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Strategy - Hi, im returning to EQ after about 12 years.


Jul 19, 2020
as in the title, im returning to EQ and was toying with the idea of multi boxing, was reading about mq2 and isboxer.

im leaning more toword mq2 but i have never used or played with it before.
im really hoping to test it before i sub to either so i can see which software i find more to my liking. i will probly going to just be dual boxing at first til i get used to software but plan to 3 or 4 box down the road.

i have a wizard and a Shadowknight on my 2 highest acounts atm, and was thinking of adding in enchanter or mage, and a shaman or druid for my other 2 acounts later.

what kind of setup do you all run with?
I think a good idea for anyone returning to the game is to run thru the tutorial real quick to see what and how the game has changed. It will help you when you run the other programs if you know what the character is supposed to be doing.

I answer questions in chat all day in game when returning players skip the tutorial, It only takes about 30 min to get the basic there
Most of us use MQ2 (think of it as the base layer) with either macros or plugins that sit on top of MQ2 to run. MQ2 is like the car, the driver is a macro or a plugin, both of which perform similar duties, but in different ways, and with differing levels of tweakability. MQ2 can run inside of isboxer as well.

Isboxer is not the same thing as MQ2, it's primarily for duplicating commands and actions across multiple accounts. It has some overlap, but far more limited in it's abilities in general. Think of isboxer as a fancy way to duplicate the old method of running 6 computers at the same time, but you have to hit the buttons on all of them yourself usually. Isboxer simplifies that to allow you to run all 6 on one computer, and you can use a hotkey to send the same command action to all 6 toons. isboxer has a few other toys like how it arranges your views and window arrangement as well. I can't speak for all, but of the few here that use isboxer, we mostly use it for window management only, and use MQ2 for everything else within those windows.

MQ2 and the macros/plugins that go with it allow you to customise functionality for any and all of your toons. they have predefined, or manually defined rules and triggers that you can define, if this happens do that action basically. There are many pre-setup options that you can use to get started without having to really understand most of them, but the more you use, and the better you understand them, the more refined you tweak the results.

here on the forums, and we also have a discord channel to ask questions, there are quite a few around most of the time, and lots of knowledgeable people to help you understand whatever you're struggling to understand.
My suggestion would be to get mq2 and then use the IHC macros to get started. The IHC team has done a pretty good job of setting up a macro to drive almost any toon right out of the box, with almost no tweaking needed by the user. Read the posts on how to operate it, but you should be able to log your toons in, start it up on both and be off and running in about 10 minutes. Typically you're going to set up your tank as a driver, and your other toon as an assist on that tank. That's really all you need to do, that second toon should run basically fully automated after that.

Kissassist will work similarly, though would require an ini file specific to the toon in question. there are prebuilt ones in the resources folder for most classes set every 5 levels to get you started, so you don't need to understand the nuances out the gate, but does require a little bit more setup and direction following to get started. Once going it's pretty seamless as well until you're ready to upgrade spells/skills.

I also recommend looking through the videos that redbot and especially Sic have posted in the forums, those will give you a lot of information on what's possible, and how to do some of these things as well.
as in the title, im returning to EQ and was toying with the idea of multi boxing, was reading about mq2 and isboxer.

im leaning more toword mq2 but i have never used or played with it before.
im really hoping to test it before i sub to either so i can see which software i find more to my liking. i will probly going to just be dual boxing at first til i get used to software but plan to 3 or 4 box down the road.

i have a wizard and a Shadowknight on my 2 highest acounts atm, and was thinking of adding in enchanter or mage, and a shaman or druid for my other 2 acounts later.

what kind of setup do you all run with?
Woo hoo! welcome back to EQ and more importantly RedGuides!

I always tell folks this is what is important in this order (as far as group makeup goes) --- 1: enjoy your group, 2: build your group to meet your goals, 3: work towards adjusting that group as your goals change

for me, my goals are almost always around doing all the group content including missions and progressive stuff. so I build around the holy trinity of a real tank (sk, war, pal), a real healer (clr or shm), and a real cc (ench for casters, bard for melee). Then i build from there.

My main groups atm are roughly the same - SK/war, clr/shm, bard, zerk, zerk, bst --- with mixing up the sk/war and clr/shm --- my other groups are built around the trinity and mixed around with different classes.

Once the game gets into 101+ with EoK, things drastically change from back in the day - where "synergizing" your characters becomes something worth thinking about, as every class gets something on their focus tab for their class synergy - some more important than others. Here are some awesome charts that @ludwigd put together in > This Thread <


Before you get into EoK AAs, it doesn't matter as much, and you can *always* adjust your team later as your team grows, but since my goals are playing current end game content

For your setup, SK is a GREAT base to work from - now you can build your group out from there - SKs are very flex and will work with the caster or the melee route just great (or a mixed bag of dudes)
Watch all of the SIC videos. If you don't you will most likely get stumped somewhere and after looking around a while and asking questions you'll just find out the there is a SIC video to watch about it. Even if you don't have a specific question you'll learn cool things and get answers to questions you didn't even know to ask about yet.
nah my videos have a huge amount of gaps - so if you don't find what you're looking for don't blame yourself ( i do plan on doing some more mq2 general videos)

our discord server is very active 24/7/365 and of course the forums
Welcome back Zepar! I’ve been in and out of EQ since Luclin was released. Whenever I came back I always had 2 or 3 accounts and tried boxing. It was fun but it became more work than anything. I was never good at macros. I came back this time a couple months ago and found myself in the same spot. 3 accounts, fun, but work. Then I found Redguides and MQ2. LIFE ALTERING!!! I have as much fun playing with the setup of MQ2 as I do the actual game. I went with a full set of 6 new toons (SK, Cleric, Bard, 3 Berzerkers). I did not do the tutorial as I had recently done it with another character and I wanted to get into fast action. Since you are now returning I highly recommend you do it. A lot of things have been added over the last decade +. If you have older equipment and don’t think your PC can handle that many then check out the plugin MQ2EQWire. I have an old dual core processor and 16 gigs of ram. My computer almost never lags. Show them the money!! Whatever you decide remember to shop smart. Shop 6 feet apart!
Strategy - Hi, im returning to EQ after about 12 years.

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