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Discussion - How concerned? .....Afk camp monopolizing (2 Viewers)


Active member
Nov 11, 2020
I was just wondering as I have seen this a lot. How many are worried about the fact that MQ users on more than one server monopolize camps and run 24/7 for days? Doesn't this draw a lot of attention to us. Makes me wonder too why they are not concerned themselves. Will MQ ever get totally shut down?
I was just wondering as I have seen this a lot. How many are worried about the fact that MQ users on more than one server monopolize camps and run 24/7 for days? Doesn't this draw a lot of attention to us. Makes me wonder too why they are not concerned themselves. Will MQ ever get totally shut down?
those folks can and will eventually get suspended/banned. if they're not bothering your gameplay, i would ignore them - if they're disrupting your gameplay - as in you can't do quests or whatnot, then you'll have to decide if you want to try and communicate with them, report them, or just try and get your updates anyhow.

people being poo happens with or without mq2 unfortunately
those folks can and will eventually get suspended/banned. if they're not bothering your gameplay, i would ignore them - if they're disrupting your gameplay - as in you can't do quests or whatnot, then you'll have to decide if you want to try and communicate with them, report them, or just try and get your updates anyhow.

people being poo happens with or without mq2 unfortunately
Not affecting me per say. I can always find something else to do, after all it is EVERquest :). I was just thinking it does cause a lot of attention when ppl go to a zone to see the same group there for days on end at a camp. Without MQ ppl would need to sleep lol. I enjoy playing with MQ and give up my camps if ppl come in looking for a spot and camp at night. After using MQ I wouldnt want to play without it. They may get suspended from EQ then come back and do it again, or make new groups and do it. I know you cant control anyone but man i'd hate to see MQ go away,if thats even possible.
Redguides has showed me how unskilled I am when I thought I was skilled. 🤦‍♂️ Best thing to ever happen to this GenX.

Havent encountered this issue on Live as of yet. But I know TLPs have had their issues. Most peeps on Live will usually always help when asked.
Redguides has showed me how unskilled I am when I thought I was skilled. 🤦‍♂️ Best thing to ever happen to this GenX.

Havent encountered this issue on Live as of yet. But I know TLPs have had their issues. Most peeps on Live will usually always help when asked.
I am guessing you dont play on FV then :) I hear ya on the skilled thing!
I’m still low level currently (54) and on Bristlebane. So far all my interactions have been great! Actually asked for some help in Gen Chat about taking out some Fabled mobs that were roadblocking me. Had numerous replies for help.
TL;DR of this post
dont be butt head
respect your fellow Players
Be at keyboard at all times or have a way to communicate with your toons into the game aka MQ2Discord and set it up so certain says and tells comes through so you can remote shut down your toons
Be kind to one another. Please and thank you
hmmm,…i have seen people doing this a lot in FM and GD…personally doesn’t bother me but i can see how it ticks some people off.
ST a lot also and there are only a few camps in there unless you have enough toons to hold your own instance
If they're totally AFK than many groups (certainly not all) add in the "be kind and move along" option - so go sit with them for a second, say hello, comment on the weather - and see if they all suddenly log. Worth a try if you're really hoping for a camp or they're being obnoxious, enough people are using that setup that I find it worth checking -- after X hours it seems fair and they're willing (or they wouldn't set it up).

If they're not AFK, then I don't mind them camping a spot forever... if they're there, they're there. I've spent 20+ hours at a location before, and have the boring ass chat logs of me desperately hoping someone will talk to me in ooc while I was there to prove it =/ I don't envy anyone the experience, but I don't begrudge them it either.

Speaking of instanced zones though - is there any good collection of information on which zones can be instanced (with or with out respawning mobs?) - I know there are plenty of missions and quests that give you your own zone, but I'm not sure how many give you a chance to try for a named or just grind for a while against repops (if you ignore the main quest). Might be a worthwhile resource to create if it doesn't exist.

For instance, Zlandicar's mission gives an instanced DragonNecropolis that's fully populated and nice for hunting dropped collectables and such. If you're just out for exp, you can have it all to yourself. I know people use the Hive and such, but I do wonder about the complete list. I remember needing to fish for something I knew would take many hours ... did up an instance of the zone and afk'd which worked very nicely. I don't normally AFK at all, but instances seem the most polite (and least obvious) way of doing it if you need to.

Of course /pick helps too, when the conditions are right, I've had whole zones to myself from doing that too - though of course it's not 'closed' to others, just the way it works out sometimes.
Hey you could always twitch it...or youtube and then tag the EQ twitter...little extreme but when it comes to negative media exposure most company will nip that in the butt automagically quick

Bottom-line...don't afk...or be ready to lose some accts if you do
I was just wondering as I have seen this a lot. How many are worried about the fact that MQ users on more than one server monopolize camps and run 24/7 for days? Doesn't this draw a lot of attention to us. Makes me wonder too why they are not concerned themselves. Will MQ ever get totally shut down?
I personally tend to leave others alone (by default) who I see doing this and try to come back another time. When I check for days and they keep on and on and on at it without breaks (again, literally for DAYS)...I eventually message them from an alt explaining it's obvious what they are doing and that they are abusing it to monopolize the area preventing others from playing. In that message I wish them the best, explain I'm only trying to help them as they probably didn't stop to think how obvious their actions are. If that doesn't work, by the follow morning I start reporting them until I see their characters removed from the zone.

At that point, I figure if they don't give a crap about being banned or how their actions affect the MQ community as a whole...I don't feel bad about finally reporting it.

I wouldn't be against perhaps 🚂training🚂 them, but I've heard of cases in the past where the person doing the training gets reported back...no matter how justified they may have been. Even if nothing would come of that report, I try to avoid getting ANY reports on my account if I can help it. I like the idea of streaming it online as an_image suggests in this thread, that's creative. Another option I've seen others take is to blast them in general chat hoping others will be curious enough to come report/witness it...but that is rather dramatic and most people there won't care. It also doesn't do any favors to the MQ community to make such a public spectacle out of it.

My suggestion would be to be patient at first, but if it persists for more than a day or so (without any breaks) you should send the person a message from an anonymous alt explaining how obvious their behavior is...and that they should consider giving others a chance at the spot since their toons stay logged in 24/7 and never log out for sleep. 24 hours later, if they haven't changed a thing...100% report them. MOST MQ users will avoid that type of confrontation and share zones/camps and be super polite to prevent problems. When you find someone who takes over zones like you describe for days on end...they absolutely deserve whatever is coming to them. They are begging for it.
I personally tend to leave others alone (by default) who I see doing this and try to come back another time. When I check for days and they keep on and on and on at it without breaks (again, literally for DAYS)...I eventually message them from an alt explaining it's obvious what they are doing and that they are abusing it to monopolize the area preventing others from playing. In that message I wish them the best, explain I'm only trying to help them as they probably didn't stop to think how obvious their actions are. If that doesn't work, by the follow morning I start reporting them until I see their characters removed from the zone.

At that point, I figure if they don't give a crap about being banned or how their actions affect the MQ community as a whole...I don't feel bad about finally reporting it.

I wouldn't be against perhaps 🚂training🚂 them, but I've heard of cases in the past where the person doing the training gets reported back...no matter how justified they may have been. Even if nothing would come of that report, I try to avoid getting ANY reports on my account if I can help it. I like the idea of streaming it online as an_image suggests in this thread, that's creative. Another option I've seen others take is to blast them in general chat hoping others will be curious enough to come report/witness it...but that is rather dramatic and most people there won't care. It also doesn't do any favors to the MQ community to make such a public spectacle out of it.

My suggestion would be to be patient at first, but if it persists for more than a day or so (without any breaks) you should send the person a message from an anonymous alt explaining how obvious their behavior is...and that they should consider giving others a chance at the spot since their toons stay logged in 24/7 and never log out for sleep. 24 hours later, if they haven't changed a thing...100% report them. MOST MQ users will avoid that type of confrontation and share zones/camps and be super polite to prevent problems. When you find someone who takes over zones like you describe for days on end...they absolutely deserve whatever is coming to them. They are begging for it.
Meh...hey there's also the competitive approach, park a team or two in their vicinity...may the highest dps/bot owner win :) ... they'll return sooner or later and find empty bots with no exp...get a taste of their own medicine. I've seen two afk large botters go at it in our server like that before...highly amusing
ST a lot also and there are only a few camps in there unless you have enough toons to hold your own instance

OOOOOR you know just pull rooms at a time
its what i do
Classical Swarmin
much fun

(edit i do this with a 6-7 group. SK/brd/shm/bst/zerk/ench with a cleric outside. but very rarely do i use the cleric outside unless im PLing. i run out of mobs in the whole zone in about 15 mins and end up waiting on respawn timers)
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I think most seem to be missing the slant of the OP's question, which is 'does this behavior draw unwanted attention to the MQ2 community that might bring down the hammer?'. And if so, is there anything (beyond the disclaimer 'we don't condone AFK play') to be done about it? (i.e. self-policing rather than have the authorities come in). Because if the hammer comes down, everyone might look like a nail.

On my (live) server, I have noticed a few zones where there are teams set up 24/7 for months at a time. Or buff toons in PoK that sit in place, come back immediately after server reset and stay up forever. Nothing that interferes with anyone (who hunts in resplendent temple anyway?) but it is definitely noticeable. And these folks aren't worried about the choo-choo solution as the entire zone wouldn't make a dent - they are just farming plat / TS mats forever in lowbie zones.

Personally, I am not sure DPG really gives a crap, as these folks are pretty easy to identify and nothing seems to happen (contrast that to the latest round of bans due to not nearly as blatant behavior). But maybe a public 'board of shame' where these folks are identified might be interesting (but probably not a good idea overall).
(i.e. self-policing rather than have the authorities come in). Because if the hammer comes down, everyone might look like a nail.

Okay, but where is the line in the sand for what you think is acceptable and are willing to out other people for?
I don't condone afk play, but I'm also not going to tell you how to use the tools available at your fingertips.

There are more than a few signs that a player is using the software, afking is one of the more obvious ones, but there are other tells that show that a user is using the software that another user can identify.

So that begs the question when you decide to report another user (assuming that is what you were implying) what makes you using it somehow different from them using it? Because they aren't at the keyboard? It's still the same functionality you have access to use, and possibly use yourself.

Personally I let them dig their own graves and if they get themselves caught then they do. If they are in my way and aren't responsive I usually just sit my group on top of theirs and steal all their kills till I get what I need. I'll usually also send them several tells to let them know that the area they've chosen to afk is an area that other people will be trying to access and that relocating would be in their best interest. But if nothing else it usually results in them getting no exp until I'm done.
Hopefully it wont be down for longer.
I was just wondering as I have seen this a lot. How many are worried about the fact that MQ users on more than one server monopolize camps and run 24/7 for days? Doesn't this draw a lot of attention to us. Makes me wonder too why they are not concerned themselves. Will MQ ever get totally shut down?
I never understood why people post like this. To me its like trolling. DONT WORRY ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING! Do what YOU do and forget about that shit.
I never understood why people post like this. To me its like trolling. DONT WORRY ABOUT WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING! Do what YOU do and forget about that shit.
I mean, it's there...in the post you quoted. "Doesn't this draw a lot of attention to us." and "Will MQ ever get totally shut down?" Because the question is about how impactful it is to this particular community. The "I got mine, everybody else should get theirs, and who cares about anyone not me" attitude doesn't really fit very well for the majority of RedGuides, which, my guess is why it's the most popular site for MacroQuest. And in an MMO, whether you like it or not, what other people do can impact you. This particular question, though, was about whether it does. CWTN nailed it with the "where is the line in the sand?" though it applies to this question as well: Is it afk 24/7? Is it monopolizing a camp? Is it warping? Is it proliferation on Truebox?

RedGuides is very much about encouraging acceptable behavior, peaceful equilibrium, and not doing anything that pisses off DPG so much that they decide to go to war with MQ. And, it's a fair question for a user that's new to ask. So, hopefully that answers your question.
I mean, it's there...in the post you quoted. "Doesn't this draw a lot of attention to us." and "Will MQ ever get totally shut down?" Because the question is about how impactful it is to this particular community. The "I got mine, everybody else should get theirs, and who cares about anyone not me" attitude doesn't really fit very well for the majority of RedGuides, which, my guess is why it's the most popular site for MacroQuest. And in an MMO, whether you like it or not, what other people do can impact you. This particular question, though, was about whether it does. CWTN nailed it with the "where is the line in the sand?" though it applies to this question as well: Is it afk 24/7? Is it monopolizing a camp? Is it warping? Is it proliferation on Truebox?

RedGuides is very much about encouraging acceptable behavior, peaceful equilibrium, and not doing anything that pisses off DPG so much that they decide to go to war with MQ. And, it's a fair question for a user that's new to ask. So, hopefully that answers your question.

To be totally honest
I just mind my own business
give up camps as real people come in
and here lately ive just been doing MQ2GRIND in Great Divide. So then im never taking a camp so im not bothering anyone

But TL;DR Be kind to one another, help other people out, just vibe type ordel.
I mean, it's there...in the post you quoted. "Doesn't this draw a lot of attention to us." and "Will MQ ever get totally shut down?" Because the question is about how impactful it is to this particular community. The "I got mine, everybody else should get theirs, and who cares about anyone not me" attitude doesn't really fit very well for the majority of RedGuides, which, my guess is why it's the most popular site for MacroQuest. And in an MMO, whether you like it or not, what other people do can impact you. This particular question, though, was about whether it does. CWTN nailed it with the "where is the line in the sand?" though it applies to this question as well: Is it afk 24/7? Is it monopolizing a camp? Is it warping? Is it proliferation on Truebox?

RedGuides is very much about encouraging acceptable behavior, peaceful equilibrium, and not doing anything that pisses off DPG so much that they decide to go to war with MQ. And, it's a fair question for a user that's new to ask. So, hopefully that answers your question.

I think his point is: "where is the equilibrium?" Of course, blatant afk play in the middle of a populated or popular area with 15 toons is probably damn near one extreme of the equilibrium. The other is... just using mq2autologin? Even the map function gives a lot of information other players don't have and imparts a significant advantage. Is the equilibrium based on impact to gameplay or noticeability/detectability by other players? These are valid questions to ask and think about because the answers reflect back onto our community. Consequences in this space is largely impacting all of us, even to those who err towards one side or the other of the undefined "equilibrium."
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I personally tend to leave others alone (by default) who I see doing this and try to come back another time. When I check for days and they keep on and on and on at it without breaks (again, literally for DAYS)...I eventually message them from an alt explaining it's obvious what they are doing and that they are abusing it to monopolize the area preventing others from playing. In that message I wish them the best, explain I'm only trying to help them as they probably didn't stop to think how obvious their actions are. If that doesn't work, by the follow morning I start reporting them until I see their characters removed from the zone.

At that point, I figure if they don't give a crap about being banned or how their actions affect the MQ community as a whole...I don't feel bad about finally reporting it.

I wouldn't be against perhaps 🚂training🚂 them, but I've heard of cases in the past where the person doing the training gets reported back...no matter how justified they may have been. Even if nothing would come of that report, I try to avoid getting ANY reports on my account if I can help it. I like the idea of streaming it online as an_image suggests in this thread, that's creative. Another option I've seen others take is to blast them in general chat hoping others will be curious enough to come report/witness it...but that is rather dramatic and most people there won't care. It also doesn't do any favors to the MQ community to make such a public spectacle out of it.

My suggestion would be to be patient at first, but if it persists for more than a day or so (without any breaks) you should send the person a message from an anonymous alt explaining how obvious their behavior is...and that they should consider giving others a chance at the spot since their toons stay logged in 24/7 and never log out for sleep. 24 hours later, if they haven't changed a thing...100% report them. MOST MQ users will avoid that type of confrontation and share zones/camps and be super polite to prevent problems. When you find someone who takes over zones like you describe for days on end...they absolutely deserve whatever is coming to them. They are begging for it.

I have a few warnings on my main account from training AFK xpers to take their camp thru the years (im not a huge jerk about it, but if they are afk there forever and dont leave, whatever). You can 100% get warned if you train people in game, its never the correct response per GMs / customer service. If a warning concerns you, do not train them.
Annoys me no end - another afk'er in WW all weekend - to make matters worse has a React set up to respond to Camp Checks... but it replies in a nanosecond.

The dudes just spent an hour being trolled by the whole zone, triggering his react, only for him to eventually reply "uhhh, camp is free now...."

AFK in current content is just bad manners imo
Annoys me no end - another afk'er in WW all weekend - to make matters worse has a React set up to respond to Camp Checks... but it replies in a nanosecond.

The dudes just spent an hour being trolled by the whole zone, triggering his react, only for him to eventually reply "uhhh, camp is free now...."

AFK in current content is just bad manners imo
Using react to always respond to camp checks is way worse than not replying at all. On my server, no one ever responds to camp checks, even groups of actual players. Few people even bother trying to ask for one, it's just not a thing anymore. So you'd actually blend in better if you never say anything in /ooc. If someone wants a camp check, they run to the camp and see who's there. If no one is there and the mobs are all up, it's an open camp.
On my server, House of Thule except for Upper Floors, has been afk botted for months. Heroic augs? No chance. Named hunting? Ha! No responses to direct tells, no GM intervention from reporting. Initially I was bothered by it but you learn to just find other opportunities.
On my server, House of Thule except for Upper Floors, has been afk botted for months. Heroic augs? No chance. Named hunting? Ha! No responses to direct tells, no GM intervention from reporting. Initially I was bothered by it but you learn to just find other opportunities.
Well...you have my two cents of that...only thing that beats an afk botter is someone else afk botting them...lol
maybe someone in level range, or someone wanting achievements
I think Sum1's comment was more about "Why would someone want to afk bot that 24/7?" not "Why would someone want to go there?" but in the original comment on it that was the only place NOT camped.
Make a few million plat per month afk'ing there! Lots of decent vendor drops.

The problem with vendor drops is you have to stop to sell to the vendors. I make a few million in a week selling stuff in the bazaar without the stigma of being caught 24/7 afk'ing in a zone.
Discussion - How concerned? .....Afk camp monopolizing

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