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Question - Any random tips for a newbie? (1 Viewer)

Apr 6, 2024
About to start multi boxing. Any strong tips or good youtube videos outside of what's posted here on the tutorials?

Also, is it easier to box 3 vs 6, or does it matter at that point?

thanks all!

About to start multi boxing. Any strong tips or good youtube videos outside of what's posted here on the tutorials?

Also, is it easier to box 3 vs 6, or does it matter at that point?

thanks all!

Getting Started / Returning user

Welcome to RedGuides, fellow EQ multi-boxing enthusiast!

The best place to begin is our "New User Guide" video series, click this TV to watch:

This step-by-step series will teach absolute beginners how to control 6 characters at once while highlighting Nav, AutoLogin, and DanNet, which are fundamental plugins that will enhance every aspect of your game.

Returning users check out - MacroQuest Release Party: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/macroquest-release-party.80628/ for information about changes from the legacy MQ2 to the new and awesome MQ
Getting Started / Returning user

Welcome to RedGuides, fellow EQ multi-boxing enthusiast!

The best place to begin is our "New User Guide" video series, click this TV to watch:

This step-by-step series will teach absolute beginners how to control 6 characters at once while highlighting Nav, AutoLogin, and DanNet, which are fundamental plugins that will enhance every aspect of your game.

Returning users check out - MacroQuest Release Party: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/macroquest-release-party.80628/ for information about changes from the legacy MQ2 to the new and awesome MQ
That link and the videos in his signature will get you fluent and headed in the right direction. I treat his stuff as "words from above"

As an extra bonus, you can get level 2 access through redcents. It doesnt take much just be active in the forums. There's a really good post about it here somewhere.
The videos will get you going. You will have to tweak settings for your play preference. With the program, 6 boxing is as easy as 3 boxing. Hope you have a good time, I do.
is it easier to box 3 vs 6, or does it matter at that point?
The more you run the more your hardware needs to work, there is a certain amount of tweaking that needs to be done to get your crew operating well and general character management, the bigger your team the bigger the job.
The more you run the more your hardware needs to work, there is a certain amount of tweaking that needs to be done to get your crew operating well and general character management, the bigger your team the bigger the job.
hmm, so does this mean if i want it easier just go for seal team 3? I'm not experienced at all, and seem to be fairly overwhelmed so far lol.

that being said, i think a full group would be awesome!
The videos will get you going. You will have to tweak settings for your play preference. With the program, 6 boxing is as easy as 3 boxing. Hope you have a good time, I do.
thanks a ton! I'm stoked to try it.. just a bit nervous i'll get overwhelmed based on my lack of knowledge.
Getting Started / Returning user

Welcome to RedGuides, fellow EQ multi-boxing enthusiast!

The best place to begin is our "New User Guide" video series, click this TV to watch:

This step-by-step series will teach absolute beginners how to control 6 characters at once while highlighting Nav, AutoLogin, and DanNet, which are fundamental plugins that will enhance every aspect of your game.

Returning users check out - MacroQuest Release Party: https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/macroquest-release-party.80628/ for information about changes from the legacy MQ2 to the new and awesome MQ
thanks a ton Sic! I've gone through these twice so far. seems a bit overwhelming, but i'm sure it gets faster the more i do it.
hmm, so does this mean if i want it easier just go for seal team 3? I'm not experienced at all, and seem to be fairly overwhelmed so far lol.

that being said, i think a full group would be awesome!
Personally, I think it's easier to start with just 2 or 3 characters. There's a lot to take in at first and you will be totally lost (don't feel bad about it). You can run a merc or two to keep you alive until you get the hang of things. It's easy to add more as you go.

I'd suggest starting with whatever your "driver" will be (tanks are the simplest to drive with) and a healer. A good third will be whatever you're going to use for crowd control (bard or enchanter). That trinity will be the cornerstone of you group. You can swap DPS in and out at will.
Personally, I think it's easier to start with just 2 or 3 characters. There's a lot to take in at first and you will be totally lost (don't feel bad about it). You can run a merc or two to keep you alive until you get the hang of things. It's easy to add more as you go.

I'd suggest starting with whatever your "driver" will be (tanks are the simplest to drive with) and a healer. A good third will be whatever you're going to use for crowd control (bard or enchanter). That trinity will be the cornerstone of you group. You can swap DPS in and out at will.
For sure! I'll see what i can do. Is it difficult to have my driver be a puller/dps? I read a lot just like you said about the driver being the tank though!

Thanks again for all the help! Also does CTWN plugin help? looks like this takes over from having to update Kiss assist?
Is it difficult to have my driver be a puller/dps?
It's not that it's difficult, but if you need to react to something during combat, it's usually going to be on your tank. I sometimes switch over to a bard or monk if I need to do some complicated pulling in older content.

Just start out playing whatever class you like and adjust later on. I promise that whatever you setup now is not what you'll be using forever, so feel free to experiment with anything.

Also does CTWN plugin help? looks like this takes over from having to update Kiss assist?
Yes, it's very useful, but it's not required, especially when you are starting out. I think there's some value in learning Kiss early on because you'll better understand the fundamentals of automating your toons. This can only help you in the long run.
Welcome to RG and a new experience of EQ that will be an excellent journey! Patience will be your friend here for sure as it takes time to understand how to set everything up and control your crew. The videos Sic created are the best resource for you. Try taking a few toons (even new ones) to an unpopulated zone and test there. I know I found it hard to take my focus off the toons I had prior to joining RG and make them dance like Sic shows in those videos but once I put that aside and made my focus on learning how these tools worked, it all came together.

Starting with one or two toons plus your driver to get your feet wet can be simpler for sure. Once you have RG installed and loading, get them added to mq2autologin and loading up. Once you're comfortable there, group them up in game and try some simple commands like the come to me, follow me, etc and maybe use some of the dannet commands to make them wave. If you get them all doing what you expect, then it's time to look into your desired automation so you can put the team to work.

Check out Kissassist Beginners Guide, Kissassist Commands , RGmercs, and especially cwtn plugins ( you can also /testcopy your toons and use the cwtn plugins there for free and you'll want to spend some time looking at CWTN Plugins Explained.). New as of Feb 2024, RG Mercs Lua Version
The KA library has some ini's folks here have created and shared but they often require some editing to make them work for your toon/team. This is not overly difficult to learn and will require some more learning about how they work from the KA Commands page. RG Mercs and the cwtn/sic plugins are pretty much plug-n-play. RGMercs is included in your level 2 sub whereas the cwtn/sic plugins have an annual cost of $20 per plugin (not per toon).

After you get the hang of it, I would recommend adding the remaining ones as early as you're comfortable so they advance together. 6 (plus) is where almost everyone ends up. Pick a tank, then a preffered healer and some cc, and 3 dps classes you like and you will be off and running with a new crew!!! If you get hung up, make sure to seach these forums (top right corner) 1712500271727.png for answrers as it's likely someone ran into the same issue as you. If not, ask away here under the correct forum/thread and this amazing community will always offer a hand!
No shame in starting with just 2 or 3 characters to get your feet wet.

Best thing to remember is take it slow, crawl > walk > run > selos. Learn to move your characters around first, get comfortable with making them follow you around. Know how to make them stop following you and wait while you do something. Learn how to send commands to them through either EQBC or DANNET.

Most important tip though, have fun. This is the best community for EverQuest so if you need something, someone here is likely able to help you out.
I started boxing with 3 and 3 mercs until I was having trouble doing things with mercs and finally added 3 more toons to box to make a group. The only tips I have is to try to be patient. It is a big learning curve at least for me anyway. I started in a camp with no named off in some corner where nobody would really come close or have any need for the mobs I was killing. I messed with settings and would watch the group dps until I had it how I liked. Eventually I branched out into learning to move toons around without dying and things like that. Early on I still ran them one at a time to camps. I always used the minimum amount of plugins to start and slowly added the ones I knew I would always use and try not to add too many until I understood all the uses and if I even required them for what I was doing. I had a problem with the other place where I started with crashes and the less plugins I used the easier it was to pinpoint the plugin or setting that was causing the crashes. I still don't usually do a lot of missions unless required so have a lot to learn still after years of using this tasty site. Kissassist is awesome because you can customise what you want to use and what situations but has a learning curve. I started by just copying a ini from the forums and branched out from there. If you have the fundage for the CTWN plugs....they can scoot you past the learning curve faster because they are pretty much load it up and set it how you like and forget it. Rgmercs works great also on all the toons I have leveled over the years. Bard is the only one that can be fickle. I use kissassist for it until the day come when heaven opens up and ctwn releases thier version for the singing fool. Ask questions on the forums if you need to but try to post in right place. They get testy if you dont heehee. Do a lot of reading up on plugs...There is a ton of info here if you are the studious type. Not much ekse to say other than what others have posted.
The suggestions to start with 2 or 3 is probably fine because most of us were boxing 2 or 3 (or 4) even without CWTN fine plug ins.
When we finally figured out the joy of the CWTN plug ins, we all said the same thing. 6 is best full group. So we all strive to find that perfect team of 6. Truth is, there is no perfect team. EQ has become easy enough that just about any semi balanced group of 6 can function. I prefer SK, SHM, MAG for my core team. I was boxing those before I started using MQ. I had also added a bard in autofollow melody mode. Now, with the CWTN plug ins automating the clicks, I have expanded to other classes as most of have and experimented with various group makeups. However, I still find that core group of SK, SHM, MAG, BARD are best for me.
Welcome. The journey is made fun with the help of the folks here at RedGuides and the assisted game play they've made available. It's a very helpful and welcoming group of folks that like to have fun. It's really increased my enjoyment of the game. Not having to continually mash buttons is wonderful.

A few tidbits:
1 - The Ice Encrusted (level 110+), Blood-Soaked (level 115+), Memoryforged Desolation (120+) chase loot items, and Ancient Cloak of Flames can be made tradable again by placing the item into an Urthron's Ultimate Unattuner bought from the Alerynril the Loyal (loyalty vendor) or a mysterious presence (overseer merchant) in Plane of Knowledge. Trade them among your toons for the upgraded AA click, and when/if you outgrow them, resell them.
2 - Overseer Collection Item Dispenser reward from Diplomacy, Trade, and Exploration quests can be used to make No Trade collection items up to Terror of Luclin. The No Trade collection items are Heirloom and can be traded on the same account. You can also put the No Trade collection items in an Urthron's Ultimate Unattuner to make it tradable to anyone. Nice if you are missing one collection item from a set to help complete it.

Something you'll read and hear is to start small and grow into it. I tried jumping into the deep and almost drowned. Was too much for me. I waddled my way back to the shallow end and into the kiddie pool. MUCH better for you. Your mileage may very.

Welcome aboard matey!!
Question - Any random tips for a newbie?

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