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FARM Anguish NO LOCK OUT TIMER (1 Viewer)

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1) that is rather vague
2) lock out timers are working just fine
3) thats liek saying "HEy you can use mq to do leet stuff in eq!!!!!!!!!!! QUICK EVERYONE LETS DO IT" Yes, im sure we coudl but it doesnt really give us anything specific to workwith.

please be more specific in teh future my friend.

good luck.
using mq2allzone found in the redguides compile you can use /lockazone and then dropping the task, this keeps you in the task for about 15mins (if no one with task is in the zone) and if your able to GK the raid mobs in zone you can do this without a timer now. (for this method you can use a lv1 toon to hold onto the task while your lv70-75 toons are getting the loot, then delete the toon afterwards).

another method is kill the raid mob, and just before the mob dies you drop the task and zone out, have 1 person in zone take the timer, but then add in everyone afterwards for loot. (for mobs with chest loots, you wont get the timer unless the chest is opened and your still in the task/zone)

not sure if this is what the person means, but this is what i made out of it.
I believe he's referring to using a known patch day to reset the timers. Though I'm not convinced that this is true, it's an interesting theory.
im fairly sure that doesnt work ;o

ive had lockouts the day before+after patches.. unless expansion rollouts are different?
you can; however, farm AMV over and over again. Not sure if I'm allowed to post how in this forum or not or if it was already posted ages ago /shrug. If its allowed and never been posted, I'll reply with how later.
All Anguish mobs have no lockout on the kill, they all give lockout upon the opening of the chest. AMV is just the mob most widely used to farm with this rule because OMM is not easily doable with GK, nor with a guild so the AMV loot is the only way to get the ultra-rare tier 2 BP (becoming more and more useless as the new expansions come out). There is no way to keep doing anguish indefinately unless you simply did not want to open any chests. You can repeatedly farm it many times per week through proper planning however.
I have/had access to 50+ accounts, I think 20-30 the infos are still good, but I've never done it so many times in a row that I've exhausted all the lockouts I needed and I've geared a fair amount of toons with them. The rule with the chest works perfectly for AMV. Hanvar's lockout is given upon kill and the lockout for his globe is separate. Harrier and Ture lockouts are given upon death. Jelvan will lock you out simply for completing the event even if you do not open the keepsake. In the case with Jelvan, you simply don't get locked out of lower globe if you leave the keepsake alone, but you can't repeatedly do the event. AMV is the only one that you can continuously do (until you run out of spare accounts) until you're blue in the face.
Picked up some legs a couple days ago using the lockazone method... zone just crashed (and of course legs poofed and the pieces are gone as well)when I did the turn-in though, so if ya got any bits for armor you may want to wait a lil while before trying the turn-ins.
You don't learn that quickly do you? You want to add something to the discussion do so, quit flaming, it isn't accepted here.

Locking this, whatever strategy he attempted to describe is probably already nerfed.
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