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Problem - ImGui will not show, things using imgui are working/loaded (1 Viewer)

Nov 29, 2017
Starting up a guy from profiles, I can load up and see the characters instantly doing stuff for those with Chat's plugins, I can see luas loading in MQ window and can verify they are running, but I cannot see them, nor the CWTN windows. I can use all type commands /like /mag pause on or Lua run xxx. I tried /mqoverlay reume/reload/start and stop. resume does nothing, its on already, reload does nothing but list the commands in mq window, start does nothing because its already running, stop does stop it. Now..start again after that crashes the eq instance, no error just closes.
Since this all did not work and nothing I could find in the forums, I said oh well and deleted the 'Next' folder and reinstalled a fresh install and even remade a new Next folder. Same problem persists. I did it again and even uninstalled the launcher stuff too, for a total fresh install. Problem persists.

EQ is a fresh install and runs good. MQ is fresh install/partial copy from my hotbuttons and such. As well as total fresh install and no copy of the MQ files. I have no overlay type software running.

Its strange to see I can type Lua commands and run luas or CWTN cmds and see things happen properly, but cannot bring anything up. Under EQ>MQ>Settings nothing comes up when I click that or EQ>MQ>Lua.
I can see plugin windows (like DPS ADV but not CWTN ones) and MQ window and plugin manager.
Starting up a guy from profiles, I can load up and see the characters instantly doing stuff for those with Chat's plugins, I can see luas loading in MQ window and can verify they are running, but I cannot see them, nor the CWTN windows. I can use all type commands /like /mag pause on or Lua run xxx. I tried /mqoverlay reume/reload/start and stop. resume does nothing, its on already, reload does nothing but list the commands in mq window, start does nothing because its already running, stop does stop it. Now..start again after that crashes the eq instance, no error just closes.
Since this all did not work and nothing I could find in the forums, I said oh well and deleted the 'Next' folder and reinstalled a fresh install and even remade a new Next folder. Same problem persists. I did it again and even uninstalled the launcher stuff too, for a total fresh install. Problem persists.

EQ is a fresh install and runs good. MQ is fresh install/partial copy from my hotbuttons and such. As well as total fresh install and no copy of the MQ files. I have no overlay type software running.

Its strange to see I can type Lua commands and run luas or CWTN cmds and see things happen properly, but cannot bring anything up. Under EQ>MQ>Settings nothing comes up when I click that or EQ>MQ>Lua.
I can see plugin windows (like DPS ADV but not CWTN ones) and MQ window and plugin manager.
sounds like you need to reset your overlay settings

since you can't open the mqsettings try and do an /mqoverlay reload and this will reset your overlay settings

(as a point of clarification - Lua is a programming language and unrelated to imgui directly --- imgui works in Lua (for macroquest) and imgui works in other things like plugins (c++ language - intentionally leaving out Lua plugins here) there are several plugins that use imgui - cwtn plugins - portalsetter - settings for things like mq2rez, mq2map etc --- those have nothing to do with Lua)
as a point of clarification - Lua is a programming language and unrelated to imgui directly
Thanks @Sic , I always wondered about that but its good to hear a clear explanation. I thought you guys must have programmed the new CWTN windows to look like ImGui ones for some type of consistency look.

I did do the reload/resume/start/stop. So, since its also making my CWTN windows not appear, its an ImGui issue (but not Lua as you explained). Since I deleted the entire folder and reinstalled I am lost as to how to get it to show.
Thanks @Sic , I always wondered about that but its good to hear a clear explanation. I thought you guys must have programmed the new CWTN windows to look like ImGui ones for some type of consistency look.

I did do the reload/resume/start/stop. So, since its also making my CWTN windows not appear, its an ImGui issue (but not Lua as you explained). Since I deleted the entire folder and reinstalled I am lost as to how to get it to show.
if when you do the /mqoverlay resume - you don't see that "it is now resumed" or whatever - or another red error crash --- it makes me *feel* like it isn't crashed.

but, if reloading the positioning of it didn't fix it, it really *sounds* like a conflicting external overlay like nahimic, overwolf or similar
if when you do the /mqoverlay resume - you don't see that "it is now resumed" or whatever - or another red error crash --- it makes me *feel* like it isn't crashed.

but, if reloading the positioning of it didn't fix it, it really *sounds* like a conflicting external overlay like nahimic, overwolf or similar
I don;t use anything like that, it is a Win 11 system, so it has the Xbox game bar, but I do not use it, and I have it turned off anyways.
I don;t use anything like that, it is a Win 11 system, so it has the Xbox game bar, but I do not use it, and I have it turned off anyways.
not that im saying it is for sure the case in this instance, but the amount of times folks have said they didn't have some conflicting overlay, and then it turns out they did and didn't realize would blow your mind
not that im saying it is for sure the case in this instance, but the amount of times folks have said they didn't have some conflicting overlay, and then it turns out they did and didn't realize would blow your mind
Well I agree, there is so many odd things that can create conflicts. Most of us don't know or consider what could/would do something, so it makes it difficult to help someone. Does the below info help in any way? I had turned on debug to see if I could get more info. Most of the time everything just apruptly closes the EQ instance. If I have the Login UI open, I was using it to test profiles, EQ would load, character will load and like I said before, ones with CWTN will start thier buffs/etc and if I bring the login UI up front, that also makes things instantly close, no error no red text, no MQ Crash window.

[2024-03-29 14:35:56.185] [MQ] [info] [Crashpad.cpp:106] Crash report submission is: enabled
[2024-03-29 14:35:56.186] [MQ] [info] [Crashpad.cpp:110] Crash report guid: f3437ec4-6502-431d-be4e-f402d3dd9bf8
[2024-03-29 14:35:56.187] [MQ] [info] [Crashpad.cpp:120] Using shared crash reporter for all MacroQuest instances
Well I agree, there is so many odd things that can create conflicts. Most of us don't know or consider what could/would do something, so it makes it difficult to help someone. Does the below info help in any way? I had turned on debug to see if I could get more info. Most of the time everything just apruptly closes the EQ instance. If I have the Login UI open, I was using it to test profiles, EQ would load, character will load and like I said before, ones with CWTN will start thier buffs/etc and if I bring the login UI up front, that also makes things instantly close, no error no red text, no MQ Crash window.

[2024-03-29 14:35:56.185] [MQ] [info] [Crashpad.cpp:106] Crash report submission is: enabled
[2024-03-29 14:35:56.186] [MQ] [info] [Crashpad.cpp:110] Crash report guid: f3437ec4-6502-431d-be4e-f402d3dd9bf8
[2024-03-29 14:35:56.187] [MQ] [info] [Crashpad.cpp:120] Using shared crash reporter for all MacroQuest instances
did you submit that crash? with the popup button? i don't see it
did you submit that crash? with the popup button? i don't see it
No, it was in the debug window, I never saw any Crash window. It simply closes the game instantly. I have been looking online for imgui errors and see if I can match anything or try solutions. I took off antivirus, but still ongoing. Thanks for checking the crash report
Thanks. What is Fraps? Game thing? My Task Manager has lots of stuff, but no open things besides EQ.
Sorry fraps is a program that puts your framerate up in the corner. I always had it loaded was obsessed with staying over 35 fps in raids for years. Had the issues you had and was going nuts and even reinstalled windows and eq then realised a simple 2 second easy thing to remove was the issue.
I got it fixed ! Sadly though I don;t know what caused the problem in the first place. My fix was to use Win 11 System Recovery, it is under Windows update :
I tried tons of things and nothing made a difference, uninstalled everything almost, and was about to do a fresh wipe. After this, Boom, was easy to tell it was working as the IMGui windows on server select and character select were finally appearing again. When the character finally loaded, all my windows are all in default position all messed up from my /mqoverlay reload and such before, haha. I'm happy to have got it working, but wish I had figured out the cause. Hope this solution helps someone else.
Problem - ImGui will not show, things using imgui are working/loaded

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