
From the wonderful RedGuides Wiki

Returns information about looting with EQ's advanced loot system.

This TLO is added by MacroQuest


Access to Types

Type Description
advloot Information about the loot window
advlootitem Information about items in the loot window


/if (!${AdvLoot.LootInProgress}) { 
  /echo its safe to loot
  /if (${AdvLoot.SCount}>=1) {
	/echo im going to give 1 ${AdvLoot.SList[1].Name} to myself
	/advloot shared 1 giveto ${Me.Name} 1
  } else {
	/echo do something else, loot is in progress...
Command Result
/echo ${AdvLoot.PList[1].Name} Output: [MQ2] Bone Chips
/echo there are ${AdvLoot.PCount} items in the personal loot list Output: [MQ2] there are 3 items in the personal lootlist
/echo the item in index 1 has a StackSize of ${AdvLoot.PList[1].StackSize} Output: [MQ2] the item in index 1 has a StackSize of 2
/if (${AdvLoot.SList[1].Need}==TRUE) /command if item 1 in the shared list has Need checked, do command
/echo ${AdvLoot.PList[1].NoDrop} Output: [MQ2]TRUE/FALSE
/echo the item in index 1 has a StackSize of ${AdvLoot.PList[1].StackSize} Output: [MQ2] the item in index 1 has a StackSize of 2
/delay 10s !${ADVLoot.InProgress} will wait either 10 second or until ADVLoot is no longer in the process of looting

See also