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Question - 3 questions actually (1 Viewer)


Sep 12, 2004
How do I get my box's to assist on dps?
How do I make my mage give the pet toys? /bct charname //pettoysplz GROUP does not work anymore
and How do I use the spawn master work?
Jane, Could you give us some information please?

If you're using Kissassist as Tom asks, then /mac kissassist assist <mainassistnamehere> will get them assisting with dps. if you want all of them to do it, then from your mainassist/tank do /bct //mac kissassist assist <mainassistnamehere> instead, assuming they are all listening on eqbcs
I can't help you on the pet toys piece, it's never worked very well for me, and I don't play my mage right now either, so I'm a bit out of date there.
MQ2spawnmaster I can't help with either unfortunately, however others in the community use it, they should be able to weigh in.
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1) Run KissAssist on all of your toons, with an ini file you get from this site (avoid Almar's). Ensure your main assist is set in the group (I manually run my tank and have him as main assist and main tank, and puller for that matter). They should automatically assist on the % that you've set when running the macro. e.g.

/mac kissassist assist ${Group.MainTank} 99

Will ensure that toon will assist the Main Tank in your group when the mob's health drops to 99%

2) I do /bct charname //pettoysplz ${Me.Pet.CleanName} on each toon, but I only have one other class that has a pet. It can take a long time for it to be honoured, I only do it when I've paused pulls for a while (or normally, on startup, but my pets rarely die anyway)

3) MQ2Spawnmaster requires an ini file with the nameds in it, look at this thread: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/mq2spawnmaster-complete-list.35000/ and read the plugin page too https://www.redguides.com/community/resources/mq2spawnmaster.147/
I'm a total noob here. I don't even know how to get rid of my email address showing. I though kiss assist was included in the launcher very vanilla
I use the launcher and whats in it. I target my tank and use /mac kissassist command ( I do see a line when its done running that states auto attack on assist is now *OFF*)
Utility MQ2SpawnMaster 11.1 that says its included in very vanilla
vsab's tips are spot on. If you're having issues just getting KA running, did you try the setup guide and video? Sic also has a general use of MQ2 features video.

I think you used your email as your username login and you'll need a mod to change it. @Sic @Redbot ? There is a user purchased name change in the redcents store for 50 redcents, though I see you haven't earned any yet.

You can turn on spawnmaster via "/plugin mq2spawnmaster load" in game. Make sure you've added the named ini file to your Release folder as vsab linked. Then "/spawn uplist" or other commands like that will list the Named in zone. You'll get notices when new named pop.
I think you used your email as your username login and you'll need a mod to change it.
Thank you for the assist!

That's actually a user from 2003 (or earlier) before we had forums or usernames or anything, and just had a simple login form to access pdf guides and offsets.
I would start here:

watch all of the videos, then come back if you have any questions still.
I have watched the videos and it did all work about a yr ago when I was playing. I came back recently and had a new computer, so instead of having the kissassist the new and improved very vanilla was there.
maybe they are new videos, I'll go look.
as for
I do /bct charname //pettoysplz ${Me.Pet.CleanName}
he still does not give my pet toys!
and I got a private message that told me how to use the plugin......................... /plugin mq2spawnmaster
@SkatKat do you use the launcher?
The settings page the directory of your release folder, and Macros is a sub directory of that.

Mine is at
I think those beginner videos are probably new, they all got remade recently so they will probably help. I also made a thread that might help:

How do I get my box's to assist on dps?
How do I make my mage give the pet toys? /bct charname //pettoysplz GROUP does not work anymore
and How do I use the spawn master work?
What level is your mage? I have a decent one for a 115 mage I can pm you. If your not 115 you can replace with lower spells. Also Kaen is pretty awesome at assisting with mages.
Question - 3 questions actually

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