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Donating 10$ for 2 Macs and an .ini (1 Viewer)


Aug 1, 2005
Dear Mac-writers:
I am willing to donate 10$ to anyone's PayPal who can write me two macros and an .ini of decent quality.

Mac1: Farmer.mac

I need something does that follow smoothly:
Rich (BB code):
/declare start x,y
/target {insert mob name here}
	/if "there are no spawns matching…" then
		/Move to start x,y 
/stick target
/loot corpse
---alright that this point I want the .mac to access an .ini that has loot specifications in it.
The .mac needs to update the .ini with all the drops observed in a particular zone regardless of mob (very similar to the MQ2autoforage plugin .ini),
and have a toggle for /auto loot all and /auto decline all for all new loots not yet declared in the .ini.
/hidecorpse all
--- at this point some check for other agro, if yes then kill it and loot it…

Mac2: Lootwhore.mac
This just needs to /declare start x,y and loot all corpses in a reasonable given range according to the same loot.ini as the first mac.

Again, thanks to anyone who wants to help me with this please just send me a private message and we can talk from there. After I have what I'm looking for I'll post immediately that I am satisfied. Until then don't hesitate to shoot me a PM.

I use this (stolen from autolooter) if someone wants to use it as a head start. It creates an ini as you know.

|SUB: Loot w/ Array
Sub Loot
/declare slot int local 1
/declare NumberItems int local 0
/declare CorpseCut int local 0
/target corpse radius 100
/stick 5 hold
/if (${Target.Distance}>10) /goto :MoveTo
/delay 2s
/face fast
/delay 2s
/face fast
/keypress forward
/keypress back
/varset NumberItems ${Corpse.Items}
/if (${NumberItems}>0) {
/varcalc CorpseCut ${Target.CleanName.Find['s corpse]}-1
/for slot 1 to ${NumberItems}
/shift /itemnotify loot${slot} leftmouseup
/delay 1s
/call HandleItem
/delay 1s
/if (${Cursor.ID}) /goto :LagFix
/next slot
/nomodkey /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup
/delay 1s
/squelch /if (${Target.ID}) /target clear
/delay 1s


sub HandleItem
/delay 1s
| /echo Found ${Cursor.Name}
/declare ItemSetting int local
/declare NotFound int local

/varset NotFound -1

| Look up this item in the INI file
/varset ItemSetting ${Ini[AutoLooter.ini,KeepList,${Cursor.Name},${NotFound}]}
/delay 5

| If the item isn't in the .ini file then add it.
/if (${ItemSetting}==${NotFound}) {
/ini "AutoLooter.ini" "KeepList" "${Cursor.Name}" "1"
/varset ItemSetting 1

| If we're keeping this item then stash it in our bags.
| Otherwise, just destroy it.
/if (${ItemSetting}==1) {
/delay 5
/if (${Cursor.ID}) /goto :LootIt
} else {
/popup Destroying ${Cursor.Name}

/call loop
Donating 10$ for 2 Macs and an .ini

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