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gm check failed?! (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 3, 2006
was about to box anueks in txvue with the normal 8 toons, 2 being my friend. he decides to see if he can hit them with ghostkill. i had gmcheck running and when i zoned in no sigh of a gm in zone.....after i would say 30sec of my friend hitting some random ass mob boom gm poped up talked to him about it then slaped him with a 12 day suspension. he saw what was happening, and asked if he can explain hititng mob and not getting hit. also looked through his previous tells/txt and some had stuff reletive to mq. SO my question is are gms too good or do i use gm check wrong? how do you use gm check? it was completely stupid on my freinds point of view im jw if some gms are undetectible....becuase this was not a guide this dude was real deal
All Gmcheck Does is check for GM in the zone even if they are on Anon or not. It does not, however look for anything else but the keyword of GM by a simple who command even with the swho.

it's just like the Mq2Map. All the info is in the map all that needs to happen is certain coding to be added to see the extra stuff. But GM's can be Invis and not seen by anyone. Thats why a lot of the time if your doing any afk macros sch as hoh kiting, or chardok, or Task and it has the command to quit macro unload MQ that stuff it really doesnt help at all because if they have reports of this person using this kind of hack or whatever they will find you in whatever zone and just spy and look at ya.

Trust me I'v been in the same situation and tried to play dumb, but all they really got to do is go back in the logs of your locations if your using warp or anything and they can spot it and so something about it if they wanted to or just note your acct for using hacks as a first warning and then 2nd time they see it they Suspend ya, 3rd time they Ban your acct for good. It's a bitch to get your acct back after 3rd time but Sometimes if you ask the right person or give a "on your knees, begging" letter they might let ya play again.

Hope this helps.
I usualy run showeq along with MQ2. Showeq actually picked up for me anyhow when GM's were in the zone when MQ2 did not. The reason i knew they were gm's is becasue they showed up on showeq as PC's with weird ascii characters as their names and they were way way off the map.
so, like the 6 of chars i was boxing i had warped 3 to were i kill my mob....gm took no notice of that.....do you think those chars are under watch now? and ive never been suspended so is that char gonna have a gm following it?
My suggestion is that you learn and understand the consequences of what can happen if you use certain active hacks. The only way to totally prevent yourself from being banned is to simply not use MQ at all. Everything else, well, you take the risk.

If you actively hack by warping, ghostkilling, and yadda yadda, you take a pretty large risk. If I were you, I'd either live knowing what could happen or stop using such active hacks. The decision is quite simple to me.
GM's for 2 years have had the ability to receive information from a zone server without actually being on it. There is no possible way for us to check for that.
is there a way to add to the gm check for when they use invisible man illusion? I see them all the time durin events as race invisible man with show eq, but they dont show up at all with the gmcheck. Seems if show eq can see them then it could be added somehow.
Even with ShowEQ that still does not detect GM's. GM's can make themself a npc in that zone and you wouldnt even be able to pick it up. It will just be another npc.

The Evil watch list. Lets say U piss someone off and they see ya warp, hack whatever. petition gets sent in and they just add your name to a list of suspected mq2 user who uses hacks. Most times they will watch your acct for maybe a week or 2 just check logs or watch ya or shit like that. After 2 weeks your off list but do remember it gets noted in your record of *possible* but thats about it. As long as u keep yourself low and don't draw attention your fine.
They have many tools that allow them to be undetected, it all just depends on what form they choose to be in at any given time. They also can see things about people that are not in the same zone as them, so how do you detect that?

They also can attach a flag of sorts to your character or account that is either a praise or a warning. All GMs can see this flag as well.

Past that, as you get smarter and find more ways to detect them, they will find more ways to hide.

The point is, using MQ2 is a risk. Either be willing to take the risk or not. If you are willing to accept that risk, don't whine when something happens.
It's obviously possible for them to hide. What they do is go into a mode where the server simply doesn't tell the other clients that there is a GM in the zone. It doesn't give any info about the character at all, and thus there is no way at all to detect them.
Relying on GMCheck as your only means of 'protection' is a suspension waiting to happen.

Sensible/responsible MQ2'ing is your only real defense against the Banstick
gm check failed?!

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