping a named, BRD + SHM are much more efficient when it comes to DPS. I do usually run SK/ROG/BST/BER so I'm definitely melee heavy.

You can also golden ticket yourself a Guise of the Deceiver, probably handy just to keep around if you're running Ogre SK for geometry issues. If you turn in the tickets, you can guarantee yourself the guise by having the lore items that it rewards in inventory, which I think are all tradeable?
My MAG is my original character from RoK and I can't play the game without him in group as it just feels wrong. He has the EM 29 pet and that thing really rocks. I started this whole group to get him the "phat lewtz" lol. Never boxed before this either and exclusively played the MAG until now. Never had an alt past 28.

Thank you all for the suggestions. I am liking the idea of a Shei instance or just letting it run Restless Assault. I have no issues with that one unless the orge gets stuck I'm geometry which he occasionally does. Campfire illusion might fix that.

I am really torn on BRD or ENC in group though. I only have my MAG caster vs two melee in the SK and BER. It's awesome to use the Bard to drive while traveling but I don't know if his mez is lacking due to AA or just because Bard is not as good at CC. When his mez has worked it has been a godsend. I just tend to get spammed with "Mezzing XYZ" and it rarely sticking.

I will read up on the SHM plugin faq. Thanks everyone and Sic! Once I am better AA'd on the SHM I will try and put the Merc in passive and if we live pop in another class.
I think the mez issue has to do with the ENC having a class plugin and the BRD running off kissassist. When I run an Enchanter in the Restless assault grind, the Class plugin is better than me playing the enchanter. It mezzes 8 mobs no problem at all. It will effortlessly mez huge trains no matter how or where they come into the camp. The Bard doesn't seem to be as quick or good at locking up trains that come in 2-3 at a time.

I still think the Bard CC is good enough to handle the Shei instance. Zone in and move away from the Shei past the first roamer guy until you find a carpet in a hallway. That's where I like to setup and I will put my camp in the middle of the carpet. There are zero roamers here and you can use the puller tank mode with everybody else in assist. Mobs in here have 72million hps and give 4 AA per kill (test server) compared to 22 million 2 AA per kill in Restless assault. The big thing here is that the instance RESWPANS fast! You can setup a frontal cone or 360 circle to pull that fits your DPS. With your team, you might try for a circle with radius of 240 or less so that you don't get respawns behind you.

So if you're going to stay with the mage, you might want to add another one as you extra DPS. When you get all those pets out, the class plugin will cast the Storm of many line of spells and get you some BIG DPS boosts. The Mage plugin is so good that easily outperforms human players and it never seems to run out of mana! On our raids, our mages are near the top the DPS charts with just RK2 spells, good EM earring, and waxing gear!
I actually have another MAG I was gearing up and at 115. I dropped her from the group because of needing more heals than the SHM could handle. Once I did that I was able to get to where I am currently. If I go back and do some AA/XP I can likely have just the SHM as is. In ROK SHM was healing fine alone and the second mage was awesome. I agree that the Mage plugin plays better than I ever could. I've played a mage a very long time and I have done some crazy stuff with him back in the day but no way I am going to sit there and cast all those summons each fight...omg lol.
So I have picked up another 1000 or so AA on the SHM (Thank you MQ2Grind) - all of the Healing AA's and she is a lot better now. SK is doing quite well now, able to tank Shei without heals for a bit too. I found this out when I realized SHM was on Pause while fighting him until we had one of the guys blow up and no one got healed lol. Sometimes you just forget the simple things...I am working the ENC up (117 now) and I am a bit more comfortable with the ENC plugin vs the Bard with KissAssist for Mez/CC. Still wondering if a Cleric will be better and have one at 113 now.

So given my original group: SK/BER/BRD/SHM/MAG + Cleric Merc

My current group: SK/BER/BRD/SHM/MAG/ENC I am liking this one better overall

Possible Future Group: SK/BER/CLR/MAG/ENC & another DPS maybe (Have 115 MAG) or keep the SHM?
shm should be able to keep up with that just fine - double check your gear/augs and how you have your stuff setup (like your shm how it is setup to heal). don't forget type 5s.

also how is your AA? many people rush to 120 then kick themselves because their AAs are so far behind - keep in mind that focus AAs aren't purely linear, they are tier'd, you can hurt yourself out leveling your focus AAs

double healers is overkill in many/most cases these days for group content

your sk/bard/shm all need 2.0 tho
shm could also do with a rez stick
Hi Sic. For zerk/rog can you fix it if you leveled first then did AA or auto-grant enable?
MQ2Grind is your friend if you did what I did and went straight to 120. Having the BRD and ENC in the group for the anniversary missions has been great. Doing Extruded Black Pearl - pulled the whole library and ballroom at once. Came clos to biting it on my SK running back to the group but he was healed and the AE Mez/stuns popped off and it was amazing. Never had so many things on my Extended target list before. I hit the Tank button on my SK at camp and they just marched through them one at a time....I was amazed. This site and the tools here are just incredible. Really makes the game playable in my opinion.
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I am using the SK, MAG, BER and SHM plugins and Kissassist on the BRD. My Mage is 120 full T3 group ToL gear, 48K AA and is basically my top DPS nearly every fight and usually by a wide margin although that has started to close recently with the BER. . My other guys are way low on AA, basically just auto granted. I am thinking I need to put some more time into MQ2Grind and let them farm away some AA. My SHM has 38,000 AA but all auto granted. I did push them all to 120 - BRD is almost there now.

I run the SHM in Heal only mode in the plugin. Here are my options set

View attachment 46490
I don't know if anyone else is having issues with the shaman continuously casting Lupine Spirit (a slow). My Shaman tries to do this all the time so I just turned UseSlow off in the settings of CWTN Plugin.
Just picked up the SK Epic 1.5 and 2.0 in addition to fully kitting him out with T3 ToL and a Blood Soaked War Hammer. He is beefy these days, AA's into the 45K range is helping a massive amount as well. I've tried replacing the BZR with a second MAG and its...interesting so far. I need a ton more AA on the second MAG but I'll report back how it works out. Main MAG is now within about 1000AA of being completely done except the consumable "Special" AA's.
MQ2Grind is your friend if you did what I did and went straight to 120. Having the BRD and ENC in the group for the anniversary missions has been great. Doing Extruded Black Pearl - pulled the whole library and ballroom at once. Came clos to biting it on my SK running back to the group but he was healed and the AE Mez/stuns popped off and it was amazing. Never had so many things on my Extended target list before. I hit the Tank button on my SK at camp and they just marched through them one at a time....I was amazed. This site and the tools here are just incredible. Really makes the game playable in my opinion.
So because of CWTN enchanter plug-in I will always have an enchanted. I do the same thing but I don’t camp I just run straight in and round them all up.

I was doing the Anny quest for the feather and wasn’t thinking and jumped down the hole by the water (driving my sk) with “chase” on my whole group. My group ran all the way down to me and had a giant train, my extended target window was full. My necro and cleric were bringing up the rear and my cleric did a running rez as the mobs caught and killed my necro (thank you CWTN) and finished pulling the train in. I thought well this is a wipe, but nobody was dying. Turns out the chanter mezzed everything and kept it all mezzed while I worked them down one by one.

That plug-in is making me sloppy with my pulls because it’s so good.

Just picked up the SK Epic 1.5 and 2.0 in addition to fully kitting him out with T3 ToL and a Blood Soaked War Hammer. He is beefy these days, AA's into the 45K range is helping a massive amount as well. I've tried replacing the BZR with a second MAG and it’s...interesting so far. I need a ton more AA on the second MAG but I'll report back how it works out. Main MAG is now within about 1000AA of being completely done except the consumable "Special" AA's.
Im doing the opposite approach. I have my AA set to max and max all my AA at every level and hit the bank cap before I move on to the next level. I have really seen a major increase dps with just getting AAs. My Enc should be maxed tonight/tomorrow my cleric just hit 120 so is on the home stretch for AAs, my poor SK has 60AA and is only 117. Poor guy just started getting regular exp for the first time in weeks. It’s so slow and I grind anytime I’m not actively playing (working) to get this finished. I’ll get there soon and the real fun can start.
SHaman will je
So I have picked up another 1000 or so AA on the SHM (Thank you MQ2Grind) - all of the Healing AA's and she is a lot better now. SK is doing quite well now, able to tank Shei without heals for a bit too. I found this out when I realized SHM was on Pause while fighting him until we had one of the guys blow up and no one got healed lol. Sometimes you just forget the simple things...I am working the ENC up (117 now) and I am a bit more comfortable with the ENC plugin vs the Bard with KissAssist for Mez/CC. Still wondering if a Cleric will be better and have one at 113 now.

So given my original group: SK/BER/BRD/SHM/MAG + Cleric Merc

My current group: SK/BER/BRD/SHM/MAG/ENC I am liking this one better overall

Possible Future Group: SK/BER/CLR/MAG/ENC & another DPS maybe (Have 115 MAG) or keep the SHM?
Shaman in group and raid is amazing with healing as long as the account is gold. The correct AA and u have Augs and the type 3 as well. The enchanter works better in a caster group. I have 2 groups. Sk/SHM/Zerkers x2/BRD/ BST I did NoS with any big issues.
My second group WAR/CLR/ROG x3/ BRD also did NoS but had some issues here and there because the Rogues and the BRD are new and don't have all their AA and good AUG.

If you want to run a caster group and have a Enchanter. I would still use a SHM any Tank you prefer and then 3 mages with Enchanter buy I would prefer BRD specially for Epic clicks with SHM. Enchanter is also fine. You can also instead of 3 mages do 2 mages and have a BST. But the first group a suggested even with Enchanter ur mages won't run out of mana.
First off, thanks to this group for making these tools, EQ would be so dead without these. Really is no playing EQ without these now that I have learned about them. Thanks to MQ2Grind, I have maxed AA's through NoS. I am still running the SK, BRD, ENC, BER, MAG and SHM. I was able to 8 box the VoX OMM for the rez stick for the SHM which made a significant difference when it hits the fan, which is less often than it used to be. This past week I picked up the SHM and BER epics (1, 1.5 and 2.0's) to go with the SK and MAG epic 2.0's. Considering doing the BRD one but I think I am epic'd out for the moment - so much running around. (Plug for Magellan Travel Utility making that process bearable and not so tedious)

My DPS tends to still be MAG (with EM31 ear) -> BER -> SK but the BER did get a nice boost after the epic became available to him. I really don't have any content outside of LS now that I can't handle easily. I just started LS tonight and picked up Mercenary of Laurion Inn. That was very simple...looking forward to moving on to other zones soon.

One thing I was considering, my BRD is mostly there for travel and hasting the group although he does come in 4th in DPS generally but the falloff after the MAG -> BER -> SK is pretty bad. Anyone looked into using that new class switcher thing? I've considered making a second MAG out of the BRD.
Dropped the BRD for another MAG for a day, but it just didn't seem to be working out. Probably an AA/Level thing (120 but max AA's before we started) on the second MAG holding it back but I would possibly be better off dropping the BER for the second MAG. I may try that for a bit. One of my first attempts at LS today - Final Fugue gave some nice results and makes me wonder if it's even worth it. Group has a good synergy as is for me.

First off, thanks to this group for making these tools, EQ would be so dead without these. Really is no playing EQ without these now that I have learned about them. Thanks to MQ2Grind, I have maxed AA's through NoS. I am still running the SK, BRD, ENC, BER, MAG and SHM. I was able to 8 box the VoX OMM for the rez stick for the SHM which made a significant difference when it hits the fan, which is less often than it used to be. This past week I picked up the SHM and BER epics (1, 1.5 and 2.0's) to go with the SK and MAG epic 2.0's. Considering doing the BRD one but I think I am epic'd out for the moment - so much running around. (Plug for Magellan Travel Utility making that process bearable and not so tedious)

My DPS tends to still be MAG (with EM31 ear) -> BER -> SK but the BER did get a nice boost after the epic became available to him. I really don't have any content outside of LS now that I can't handle easily. I just started LS tonight and picked up Mercenary of Laurion Inn. That was very simple...looking forward to moving on to other zones soon.

One thing I was considering, my BRD is mostly there for travel and hasting the group although he does come in 4th in DPS generally but the falloff after the MAG -> BER -> SK is pretty bad. Anyone looked into using that new class switcher thing? I've considered making a second MAG out of the BRD.
Your bard isn't there to do DPS on his own, he's there to provide aDPS through his overhaste, +DD% buffs, and other things. I've been leveling an enchanter on my bard account to swap around and I see a ~300k dps drop on my monk and rogue when I switch from my 125 bard to my 110 Enchanter.
So I have picked up the SK 2.0, Zerker 2.0 and Shaman 2.0. I still need to possibly do the Bard one.

I am vascillating between keeping the Bard or Enc and adding in a second mage or possibly a Beastlord.

Group works great as is for basically everything including LS but more DPS would make faster grinding. It seems like I have 3 DPS...SK with the two hander, Zerker and Mag. After that the Bard, Enc and Shm are under 500-600K dps.

Really look forward to a possible Bard plug-in. That would tip me more toward dropping the Enc.
Question - Group Setup Suggestions

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