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A question about containers (1 Viewer)


May 14, 2005
I'm sorry for the newb question, but here goes.

Are tradeskill containers such as forges accessed/controlled serverside? If not, would it be possible to make a plugin that would allow you to call the forge container window from anywhere, or maybe "trick" one of your bags into behaving like a forge? I would imagine that something like this would do wonders for tradeskill macros as you wouldn't have to path from place to place and you wouldn't tie up a permanent tradeskill container while you are macroing.

Just a thought.
they are server side. The partial exception to this is if you have a contaonier on you like a spit or sewingkit. you can write macros or plugins to take advantge of that but you must have it in your inventory. And the server does check with it because your skills have to be checked.

Now at one time I did have a nice litle thing that would max tradeskills but lol it was only client side and since tradeskill combines are checked server side they made no difference. :(
A question about containers

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